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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Relationship status
Relationship status
2010-12-16, 6:12 AM #41
I was in a long term relationship but she broke up with me 2 months ago over something stupid, now she wants me back kind of but I don't care anymore

I saw another chick this morning... going to see where that goes
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2010-12-16, 6:40 AM #42
Dork status: confirmed.


In all honesty, though, the only girls that I was interested in were taken. The rest were crazy.

Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2010-12-16, 7:03 AM #43
Originally posted by - Tony -:
Dork status: confirmed.


In all honesty, though, the only girls that I was interested in were taken. The rest were crazy.


Heh, I know that feeling all too well.

Originally posted by maevie:
I have a disturbing story about that song. Also I don't get the pink reference - did she cover it? Divinyls actually ftw!

I love the bell-curve we've got going on guys, if ever there was proof needed of the dorkiness here, it's the ability to make a bell-curve out of every poll!

Having said that I think I'm somewhere between serious and nothing-serious. I'm in a long-distance relationship, non-monogamous but very intense. I went with serious because it's definitely more than fooling around.

I've never actually heard the original one - just the cover (NSFW):

Edit: I just looked up the Divinyls one and didn't like her voice at all :/
2010-12-16, 7:04 AM #44
2010-12-16, 8:49 AM #45
For everybody that hasn't been laid in over 1 year and/or a virgin...

Where is it that you're going wrong?

My best friend that I grew up with from back home is now 23. He is a virgin and plays world of warcraft. Now I am not saying that one leads to the other but in his case I would say it is more than sheer coincidence.

He doesn't really 'get out' much and just goes to work and plays WoW when he comes back home according to my other best friend who lives with him.

As for me; I am moving to Europe for 7 months next year so I cut all ties (basically I kind of dating 2 girls). Should be fun.
2010-12-16, 8:53 AM #46
I'm convinced it comes down to confidence (or lack thereof). It's so ridiculously easy to get trim in college that if you can't, you've got a major malfunction somewhere.
2010-12-16, 9:13 AM #47
Apparently I'm a dork.
2010-12-16, 9:15 AM #48
Well some of us dropped out of uni and moved home to a place that's pretty much crap for going out and meeting people unless you like neon orange pikeys. Also there's the whole depression thing that the majority of people in the chat know about. :P

So yeah, I haven't gotten any in a while but on the plus side I'm the youngest person that voted dork apart from Tibby who barely counts as a human. :ninja:
2010-12-16, 9:19 AM #49
Dating a hot undergrad college coed, yet I'm in the most adult relationship I've ever been in.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2010-12-16, 9:31 AM #50
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Dating a hot undergrad college coed, yet I'm in the most adult relationship I've ever been in.

Cool Matty doesn't count.
2010-12-16, 9:34 AM #51
Ashley may have been a persuasive ruse, but I challenge anyone to deny that the person I fell in love with isn't somewhere inside this man. I have to believe she will love me as much as I love her some day!
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2010-12-16, 9:34 AM #52
I have been marrried for 6 years this Saturday. Been with my wife for 10 years. We met in High School, hit it off and the rest you guys know.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2010-12-16, 9:41 AM #53
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Ashley may have been a persuasive ruse, but I challenge anyone to deny that the person I fell in love with isn't somewhere inside this man. I have to believe she will love me as much as I love her some day!

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2010-12-16, 10:08 AM #54
Originally posted by Steven:
I'm convinced it comes down to confidence (or lack thereof). It's so ridiculously easy to get trim in college that if you can't, you've got a major malfunction somewhere.

This. Guys, just be willing to try. Be yourself, but learn to be self-confident with people. Not just women, but both sexes, because women do see that when you do. Every girl I've started dating I've worked towards getting their attention and being kind, not overly sweet or creepy, but just nice.

Confidence, attention, and sincere kindness goes a long way.
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2010-12-16, 10:39 AM #55
Spook's secrets to success with girls:

50% hygiene
20% posture
20% teasing
5% listening instead of talking (sometimes painful)
2% jawline
eyebrow grooming

about women tho i dunno
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-12-16, 11:14 AM #56
2% jawline... lol

this might as well be an acronym for good looks in a traditional matter ie. jawline defines the facial structure

good looks count a lot more when disarming chicks quicker than the guy who lacks them but still has an equal amount of social skills, charisma, and confidence.

edit: I like how eyebrow grooming is up there with no percentage next to it. To me eyebrow grooming is crossing a line of manhood...
2010-12-16, 11:18 AM #57
Proper manscaping of the forehead caterpillar is essential. No one likes the Wolfybrow.
2010-12-16, 11:24 AM #58
I'm not talking about shaping my eyebrows into a delicate arch, I'm talking making sure I don't look like an old man with eyebrows halfway around my face.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-12-16, 11:38 AM #59
Next you'll be manscaping.
2010-12-16, 11:43 AM #60

If you saw the bush man...
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-12-16, 11:58 AM #61
Nah, I suppose if I had a unibrow than I would feel differently. However I don't know how anything else related to eyebrows that has a place in the manverse.
2010-12-16, 12:02 PM #62
Originally posted by Steven:
Proper manscaping of the forehead caterpillar is essential. No one likes the Wolfybrow.

