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ForumsDiscussion Forum → MotS Speed Run Planning Thread (formerly Jedi Knight Speed Run)
MotS Speed Run Planning Thread (formerly Jedi Knight Speed Run)
2011-11-27, 12:34 AM #281
JK was designed to run on a 90 MHz Pentium I. Any decoder would have required too much CPU power.

Freelancer (2003) was the first computer game I owned that used MP3 sound.
2011-11-27, 8:37 AM #282
Originally posted by Jon`C:
JK was designed to run on a 90 MHz Pentium I. Any decoder would have required too much CPU power.

Bingo. I have a laptop with a 75mhz 486 DX, and it could play JK just barely at the minimum settings.

It was also only able to fully play most MP3s by actually closing Windows and using a special highly optimized DOS MP3 player.

The real problem was laziness on the part of the developers. MOTS required you to own the original JK, and even checked for it. Yet for some reason they didn't decide to use its sound files. If they had simply added on to the original JK sound set, they probably could have fit it all onto one CD. Or, if they still couldn't, they could have just put two frickin' discs in the package! The only reason the CDs were so short on space in the first place was because they used CD audio tracks for the game music, which naturally sounded amazing.
2011-11-28, 2:49 AM #283
They were also forced to use an early 90s, 16-bit version of InstallShield. InstallShield probably wouldn't let them prompt the user to insert a JK CD.
2011-12-01, 9:42 AM #284
Level 5:
2011-12-01, 10:51 AM #285
I love that goofy ass alien noise when you enter the palace and i also love the ugnaughts..i dont even know how to type what the ugnaughts say "HMNAHMHR"
2011-12-01, 12:20 PM #286
I also love the goofy alien noise. :)

By the way, it'd be helpful if CoolMatty or someone could delve into the map files for level 6 in the editor and shed some light on the scripting. The following questions come to mind:

* Does entering the bar Abron Mar is in without locking his ship still unlock the door to the final area? How about entering the bar, then locking his ship?
* Is there any way to avoid the mission failure trigger when leaving the bar after alerting Abron Mar without locking his ship?
* Is it possible to trigger the final door to unlock without also triggering the first Abron Mar cutscene?
* Can any of the enemy-spawning triggers along the way be avoided?
2011-12-01, 12:54 PM #287
Originally posted by Cabbage:
I also love the goofy alien noise. :)

By the way, it'd be helpful if CoolMatty or someone could delve into the map files for level 6 in the editor and shed some light on the scripting. The following questions come to mind:

* Does entering the bar Abron Mar is in without locking his ship still unlock the door to the final area? How about entering the bar, then locking his ship?
* Is there any way to avoid the mission failure trigger when leaving the bar after alerting Abron Mar without locking his ship?
* Is it possible to trigger the final door to unlock without also triggering the first Abron Mar cutscene?
* Can any of the enemy-spawning triggers along the way be avoided?

I'll take a look, might take me a bit. I'm not the best with COGs. :P
2011-12-01, 1:59 PM #288
Originally posted by Cabbage:

* Does entering the bar Abron Mar is in without locking his ship still unlock the door to the final area? How about entering the bar, then locking his ship?

From what I can see so far, the door unlocks after the cutscene, if you have opened the door. The script specifically checks that the hangar door has moved to the closed position. If you don't open the hangar door, the garage door does not open. (The garage door is the final door, as far as the COGs are concerned. That's the name)

* Is there any way to avoid the mission failure trigger when leaving the bar after alerting Abron Mar without locking his ship?

The way you asked this confused me, because from what I can see in the cog, the mission failure doesn't trigger when you leave, it triggers during the cutscene itself (when you hear the sound, that's when its triggered).

* Is it possible to trigger the final door to unlock without also triggering the first Abron Mar cutscene?

Doesn't look like it, it seems that cutscene is where all the magic happens. It specifically calls that door to move directly, no other triggers involved.

