Well thank goodness somebody understands! It's got nothing to do with political correctness.
Pagewizard - By referring to women as chicks, not only are you making those like me seriously dislike you, but you're probably alienating many girls that you want relationships with. Unless of course it's a term you only use behind their backs.
Kieran - it's nothing like calling a guy 'dude' whatsoever. It's comparing a woman to a bird, an animal, and it's not ok.
I personally think the whole PC thing has gotten way way way out of hand, but I think that's because people are second guessing what others find offensive. I don't know anybody that's black and feels it necessary to be referred to as african-american (wtf? I live in London! but you know what I mean
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/tongue.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/tongue.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/tongue.gif)
) and luckily (as far as I know) it's ok to use the term black now.
However I don't know a single girl who is happy being referred to as a chick, which is why it's offensive. It's not about walking on eggshells with your terminology, it's about simply acknowledging what people find offensive, and not using it.
now, THRAWN - I'm going to reiterate the 'long-distance relationships are incredibly hard' thing. Once I got to university, the people I knew in relationships with people from their home town (why am I talking like an American this morning?) had all moved on by their second year. I'm not saying it doesn't work, but it's really hard, and the two of you will have to sit down and acknowledge that, and decide what you're going to do. The long-distance relationships I've seen end have all ended because one (or both) parties have found somebody they like more and much as it's difficult to admit, you (or rather she, as she's going somewhere new) are going to meet people you find attractive. If you're honest with eachother about it, and don't try to protect eachother just because you've made a new friend of the opposite sex and you're worried they'll jump to conclusions, then I don't see why it doesn't have a chance to work out. With you finishing college soon, if you can't bear to be apart from her, you can go be with her. Ok, I'm gonna shut up now because I'm still half asleep and I don't know if I'm making sense.
btw - omqliekwtf ur gf is hawt!!!!
/end boob rant