Discuss. There's a couple spots where the video has been cut. I'd be curious to know if anything was going on during that time, but I assume it was just to shorten the video, as the guy was probably there for a bit of time before the police officer showed up. There's doesn't seem to be any indication that the man was violent, obnoxious, or obscene.
A couple other points:
1) Was he ever read his rights or provided with a clear understanding of what law he was breaking? As far as I can tell, he was not. (I watched very carefully from the time the police officer walked up to the time he drove away, and there's no cuts in the video at that point. How long do the police have after telling someone they're under arrest to read them their rights? The one time I was arrested like 5 years ago, I was read my rights while still standing outside on the streets as they were searching me, but is that not standard? Or is this police officer violating the man's rights by neglecting this?)
2) I kind of detected a bit of a homosexual vibe from the officer. Did that play a role? (In that this may have been a personal vendetta for the police officer if he's felt persecuted in the past by "religious kooks" for being gay.) I get the vibe that this may be going on. Assuming it is for the sake of argument, do you think a heterosexual, more conservative officer might have taken the time to talk to the gentlemen and explain why they were not allowed to do what they were doing and then send them on their way, instead of making a huge deal out of it?
3) Exactly what were they doing that was illegal? The other two gentlemen that were with him asked the officer this, and he responded by asking if they wanted to be arrested too. Ultimately they were charged with "impeding an open business" which (mind you, not knowing the specifics of the law) doesn't seem to have any correlation to what they were doing, in that they were not in any way hindering people from going into the DMV or interfering with the DMV's operations. This seems like a "Well crap, they're already arrested. We'd better charge them with something to justify the arrest" copout.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.