* Can any of the enemy-spawning triggers along the way be avoided?

This might be a possibility. There is a cog built specifically to spawn enemies in this level based on sector triggers. When you enter a specified sector, the trigger fires and they are spawned. However, there's a lot of them, and I don't have the time right now to trace them all down and give you ideas. What I can do is tell you the sector numbers. You can then go in the game and walk around, to find the sectors. To display what sector you're in, you need to turn on Display Stats. Hit T, then TAB. Then provide the command: dispstats 1

Hit enter, then hit ESC to go to the game menu. Return to the game and the stats should be visible at the top. You want the "# CurSector", where # is the sector number. Here are the sectors that spawn enemies:


In addition, there's a few that are scripted to open doors when they spawn. Those are in sectors:

This might not be an exhaustive list, because there's seriously a lot of them, haha. I don't have much time to look around right now, but that should get you started.
2011-12-02, 5:15 AM #289
These are the ones CM has listed so far. It looks like most of the cogs will spawn the enemies on a 30 second timer, when there isn't LOS to the player, after each set dies, up to usually a max of four. Although it's handling the pulse/max_gen int in a funny way that I don't really remember to be honest haha.

2011-12-02, 5:52 AM #290
Sounds like nothing clever is possible with any of the major scripts. I'll have to check whether there's any useful way of avoiding spawning any enemies, although enemies matter so little that this seems unlikely!

This is probably going to be the most boring level of the entire run. It's literally just running from A to B to C to D without force speed or any movement tricks, and hitting a couple of switches. There are barely even any enemies to interfere. Literally the only slightly interesting thing in the level is the glitch with the switches at the end which saves a fraction of a second, and most viewers won't care about that.
2011-12-02, 6:58 AM #291
They forsaw a speed run and made it not possible
2011-12-02, 9:26 AM #292
It's always a bit of a shock to watch videos of someone breezing through a level in a minute that took me hours to beat as a kid. Keep up the good work!

BTW, will you visit droid ballet please? You know that you haven't really beaten that level unless you've found the droid ballet... ;) :P
2011-12-02, 11:12 AM #293
Originally posted by DSettahr:
It's always a bit of a shock to watch videos of someone breezing through a level in a minute that took me hours to beat as a kid. Keep up the good work!

BTW, will you visit droid ballet please? You know that you haven't really beaten that level unless you've found the droid ballet... ;) :P

Haha I never knew about this till a few years ago when I found it on youtube by accident then had to try it out I was blown away that I had never found it before
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2011-12-02, 12:07 PM #294
Originally posted by Andrew L:
Haha I never knew about this till a few years ago when I found it on youtube by accident then had to try it out I was blown away that I had never found it before
Never knew about this :o
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-12-02, 12:24 PM #295
I like speedruns because they sort of help me relive a game in less than an hour at most generally, i know its not the as playing at all obviously, but still

the images, the sounds, the smells
2011-12-05, 5:47 AM #296
Here's the keeper for level 6, unless anyone sees anything wrong with it:
2011-12-05, 6:46 AM #297
Originally posted by Cabbage:
Here's the keeper for level 6, unless anyone sees anything wrong with it:

great work, that poor protocal droid, btw you LOVE jumping over people which seems incredibly risky
2011-12-05, 9:31 AM #298
Just recorded a fairly successful practice run of level 7. Here's a link that shows roughly what it will look like:

I need to test two things still:

1) At the beginning, can I afford to force-pull the trandoshan with the conc rifle instead of killing him?
2) Can I use my conc ammo to speed me up once I have the super shield?

