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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Massassi Update
Massassi Update
2008-01-15, 5:48 PM #41
Write the whole thing in Ruby On Rails.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2008-01-15, 5:56 PM #42
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
You act as if we're suddenly going to have a massive influx of new users to sustain. That's highly unrealistic. It'll take time to build up our userbase.

Where did I state there was going to be a massive influx of users? :confused:

Yes, we do have enough people? Why in the world would you even think otherwise? And I've already detailed about DeviantArt.

Compared to other places, Massassi's community is small. Maybe that's why its great, because we all know each other. But fact of the matter is, not even excluding the people who just posts, we would need much, much more effort to keep going before it hits Massassian Radio status. I mean, new Massassi won't be much about us and editing anymore, it would be just about us.

You didn't read my entire post. MUCH of our "content" is not posted in the showcase forum, but here. In the discussion forum.

Such as...? I don't recall.

What? First you say that developing a new direction is a good idea (as interests come and go... newsflash, this already happened), and then you say it's not?

The direction proposed by you is more a "possibility". And what I mean that its basically remains a question mark entirely left to the hands of community. "The openness of the design means it can become whatever the users want it to be," no? So the site would not have a basic, general direction from the beginning, no? Yes, I know change is going to happen. What I'm questioning is how this change is going to take Massassi.

This is not solely my idea. I had previous threads discussing this matter, and this plan was the fruit of many members of massassi, not just me. I am not calling Massassi my pet project. However, I will say that I am going to enforce such a change because if I don't, it simply won't happen

We had like, what, just 2 threads about this before

How am I asking too much of the community? If the community doesn't want to help, then there's nothing lost (except frames, lol!).

What I mean is that the support relies way too much on the community. Community influence is nice and all, but when it comes to basically the lifeline of Massassi (both sustaining the site and attracting new users in) it doesn't seem a long-term deal. Unless we hit jackpot somewhere along the way. Or somehow we are popular folks on the internet.

And that will obviously be reflected in the site, with what the massassians create and submit.

Rather vague response.
2008-01-15, 5:59 PM #43
Originally posted by Echoman:
we would need much, much more effort to keep going before it hits Massassian Radio status.


Low Blow.
2008-01-15, 6:33 PM #44
Originally posted by Echoman:
Where did I state there was going to be a massive influx of users? :confused:

It seem strongly implied.

Compared to other places, Massassi's community is small. Maybe that's why its great, because we all know each other. But fact of the matter is, not even excluding the people who just posts, we would need much, much more effort to keep going before it hits Massassian Radio status. I mean, new Massassi won't be much about us and editing anymore, it would be just about us.


Such as...? I don't recall.

Whole craploads of stuff. Videos, stories, etc.

The direction proposed by you is more a "possibility". And what I mean that its basically remains a question mark entirely left to the hands of community. "The openness of the design means it can become whatever the users want it to be," no? So the site would not have a basic, general direction from the beginning, no? Yes, I know change is going to happen. What I'm questioning is how this change is going to take Massassi.

I don't see why it matters where it takes Massassi. It'll be by the massassians' hands. It's not going to kill massassi, so there's no downside, except maybe my time spent on it.

We had like, what, just 2 threads about this before

Two decently long threads. How many times do we have to rehash a topic before it's "acceptable" to you?

What I mean is that the support relies way too much on the community. Community influence is nice and all, but when it comes to basically the lifeline of Massassi (both sustaining the site and attracting new users in) it doesn't seem a long-term deal. Unless we hit jackpot somewhere along the way. Or somehow we are popular folks on the internet.

You do realize this is exactly what Massassi was during the entire JK age?

Rather vague response.

Not sure what you're hoping to get from all of this, honestly.
2008-01-15, 7:34 PM #45
Not sure what you're hoping to get from all of this, honestly.

I'm a concerned person. :colbert:
2008-01-15, 7:54 PM #46
I don't see why you are so concerned.

It's not like with the changes that the site can get worse somehow. Massassi has it's existing userbase. We'll always be here. The changes can do nothing but help the site grow. And even if the site doesn't grow, we are all pretty content with the site as it is now, so it's not like we lose anything. Matty is right in the work he puts in will be for nothing if the site doesn't grow, but that is up to him.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2008-01-15, 8:03 PM #47
Who cares?

It's not the website that makes Massassi Massassi, it's the *******s.
Wikissassi sucks.
2008-01-15, 8:45 PM #48
out of the blue. tutorials would still fit massassi's mission...

but tutorials about anything. i mean our lot has a wide array of information.

I'll take music for 200$ alex!
"NAILFACE" - spe
2008-01-15, 9:03 PM #49
That wouldn't be a bad content idea.
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2008-01-15, 9:12 PM #50
I actually really really like the new direction and ideas. I think it'll work. Especially a diggesque system applied to content as opposed to news.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-01-15, 10:23 PM #51
Originally posted by Seb:

but tutorials about anything. i mean our lot has a wide array of information.

I'll take music for 200$ alex!

I can give mansecks lessons!

2008-01-15, 11:06 PM #52
I can see it now. I post the boat I'm working on, and 5 people pop in to say "lawl wooden boats can burn lawl"
Or carpking posts -anything-
or just about anyone here not currently in the upper hierarchy of massassi, would get flamed.

I like the proposal, but I can't see the current community doing much with it besides flaming people.