Don't be mean to Wolfy.

Cool Matty doesn't count.

CoolMatty isn't hot, Echodude.

unless you like neon orange pikeys

2010-12-16, 12:03 PM #63
I met a girl online, moved 1500 miles to be with her five months later, and it's now been a year and a half. We're engaged.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2010-12-16, 12:07 PM #64
Too bad you moved 1500 in the wrong direction. Southern California is 1000 miles south of Idaho, not east.
2010-12-16, 12:09 PM #65
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I met a girl online, moved 1500 miles to be with her five months later, and it's now been a year and a half. We're engaged.

I don't care how many people do this it will always be ****ing weird and I wouldn't trust you with my kids (if I had kids).
2010-12-16, 12:10 PM #66
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Nah, I suppose if I had a unibrow than I would feel differently. However I don't know how anything else related to eyebrows that has a place in the manverse.

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2010-12-16, 12:15 PM #67
Anyone who doesn't keep their eyebrows neat is a jabroni.
2010-12-16, 12:26 PM #68
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
I don't care how many people do this it will always be ****ing weird and I wouldn't trust you with my kids (if I had kids).

Her parents like me.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2010-12-16, 12:27 PM #69
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
edit: I like how eyebrow grooming is up there with no percentage next to it. To me eyebrow grooming is crossing a line of manhood...


...yeah no thanks.

Originally posted by Koobie:
Married, in the process of changing that to "have been married."

also pretty much this. hopefully doesn't end up that way but looks like it :gbk:
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2010-12-16, 12:31 PM #70
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Her parents like me.

Her parents like you because of two reasons.

The first is that you're the first guy she's ever brought home that wasn't a complete loser. So after she lowered the bar so many times before, a guy such as yourself who is probably painfully average in all ways doesn't seem like a bad choice.

The second is that her parents are probably unstable. They aren't even objecting to some guy moving 1500 miles to be with a girl he's never met (if they know the circumstances).
2010-12-16, 12:34 PM #71
Third, if she resorted to meeting a guy online, her parents are probably thrilled she he has anyone at all.
2010-12-16, 12:36 PM #72
The results of this poll indicate to me that there should be another category beyond married. Who here is....SUPER MARRIED?
2010-12-16, 12:37 PM #73
Originally posted by genk:
I've been in relationships for nearly the last 4 years with breaks inbetween of no more than three weeks. three of those years were spent between two ladies, one for a year and the other for 2, and i just started a new one a month or so ago...

yep. i get sucked in quickly after getting single

I see you're rocking the "friendly nerd" angle well. Good for you. Girls who usually gravitate towards "nerds" usually get on my nerves (a good thing for me, because I ain't a nerd). Nerd.
2010-12-16, 2:06 PM #74
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Her parents like you because of two reasons.

The first is that you're the first guy she's ever brought home that wasn't a complete loser. So after she lowered the bar so many times before, a guy such as yourself who is probably painfully average in all ways doesn't seem like a bad choice.

The second is that her parents are probably unstable. They aren't even objecting to some guy moving 1500 miles to be with a girl he's never met (if they know the circumstances).

Y'know, as much as I dislike Free at times you're pretty much a constant arsewipe. I mean you were always a ****ing moron before but after you joined the army it's like someone promoted you to Major Assmunch. :v:
2010-12-16, 2:25 PM #75
Originally posted by SoldierSnoop:
Her parents like you because of two reasons.

The first is that you're the first guy she's ever brought home that wasn't a complete loser. So after she lowered the bar so many times before, a guy such as yourself who is probably painfully average in all ways doesn't seem like a bad choice.

The second is that her parents are probably unstable. They aren't even objecting to some guy moving 1500 miles to be with a girl he's never met (if they know the circumstances).

At least someone likes him.. unlike you
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2010-12-16, 2:52 PM #76
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Y'know, as much as I dislike Free at times you're pretty much a constant arsewipe.

More or less, this.
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2010-12-16, 2:54 PM #77
Depressing level of dorkitude here. Quite possibly the most hopeless of all of us!

"Honey, you got real ugly."
2010-12-16, 2:59 PM #78
I will have been married 3 months on christmas. we will have been together for 7 years a few days after that.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2010-12-16, 3:23 PM #79
I'm sorry, this post was meant to be in another thread.
2010-12-16, 4:02 PM #80
So I was gonna say before, but I was at work and I didn't want anyone to see, I saw this chick this morning and shes really cute and ****... but theres a catch shes 18... but im 21... is that bad? I mean shes legal so yea...
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community

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