Any input you guys can provide with regards to point 2 would be helpful. The challenge is to figure out the fastest means of movement with a super shield, two conc rifle shots, and no force speed. Note that without force speed, just firing directly downwards whilst running forwards (like Engy does on level 9 of JK) doesn't work; you get propelled backwards instead of forwards.
2011-12-05, 9:58 AM #299
Considering you're able to use the conc rifle to propel yourself upwards, using it for movement should be possible as well. There's no way for us to really see the game's physics code directly (it's not easy to read COGs like the levels and scripting), so it requires intimate knowledge of the game to answer :P

Honestly, you'll probably have to end up doing something that looks similar to classic quake-style rocket jumping for speed. You'd need to turn around instantly, shoot the ground behind you, and jump. An easy place to get a boost though might be off the wall of the platform you get the super shield. As you start to fall off, just shoot it and it might propel you. This is all conjecture, I don't have time to test it out :P

If you want to do some testing, the MOTS cheats for invincibility are: boinga 1 (boinga 0 disables)
The cheat for all weapons+max ammo is: diediedie

You can input them by hitting T, then TAB to bring up the command option at the top of the screen.
2011-12-05, 10:20 AM #300
I'm not convinced quake-style "turn around and fire" jumping would work here. In JK when you quickly turn around you're suddenly moving in the opposite direction. If you fired then your momentum would be fighting the boost. You'd have to turn around, fire, turn back around and jump before the projectile hit the ground, which to me seems nearly impossible because it hits the ground nearly instantaneously.

(edit) Some ideas... don't have much experience explosive boosting without Speed though:
* Boosting from a cold standstill to full running speed
* Jumping and firing a shot below you with different timing than a normal vertical jump
* Jumping forward, snapping back around in midair and firing a shot behind you
2011-12-05, 4:55 PM #301
Here's a 0:55 on level 7 that's probably the keeper:

although I'll put another hour or two of attempts in.
2011-12-05, 5:16 PM #302
Originally posted by RandomEngy:
I'm not convinced quake-style "turn around and fire" jumping would work here.

IIRC you maintain momentum if you jump before turning. Also, if you do a fast 180, you can walk backwards. The loss of speed from reverse running should be minimal compared to the boost from the launch.

* Jumping forward, snapping back around in midair and firing a shot behind you

This would basically be the idea.
2011-12-05, 8:23 PM #303
Originally posted by Cabbage:
Here's a 0:55 on level 7 that's probably the keeper:

although I'll put another hour or two of attempts in.

take your war some place else

2011-12-05, 8:56 PM #304
Originally posted by Jon`C:
They were also forced to use an early 90s, 16-bit version of InstallShield. InstallShield probably wouldn't let them prompt the user to insert a JK CD.

Just include the second disk as "bonus" with a few spare MP levels and the high res sound, have it have it's own installer, or just include a text point users to drag and drop it.
2011-12-06, 3:16 AM #305
Sorry, I was asleep/at work. Jumping and spinning backwards allows you to keep momentum. The conc blast will push you away from it, but both 1st and 2nd fire also give a recoil boost.

This is a jump that used to be done in MP using the 2nd fire recoil to cross the water quicker. It also only uses four cells.
2011-12-07, 7:43 AM #306
By the way, I improved level 7 by some frames. Here's the new vid:

GHORG - thanks for the post, although I'd already done my improved run by the time I read it and I don't think using the recoil from the conc rifle secondary fire would be more effective than boosting with the primary fire anyway.
2011-12-07, 8:47 AM #307
Definitely a nitpick, but I'm betting that if you can avoid the Trandy blasting you at the end, you can bump down to :54, since it looks like that negated some of your momentum.
2011-12-07, 9:43 AM #308
Yeah, taking that hit from the Trandy was ugly and annoying. I've taken hits there before, but never one quite that bad. He shot low, so the blast pushes me off the ground and delays me getting moving again.
2011-12-07, 2:13 PM #309
that trandy blast is impossible to avoid, I ****ing hate that part everytime I play through the game again like every 2 years or so, its just a very ugly enemy placement, its a slap to the face, its the mapper going "heuheuheuheu put this guy here because I can"
2011-12-08, 12:45 PM #310
A development. I'm just going to copy-paste exactly what I wrote on SDA here because I have nothing to add to it:

Man I'm annoyed at myself right now.

