"In 1913, Russell was criticized for selling miracle wheat seed at an inflated price. When he and the seed was ridiculed in a local paper, he sued the newspaper and lost. Government witnesses testified that the wheat was of an inferior grade. He never profited personally from the sales; the proceeds only amounted to $1800. Contrary to the statements of Witness detractors, there is no evidence that Russell intended fraud. He apparently believed that the wheat was more miraculous than it really was."
Thats not exactly true... but oh well.
"Rev. J.J. Ross of Hamilton ON wrote a pamphlet denouncing Russell's morals and qualifications for the ministry. He MISQUOTED court transcripts. For example he stated that Russell claimed to know Greek; in reality, Russell only claimed to know the Greek alphabet."
You don't honestly think we have just one translator? We've got thousands for your information.
"The WTS translation of the Bible has been criticized severely for changing the meanings of many key passages by insertion of words, such as other and a in places in a way that reverses the meaning of the verses. Some have claimed that the Witness' Translation Committee was almost devoid of credentials; all but one apparently were untrained in Biblical Greek and Hebrew."
Really? I've heard from almost EVERY history teacher of mine, athiests and catholics, that the WTS translation of the Bible is THE MOST ACCEPTED AND MOST USED translation of the Bible.
"They have predicted that the start of Armageddon would occur in 1914, 1918, 1920, 1925, and 1941. None of the prophecies have come true. Each failed estimate caused some disillusioned members to leave the organization."
They never said that it would happen, they only said that it was probable. And some of the prophicies have occured. For instance, never before in all recorded history has there been soo many natural disasters occuring as has been the case in the last 100 years, which is a sign of the end, and they will become more and more abundant, so the prophecy says.
Nothing to see here, move along.