Sine Nomen
captain of chaos of the one man jewish conspiracy
Posts: 1,014
I don't really know, but I think it goes back to the enlightenment. Compare someone like Rousseau with an Adam Smith. The former wrote things that today we'd identify with the left, and basically said that people were flawed and needed to strive towards a higher ideal, ie his. Smith, on the other hand, had ideas we'd identify with the Republican right, and accepted people as they were. I think there's an inherent tendency in the left to see people who don't agree with them as somehow inferior. *shrug*
That or they're jackasses. In either case, I relish in proving them wrong.
As for academia, people have often said that conservatives aren't welcome because they haven't abandoned unworkable ideas about race and gender. That might have worked 50 years ago, but less so today when we have a black, female, Republican Secretary of State. Besides, leftists haven't abandoned unworkable theories about the way the world works, like Marxism (nearly any political science professor) or their failure to distinguish between philosophy and science (the people who attacked Lawrence Summers).
A little anecdote for kicks:
I worked at a booth at a peace/anti-Bush rally with my school's Arabic club a few months ago. Typical ****, but I kept myself from arguing with anyone because we were there to provide information about the Arab world and not to be political. I printed out a ton of information on Arab news media and culture, and I also offered to sign people's names in Arabic. One of the big themes of the rally was how stupid all the Republicans are and how we were duped into going to war and reelecting Bush. You would expect, then, that the people at the rally would jump at the chance to learn more about the Arab world, right? No. So I'm stuck there listening to these tools drone on about how they're so goddamn intellectually superior while they just giggle like dumbasses when I write their names. They ignored the stuff we printed out and clearly didn't know two ****s about what they were spouting off. But I'm ignorant. lasfdja
A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy.
A major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that it gives people what they want instead of what a particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.