After putting in a whole pile of effort doing the last three levels, I've just realised for the first time that getting extra force stars by getting all the secrets on a level also unlocks force powers earlier than normal.

If Mara gets all the secrets on level 5, she can have force speed for levels 6 and 7. It's also possible that getting enough stars to get Destruction by level 12 would be helpful, since it can be used to trigger the dead explosives that you fire from your broken weapons on the swamp levels, potentially allowing Dark Mara to be killed by a massive explosion, like how we dealt with JK's bosses, instead of by saber fighting her.

Incidentally, I wonder if getting secrets also unlocks powers faster in the original Jedi Knight, and whether we could've had Force Jump on levels 4, 5 or 6 - and whether that would've been beneficiail.

I need to test out the cost and benefits of getting the secrets on level 5, and figure out if this calls for redoing the last three levels of the run, before continuing.

Edit: It'll probably only cost ~10-15 seconds to get all three secrets on level 5, and force speed will save that time twice over on levels 6 and 7, if not more. Which means all the effort I put into levels 6 and 7 was wasted, and so was most of the effort I put into level 5 (although some of the practice I got will be useful when redoing the level). Bah.

I'll redo level 5, with secrets, at some point soon.
2011-12-08, 1:03 PM #311
Originally posted by Cabbage:
Incidentally, I wonder if getting secrets also unlocks powers faster in the original Jedi Knight
It does, but I thought your run was using that already.
2011-12-08, 1:07 PM #312
Holy **** thats what secret areas were for? They give you more force stars after each mission? I thought they were just something neat and have a cache or health/armor/ammo/powerups..

How is the secret to forcestar ratio determined? Is there a function to determine this?

This game still continues to please me after all of these years.
2011-12-08, 1:14 PM #313
I... thought this was common knowledge. :P
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2011-12-08, 1:30 PM #314
The assumption we were working from was that availability of powers was based on level and getting all secrets would get you more stars to assign among the available powers. It appears that assumption is incorrect! In the original JK run you can't spend anything on Speed (even if you have stars for it) until level 4, which I think reinforced that assumption. Is it just that power availability is linked to number of force stars and you are disallowed from spending stars on anything before a certain level?
2011-12-08, 1:45 PM #315

This website explains it all.

Wow I can't believe I never made the connection.
2011-12-08, 1:49 PM #316
It explains how you get stars but not when powers unlock.
2011-12-08, 2:24 PM #317
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It does, but I thought your run was using that already.

We get secrets in level 1 for the extra star (without which we'd have no stars to put in speed on level 4, and therefore wouldn't have speed on level 4), but we don't take advantage of the fact that getting extra stars actually unlocks powers earlier.
2011-12-08, 3:08 PM #318
I just tested the original Jedi Knight, and, as far as I can tell, powers don't unlock any faster if you get extra stars from secrets. Jon C, did you misunderstand what we were talking about (i.e. powers becoming available to put stars in sooner if you get secrets, not just getting extra stars), or do you know something I don't?

As far as I can tell, the ability to unlock powers earlier by getting secrets is a new feature in Mysteries Of The Sith.
2011-12-08, 3:33 PM #319
Originally posted by Cabbage:
Jon C, did you misunderstand
Whoops. Yeah, I misread. JK unlocks force powers for specific levels, a max of one light and one dark per level, and the order is baked into the episode.jk file. I never even noticed that MotS did things differently.
2011-12-08, 4:13 PM #320
Nor did we. Nor, it seems, did anyone else here - I presume they would've spoken up if they had! I only even realised because while watching some of my runs on YouTube I clicked, on a whim, on level 12 of popkraz's Mysteries Of The Sith video walkthrough and noticed when he was scrolling through his force powers that he had Destruction - which I thought wasn't available until level 14.

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