S'ok Sarn - it's a biiiig thread!
To be perfectly honest, I don't think I can quantify what I believe, obviously my perception of good and bad must have come from a lot of sources, primarily the law, my parents and the media, in no particular order. I appreciate my morals shift, but I reckon imperceptably. Murder all of a sudden won't become OK in my lifetime.
I think that 99% of your morals will probably co-incide with mine, it's just the ones that are Christian based, and conflict with my slightly liberal side that we will differ on. Day to day we would probably do the same things, show people the same amount of resepct, react to situations the same.
Oh, and that last point you reacted to from the post above was what I was thinking too. Despite floating somewhere between atheism and agnosticism, I know quite a bit about the church - I studied 16th Century Europe, and as you can imagine, the great Schism was one of the BIG topics, especially considering the reformation of England that happened a few decades later.
Oh yeah, to Bounty Hunter, does your loyalty to the Catholic church mean you're condemming most of (Anglican) England to the firey depths?
[EDIT: I got the 200th Post - w00tl3s!]
If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.
[This message has been edited by Martyn (edited July 20, 2004).]
To be perfectly honest, I don't think I can quantify what I believe, obviously my perception of good and bad must have come from a lot of sources, primarily the law, my parents and the media, in no particular order. I appreciate my morals shift, but I reckon imperceptably. Murder all of a sudden won't become OK in my lifetime.
I think that 99% of your morals will probably co-incide with mine, it's just the ones that are Christian based, and conflict with my slightly liberal side that we will differ on. Day to day we would probably do the same things, show people the same amount of resepct, react to situations the same.
Oh, and that last point you reacted to from the post above was what I was thinking too. Despite floating somewhere between atheism and agnosticism, I know quite a bit about the church - I studied 16th Century Europe, and as you can imagine, the great Schism was one of the BIG topics, especially considering the reformation of England that happened a few decades later.
Oh yeah, to Bounty Hunter, does your loyalty to the Catholic church mean you're condemming most of (Anglican) England to the firey depths?
[EDIT: I got the 200th Post - w00tl3s!]
If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.
[This message has been edited by Martyn (edited July 20, 2004).]