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ForumsDiscussion Forum → MotS Speed Run Planning Thread (formerly Jedi Knight Speed Run)
MotS Speed Run Planning Thread (formerly Jedi Knight Speed Run)
2010-12-11, 12:08 PM #201
For JK:

WASD: Move
Mouse1: Fire 1
Mouse2: Fire 2
Mouse3: Toggle camera mode
Mouse4: Force Jump
Space: Jump
Ctrl: Crouch (used to crouch and control speed)
Shift: Force Speed
~: Talk/console
Tab: Lightsaber
Q: Thermal detonators
Z: Sequencer charges
V: Level-dependent force power (Blinding, Sight)
R: Use Bacta
T: Rail detonator
C: Concussion rifle
F: Persuasion
Alt: Field light
X: Protection
2010-12-11, 3:28 PM #202
Originally posted by RandomEngy:
Mouse2: Fire 2
Mouse3: Toggle camera mode

Did you use Autohotkey or something for this? My JK won't let me rebind the mouse buttons.

Anyway, I use:

WASD: Movement
Left Click: Primary Fire
Right Click: Jump
Shift: Force Speed
Ctrl: Crouch
Space: Force Jump
Alt: Activate

Everything else changes on a per-level basis.
2010-12-11, 3:29 PM #203
There should be a separate mouse section for the mouse options (like a submenu above, where it says keyboard / mouse / joystick). It won't let you bind ALL your buttons if you have a fancy mouse, but it'll get the basic ones done.
2010-12-11, 4:33 PM #204
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
There should be a separate mouse section for the mouse options (like a submenu above, where it says keyboard / mouse / joystick). It won't let you bind ALL your buttons if you have a fancy mouse, but it'll get the basic ones done.

Ha, so there is. I totally missed this somehow.
2010-12-12, 4:16 AM #205
I have to say, that ramp/force jump up to the top of the walkway on MotS level 2 is harder than it looks, I was starting to wonder how you'd done it until I got the timing right to get the height boost.
2010-12-12, 9:53 AM #206
Originally posted by GHORG:
I have to say, that ramp/force jump up to the top of the walkway on MotS level 2 is harder than it looks

True. I still don't get it consistently.
2010-12-12, 12:14 PM #207
Level 2 in 0:45:

The level is indeed pretty tough. It's not perfect (the first button press on the airboat doesn't take) but I think it's reasonable. I came up with a decently reliable way of doing the rail-slowed fall, but the other elements in the level aren't exactly 100% either. One thing I found is that in the fall to the secret area if you land too far into it you will get the fadeout screen.
2010-12-12, 12:23 PM #208
Unbelievable. Some of your runs make the levels seemed designed for it, you make it look so easy.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2010-12-14, 1:51 PM #209
For what it's worth (I don't know if this has been touched upon in detail) but might help you with predicting damage amounts... the default "Normal" "health" setting in the template file for "darkmara" is 2000, with the "rancor"'s health being 500 (same as the kell dragons in JK).

I've been having a flick through one of my old bibles and just FYI, the difference in "health" values/difficulty level works out at "Easy" mode being 80% of the value shown in the template file, with "Hard" mode being 120% of the value.

Just some background supporting info... :)

"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." -gothicX
"Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own"
- "Ye Wearie Wayfarer"
|| AI Builder: compatible with both JK & MotS || My website ||
2010-12-14, 1:59 PM #210
Also along with that I wrote up a thing on MotS a while ago... its hosted on now

I doubt it would add any useful information but there are some interesting tidbits there such as exploding ammo would might be useful? doubt it though... its a good read though for anyone who is looking for info on MotS
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2010-12-14, 2:13 PM #211
Holy **** lucky jackpot
2010-12-16, 11:42 PM #212
Now no longer in parts!

Normal run:
With commentary:
2010-12-18, 5:07 PM #213
Just watched the speed run. Incredible.

I feel like this is what Massassi needed to get back in touch with JK.
Cabbage and Engie have a true love for the game, and they have my respect. I showed all of my roommates, and they were in awe.

I feel like playing again. Commence JK disc insert in 3, 2, 1 :P
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2010-12-31, 1:34 AM #214
Not sure if this will help, I was looking at how the force powers operate, previously I'd thought that more stars in a force = less mana consumption (even in spite of your total mana going up as you gain ranks). But this isn't the case, I've listed how more stars affect the power below for some of the lower abilities.

speed = speed and duration
jump = height
pull = range
sight = duration and degree of detail shown on map (items, ai etc)
push = range and impetus
persuasion = duration
health = amount healed
chain lightning = range and targets/damage (damage appears to pile up on the first target if others can't be found)

I had been wondering to what extent it was worth piling extra stars onto some of the abilities once you had one or two.
2010-12-31, 3:55 AM #215
Because speed, sight and persuasion are all timed powers I would think you'd want them to last as long as possible.

