Exactly. We have no age requirement for smoking tobacco here. Only an age requirement for buying it. This policy, together with extensive nationwide education campaigns has drastically lowered the number of smoking teenagers.
Wolfy, I'm not about 'bad cops for arresting them'. I'm just trying to say that criminalizing underage smoking isn't going to work.
The fact that teenagers start smoking says nothing about their so called level of responsibility. The emotional stages that teenagers go through, the peer group pressure, the social uncertainties, the problems they (feel they) have, that is why they start smoking. And in their eyes, there are worse ways to break the law. It's relatively harmless, and it's all part of the 'screw everything my parents say' attitude that comes with puberty, and says nothing about their ability to drive.
Criminalize smoking, and you'll make it more attractive for teenagers.
[offtopic] An illustration: the oft criticized soft drugs policies in the Netherlands are actually very succesful. Even though smoking marijuana is legal here, our country has far and far less problems with drug addiction than the surrounding countries, especially France. Belgium, Germany and the UK are slowly moving towards a policy that is more like the Dutch model. [/offtopic]