Nobody knows the future, for it is not certain. He knows what is most likely to occur, he knows our weaknesses, how ever, he knows the choice is your alone. He is not the one creating starvation, its greedy people, driven by what drove the devil, greed.
When I say we don't have "leaders" I mean there is no big mucky muck that says when the world is going to be finished or that we think represents Jesus on Earth. In fact, here is what the wiki says of the governing body:
"The Governing Body supervises all the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the earth. This includes writing, translating and publication of literature, planning the program of congregation meetings, arranging for circuit and district conventions, sending out missionaries, making appointments of elders, ministerial servants, as well as circuit and district overseers, and arranging for disaster relief."
Also, listen to this:
During the 1960s and early 1970s, many Witnesses were stimulated by articles in their literature [7] and further encouraged by speakers at their assemblies prior to 1975, to believe that Armageddon and Christ's thousand-year millennial reign would begin by 1975. Although the views of Armageddon and Christ's millennium beginning in 1975 were never fully or explicitly supported by the Watch Tower Society, many in the organizations' writing department, as well as several leading Witnesses[8], Elders, and presiding overseers in the organization, heavily suggested that Christ's millennial reign over earth would begin by 1975. One outstanding example is an lecture[9] by then Vice-President Fred Franz in early 1975 pin-pointing after sundown on September 5, 1975 as the end of 6,000 years and saying all the prophecies "could happen" by then, while admitting that looked improbable. (Franz 1999a)
Nothing to see here, move along.