2008-01-15, 11:43 PM #53
Well, wooden boats can burn...
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2008-01-15, 11:52 PM #54
that has nothing to do with the topic though. people here are very good at posting random **** that doesnt relate to anything. for constructive critiscism its a bit better to go to a site more relative to that specific thing. If I posted anything here people would either say something like "Cool" or flame me.

2008-01-16, 4:37 AM #55
Originally posted by Greenboy:
that has nothing to do with the topic though. people here are very good at posting random **** that doesnt relate to anything. for constructive critiscism its a bit better to go to a site more relative to that specific thing. If I posted anything here people would either say something like "Cool" or flame me.

That sort of stuff would be confined to the discussion forum, and would be moderated.
2008-01-16, 2:51 PM #56
Originally posted by Greenboy:
that has nothing to do with the topic though. people here are very good at posting random **** that doesnt relate to anything. for constructive critiscism its a bit better to go to a site more relative to that specific thing. If I posted anything here people would either say something like "Cool" or flame me.

Seriously, you whine way the hell too much. Every other thing is "they're picking on me". If you don't like people criticizing you, don't post anymore. People not agreeing with you is part of life. It's not picking on you; it happens to everyone.

Grow up.

2008-01-16, 3:41 PM #57
I could help with graphics and stuff. Do you have Msn Coolmatty?
2008-01-16, 4:48 PM #58
Originally posted by Overlord:
I could help with graphics and stuff. Do you have Msn Coolmatty?

I do, but AIM is far superior.
2008-01-16, 5:22 PM #59
Criticizing is fine. Spam annoys me. If it was moderated it could be interesting, but I think people here have such varied hobbies/interests that noone would see much of anything of interest to them. More members would fix that. And I don't think people here pick on me, I think they pick on just about everyone. >_>

2008-01-16, 5:34 PM #60
It doesn't help that you're a wannabe hippie.

2008-01-16, 7:03 PM #61
That wouldn't be a bad content idea.

I kind of disagree. I think that tabs/the internet (if that's what you were driving at) is the worst possible way to learn guitar.

As for Massassi no longer being focussed on editing, I think that's got more to do with the fact that pretty much everybody who was interested in it grew up without being replaced by more kids who have the time (isn't that why the SP contest got like two entries?). More power to you, though. As long as nobody deletes the Neverending Story Thread, I'm down with the changes.

Although it would be kind of wierd to still call the site Massassi if it's not really about JK/Star Wars anymore.
2008-01-16, 7:48 PM #62
I'm sure seb meant something more akid to his guitar workout stuff in the music forum.

Which is actually very good.
2008-01-18, 9:23 AM #63
Best of luck. I do feel some kind of obligation as one of the PHP/design/CSS/image editing people around here and having such a long history with this site, but I regrettably just don't have the time anymore. How I wish I was still in high school :(
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2008-01-18, 9:44 AM #64
Yes. Good luck, even though I'm pretty sure that nobody will use the new features after the novelty wears off.
2008-01-18, 12:37 PM #65
That depends on if he can capture a new audience.
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2008-01-18, 12:55 PM #66
Which is the goal.
My Parkour blog
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2008-01-18, 9:43 PM #67
Im not sure its been posted.
But why have we not moved on and added support for new(er) star wars games?
2008-01-19, 7:21 AM #68
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Im not sure its been posted.
But why have we not moved on and added support for new(er) star wars games?

If by "support" you mean maps/mods, the interest in them wasn't as great as for JK/MotS.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2008-01-19, 7:25 AM #69
Originally posted by Chewbubba:
If by "support" you mean maps/mods, the interest in them wasn't as great as for JK/MotS.

This, and other sites have subsequently dominated us in that market.
2008-01-19, 5:51 PM #70
We need thread tags.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2008-01-19, 5:55 PM #71
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
We need thread tags.

I'll tag your FAEC.
2008-01-20, 1:04 PM #72
What are thread tags?
2008-01-20, 1:06 PM #73
No idea. I'd assume some really horrible Web 2.0 stuff like
"penis WANG massassi DISCUSSION cancer pulling scissors" y'know?
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-01-20, 2:11 PM #74
Little pictures beside the thread that say stuff like "Tech" "Cool" "Random"
Etc. Web 2.0 crap.
2008-01-20, 2:19 PM #75
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
No idea. I'd assume some really horrible Web 2.0 stuff like
"penis WANG massassi DISCUSSION cancer pulling scissors" y'know?

Hardly web 2.0, forums have been using it for a long time (like SA >.>)

There will be such things, at least in the content areas, it's almost a necessity.
2008-01-20, 2:21 PM #76
I don't know if we have the volume of threads to neccessitate thread tags.
2008-01-20, 2:59 PM #77
Originally posted by Baconfish:
I don't know if we have the volume of threads to neccessitate thread tags.

It won't matter, it's for categorization.
2008-01-20, 3:53 PM #78
Is the new Massassi done yet? I mean, you've had five days.
2008-01-20, 4:17 PM #79
Originally posted by Tracer:
Is the new Massassi done yet? I mean, you've had five days.

You're looking at it!

2008-01-20, 5:22 PM #80
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Hardly web 2.0, forums have been using it for a long time (like SA >.>)

Agreed, but if you use a tag cloud, I will kill you.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.

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