Wookie06, I don't understand what memory you were going from, but here's several websites about the Iraq war. Go ahead and say they're all wrong or liberally biased, but the wikipedia entries list a lot of off-site links to articles and appear to be very in depth.
Wikipedia: Iraq Disarmament Crisis
Wikipedia: 2003 Invasion of Iraq
infoplease.com - Iraq War Timeline
Peace Lovers: Iraq War Timeline
MidEastWeb: Iraq Timeline
From my recollection of events, which appears to be faulty by your arbitrary and non-existant standards, I remember President Bush giving the WMD argument long before anything else and as the U.N. inspectors said there was nothing there, and apparently needing more of a case to persuade the American people, he stated that Iraq had conducted Nuclear Talks(confirmed as false), aided and abetted terrorists(only one terrorist was confirmed as having been in talks with Hussein, and it was later shown that was a one-time deal and that there was no further connection to terrorists), and finally made an appeal to pity and put forth the message that we were invading as humanitarians to spread liberty and democracy into the middle east.
Let me ask a question. Why do you(anyone who wants to respond) think that you can spread democracy? Historically has not democracy been a grass-roots movement that has sprung up in the nations that are now stably democratic? Are not the current democratic countries' governments different based on their local take on democracy?
To address the topic, I don't equate conservativism with stupidity. I have however, yet to see a classmate of mine(My classes are literaly all AP classes) be intelligent and a conservative. This may be because I unwittingly equate "liberalism" with intelligence, though I doubt that. There is only one person in any of my classes who might be an intelligent conservative. He is intelligent, of that there is no doubt, but he wont talk about his own views, always provides the excuse that he doesn't know enough to talk about anything, and I think that he is socially liberal yet economically conservative. He is the only intelligent conservative and probably one of the few intelligent, open-minded thinkers in my classes. In fact, if I could get him to talk, I wouldn't mind sitting during lunch and just listening to his ideas. The other conservative in the class is an idiot blowhard with little to know morals (let's blow up Africa to reduce AIDS, let's nuke the middle east, when I get into politics I'll be like everyone else, compromising most of my morals in order to get a few of my most important ones into the government) who speaks only conservative talking points. He plans on going into business or politics. To be honest, there are some stupid liberals in my class. There's this girl who's had sex, done drugs, drank alcohol, made out with other girls, and all for the experience! She's a vegan, among other things. And it all stems from her complete fakeness. She's a fake person who defines herself by the hot-button issues she supports and the kind of radical, anti-traditional lifestyle she lives. And she does all of it for attention. There is also a liberal crowd of Juniors who are liberal because it's a cool thing to do and fits in with their pseudo-emo lifestyle. However, I have yet to meet a conservative in real life who was at all an individual, open-minded, rationally analysing person. All of them except for that one kid have been sub-par intellectually and all of them have been socially conservative. And by "sub-par intellectually" I mean that I had already heard all of their talking points spewed out on the internet and from various talking heads. None of it was original, and none of it was well thought out. Alot of their arguments used the appeal to authority falacy by saying that, "well, the bible says that..." and not providing any information to set up the bible as a credible or reliable source of information. So yeah, I've found the conservatives at my school to be lacking in the open-minded, rationally analysing department. But this is all a personal experience. I hope that I meet intelligent, rational conservatives in college. Then maybe I could finally feel like participating in a debate that isn't full of logical fallacies and regurgitations of what dear old mom or dad said.