The only one I could think of where limiting the power could be of benefit is for Jump where it could make doing a particular jump in a level easier by limiting the height that you'll be thrown into the air.
2010-12-31, 5:26 PM #216
You can do that with jump by holding the key down for longer than 0.15 seconds and letting it charge up. But I was hoping persuasion might use less mana if you had either less stars, or max, as it helps to get past the stormtroopers near the electrical panel you need to slash on level 3, but it sucks all your mana when used and doesn't leave enough for even speed.
2011-01-09, 11:01 AM #217
most people would watch a speedrun and think "Wow, 40 year old virgin has nothing better to do"

so what, this guy isn't curing cancer

but this is awesome, this is art, this is percision, practice, and best yet, i can watch my favorite game of all time in 25 minutes..

2011-02-15, 4:56 AM #218
And when two spambots post consecutively in a thread, it probably need not be stickied anymore!
2011-10-27, 11:17 AM #219
Sorry for the 9-month delay.

Just got a 1:03 on level 3. It's not perfect - probably still a couple of seconds shy of that - but I've pumped a lot of hours into it (and GHORG did as well, some months back, although we haven't discussed anything since April) and I don't reckon I'm gonna get anything better than this.

Here's the YouTube link:

And here's the DropBox link:

GHORG and AndrewL: are you guys still around these parts and up for helping with this? It's been a long time, I know, but I recall AndrewL was doing some practice on level 4; would be cool if you're able to take on that level now.
2011-10-27, 11:33 AM #220
Awesome! You could definately shave it off by only a very few seconds, but still, I think it'll be very hard to top
2011-10-27, 11:34 AM #221
Ah! Glad this is back in the works!

Good to have you back, Cabbage.
2011-10-27, 11:49 AM #222
Looks pretty solid to me, keeping control at those speeds is impressive.
2011-10-27, 12:57 PM #223
Ooh, exciting!

0:09: Have you tried forcing yourself through a bit sooner by running at it? That's how I got by the counterweights in level 19.
0:28: Do you need to wait for the elevator to stop moving down before the jump would work?
0:33: Looks like force speed turned off there for a few seconds. Did that cost you anything? Not familiar with all the switches on this level.
0:50: Approaching the drop seemed a little slow... were you trying to avoid hitting one of the sides?
2011-10-27, 9:21 PM #224
Those levels in MotS are so ugly.
2011-10-27, 9:35 PM #225
Hi Yeah, that level is pretty frustrating. The other day I was playing around with low sens and higher res using a 120hz monitor, as it seemed to give a little better mouse control.
2011-10-28, 1:06 AM #226
Thanks for the positive feedback, Couchman, saberopus, Cool Matty and GHORG.

Thanks for the... feedback, JM.


Originally posted by RandomEngy:
0:09: Have you tried forcing yourself through a bit sooner by running at it? That's how I got by the counterweights in level 19.

Nope, didn't know about that.

0:28: Do you need to wait for the elevator to stop moving down before the jump would work?

It might work without waiting. I don't know if I ever tried. Usually I would end up very low on health and shields (though in this case, unusually, I think I would have survived without the shields from under the elevator), so getting the shields from under the elevator and then doing the jump once the elevator had stopped was very much the default approach. Doing the jump with the elevator moving would presumably require a bigger (i.e. more damaging) rail boost.

0:33: Looks like force speed turned off there for a few seconds. Did that cost you anything? Not familiar with all the switches on this level.

Yeah, that was a mistake and costs me exactly as much time as it looks like. I'm not waiting for anything at that point.

0:50: Approaching the drop seemed a little slow... were you trying to avoid hitting one of the sides?

Nope, I was trying to avoid running straight over the top of the gap to the other side. The only ways to actually fall down that hole are to approach slowly or to jump into it, the latter being quicker but harder.
2011-10-28, 1:27 AM #227
Anyway, on Monday I'm back to France for at least a couple of weeks and I don't plan on doing anything on this run until then, so no more work from me on this until at least mid-November. Until then, everyone should feel free to take a crack at beating my time on level 3, or run level 4.

Here is a save, if anyone wants it:
2011-10-28, 4:08 AM #228
Awesome stuff! Hope to see more! :D
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2011-10-31, 4:04 PM #229
With the elevator jump, have you tried running at it and jumping from the stationary ground? You'd get the same height if you managed to avoid hitting the ceiling or elevator as it's lowering.
2011-11-06, 11:42 AM #230
Engy just got a very nice 1:01 run of level 3. Here's a link:
2011-11-06, 12:17 PM #231
God, these are so much fun to watch.
2011-11-07, 1:25 AM #232
That is excellent, I had very few runs where I was able to get back through the two small doors before they closed. How did you time the pipe jump? I noticed you didn't look up.

You can clear the Imp Officer using force pull, if he doesn't have a gun he won't stand in the corridor. But I'm not sure it'd be worth re-doing the level for that.

-edit I need to stop browsing this site in mozilla 1.7, it doesn't want to play nice with vbulletin anymore.
2011-11-07, 6:55 AM #233
WTF. That was nuts! It took me forever compared to this.
- Paranoia is simply having more information then everyone else -
- Ignorance is bliss, but knowing what you know, would you forget it to go back? -
2011-11-07, 7:48 AM #234
Ohhh, using force pull there does look like it would make the run more predictable. It doesn't look like you can make it out before the door closes then but IMO that would be worth it. How many point into it? Probably going to put in a few more attempts after work today (not particularly attached to the 1:01 run).

Anyway you do a lot of things differently. I'm going to take a closer look and see which parts are faster.

As for jumping out of the pipe, it's just by feel. I made a quicksave there and did drills until I got a good sense of where to stop.
2011-11-07, 11:20 AM #235
Oh god, I'm so dizzy
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-11-07, 12:15 PM #236
GHORG and Engy - sorry, I ****ed up. I'd seen GHORG's run back when he made it but had forgotten about the Force Pull thing (and other minor interesting differences like your movement immediately after coming back up the big elevator). I should've shown your run to Engy as soon as he started work on the level.

Engy - if you're gonna give the level another go, for some reason I've just had a bunch of new ideas I never tested before. I guess once I'd settled on a route I got complacent and stopped questioning whether it all made sense.

* Can you pull the officer from the other side of the window while you're still on the elevator, and is this faster than GHORG's way?
* Is it worth killing the stormtrooper at the beginning (in the pipe you drop into) for his rail charges? You could use them to kill the beige officer, blow the grate at 0:14 (in your run), or clear enemies at various points (e.g. when waiting for the elevator).
* Any chance that Saber Throw can save some time somehow cutting the grill that opens the big door?
* I recall that the decision about how to get back from the Maximum Power Room was a pretty marginal one. I timed the route we all used (just retracing your steps) as pretty much equal to lowering the force field and leaving the room the other way, but thought that our route was easier. You may wish to verify my working.
* Did you ever play around with Persuasion or Healing?
2011-11-07, 12:55 PM #237
I tried killing that first stormtrooper for his rail shots but it always took more time than I thought I could save with them. I'll try the alternate route out of the maximum power room.

I didn't actually end up trying anything with Persuasion: you mentioned force power limitations and I checked your video and saw that we get quite far below what's required to cast it (at least in JK) due to heavy use of Jump. Don't need Healing on this level because of all the health packs in our way.
2011-11-07, 5:58 PM #238
Force pull through the window: You CAN do this, but at any point you are doing this you are waiting around when you could already be squeezing out of the elevator and getting there normally. I think it's better just to do it while you're in there.

Saber throw: Does not look like it breaks that grill at all.

Alternate routes out of maximum power room: Best case going through the force field is a fraction of a second faster. Though this is at significantly greater chance of killing you/introducing a screwup that would end the run, so I don't think that I'll be doing that.

(edit) Also like the drop and low jump after the rail elevator jump from GHORG's run. Timed it and it came out a few frames faster, seems easy enough to do, gives you a bit more control and is less prone to give you impact damage. The initial stormtrooper assisted rail jump looks pretty fast as well but I don't know how well I could replicate that.

(edit2) Getting some encouraging trial runs with the slight modifications. Eliminating the beige guard issue was doubly helpful since when you get in and out of that room fast enough they don't have time to crowd the door on the way out. Also getting better at jumping up out of the elevator pit laterally to avoid them blocking. Definitely going to try and beat my 1:01 here.
2011-11-07, 7:56 PM #239
1:00 run... going try a bit more before I upload to see if I can get a bit better. That was my third attempt after starting recording!
2011-11-07, 11:51 PM #240
Think I accidentally invented a new movement trick.

1) Crouch and run into the wall as the elevator is lowering
2) When the opening appears, stop hitting forward and uncrouch

You end up teleporting a small distance out, like the game was trying to force you out of a place you couldn't stand up in. I don't know if ejecting will be useful anywhere else; maybe on other elevators.

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