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ForumsDiscussion Forum → New Name for Massassi
New Name for Massassi
2012-04-27, 3:41 PM #121
Originally posted by JM:

Maybe if there are any items on the site or location in honor of the Jedi Knight and Mots (which led to the site), I think Madaventor would be a good name.
2012-04-27, 3:55 PM #122
I think it'd be a bit insulting to only remember one of the Massassians we've lost over the years.
2012-04-27, 3:57 PM #123
It's also just an awful name for a site.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-04-27, 4:23 PM #124
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
I think it'd be a bit insulting to only remember one of the Massassians we've lost over the years.

Sure, but if it is to represent them all (and games), I think this would be a good name.
2012-04-27, 4:28 PM #125
You know Madaventor was the name of a user on here who died from cancer, right?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-04-27, 4:37 PM #126
Originally posted by Emon:
I have no idea why no one did this sooner.
You should release it. Not sure how workable a filesystem listener would be for a larger project, though. I'd have made it pushbutton, maybe released a new build of ZED with the appropriate hooks (or just reading textures from the source path.)

I'm tempted to do something similar for COG, but I haven't thought of anything interesting enough yet.
2012-04-27, 5:23 PM #127
I'm going to. I figure a listener is fine for progressive changes. If you drop a ton of files in at once... not really sure. Typical textures are small for JK and the bottleneck on batch jobs seems to be disk IO. Would be easy to turn off, and it'll have a pushbutton for when it gets out of sync anyway. Didn't feel it was worth it to touch the ZED source :gonk:

Also for COG, how about a metalanguage compiler? Compile some higher level variant into COG. I'm not sure how much abstraction you could get given that COG doesn't support much but, at least you'd have more sensible syntax. It would be cool to have continuations. Write a loop with a yield, have the compiler do the transformations to track the state.

But then you'll probably run into some stupid variable limit or some other COG crap.

Anyway this thread has already been derailed, so I'll post a new thread with a preliminary release where other discussion can continue.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-04-28, 3:47 AM #128
Originally posted by Kamon:
Maybe if there are any items on the site or location in honor of the Jedi Knight and Mots (which led to the site), I think Madaventor would be a good name.

If you're from the steam forums, I posted the link to the help thread so you guys could play JK, not come in here like unhelpful ****s and embarrass yourselves.

If the above doesn't apply, then stop being an unhelpful ****. You're embarrassing yourself.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2012-04-28, 4:22 AM #129
Originally posted by Emon:
You know Madaventor was the name of a user on here who died from cancer, right?

I admit I did not know before I register here, but now I know.

Originally posted by Alan:
If you're from the steam forums, I posted the link to the help thread so you guys could play JK, not come in here like unhelpful ****s and embarrass yourselves.

If the above doesn't apply, then stop being an unhelpful ****. You're embarrassing yourself.


Can you tell me what I did wrong, because I did not see that anything else (maybe suggest bad names, but whatever)
I'm not from Steam.
2012-04-28, 10:23 AM #130
Pff, don't pay attention to Alan, he's always been... special.

Anyway, I think Todoasphere is a pretty good suggestion.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-04-28, 11:08 AM #131
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Pff, don't pay attention to Alan, he's always been... special.

Anyway, I think Todoasphere is a pretty good suggestion.

If you say, okay :D
Thanks. And Todoasphere really looks like a cool name.
2012-05-02, 2:16 PM #132
On the one hand I admire your will to progress with the site, on the other hand it's hard to ignore the minimal chance of success for this idea. On top of everything Echoman said this isn't the internet of the 90s or even the 00s anymore. People aren't exactly waiting for someone to bolt together a universal modding site and start to make some money out of their former hobby. They want that **** on Steam or GOG with one-click-modding on the games they already have there, with an interface they already know and everything perfectly integrated with the existing services like in-game chat and whatnot.
Of course companies like Valve and GOG also started somewhere. But it wasn't with a name-thread on an old gaming forum. Such things start with business plans, long-term financial backup and bunch of coders these days. The name Massassi is the least of your problems. In fact it's an asset unless you give it up for some half-baked daydream.
I'm telling you this as someone who runs a modding forum for another old game series (System Shock). Don't think the idea of somehow turning it into something much greater and profitable had never crossed my mind. Fortunately I managed to make money elsewhere and the website stayed a hobby, that's great for what it is and doesn't try to be anything else. Others had the same idea, eg is an old Thief - Dark Project modding website that tried to turn into a general modding website after interest in the Thief series had waned. You can probably guess what happened.
2012-05-02, 2:36 PM #133
The idea of a modding or (more likely) indie game development site, FOR DEVELOPERS (ie not another ****ty site like moddb), with social aspects (think github) actually makes a lot of sense. The only way I think to make it happen is to build upon an existing solution, which is why I recommended Redmine, since it does all the hard work for you. And you have to have a plan to support traffic in case of sudden growth. If you have any ad revenue you might be able to run it off Heroku or something.

We had a long discussion about this and the only way I see it happening is to remove as many technical challenges up front, because solving everything at once is never going to happen.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-02, 3:17 PM #134
Yeah, as Emon said, Koyla, this isn't another Moddb or Steam Workshop. Massassi in its heyday was more than just a collection of levels. It was also an active hub for helping editors learn how to make those levels. I want this new site to do exactly that, except on a much larger, more open scale. This way, it has the greatest chance of survival (not limited to any one platform).

Also Kolya, I know very well just what I can expect out of this project. The thing is, I have always felt that if I don't do something, Massassi will lose its community. It's dwindled so much since when it began. If nothing else, this isn't just an effort to make it profitable (that's more of a pipe dream), it's something to keep the thing alive.

Massassi is honestly not an asset anymore (hasn't been for years), and this project is far from a half-baked daydream. It's been something that has been in planning for a very long time. It's as close to a business plan as it can get really. If it fails, it's not like Massassi loses anything anyway. It'd just be a waste of my own time.
2012-05-02, 3:21 PM #135

@Cool Matty: Yeah, I didn't know how far ahead you've planned, just posting my two cents. I wish you success. :)
2012-05-02, 4:08 PM #136
I'm not talking about That's just a community for people to talk about games. It doesn't have project management with forums, wikis, version control, bug tracking, etc. You wouldn't sign in, create a project and use it to manage collaboration on something. Gamedev is nothing more than a collection of a forum, blogs, and pages.

Edit: Think of it this way, hang around indie game dev circles long enough and you'll see that every time someone starts a project with enough people, they go set up a website/wordpress blog/trac/project management tool blah blah blah to manage things. The point would be to eliminate that (at least partially) and have a hosted service that does all that **** for you. Ever since github became popular a lot of open source projects have stopped standing up their own sites and just putting everything on github pages, because it's so damn easy. And because it's *the* point where the project lives, is talked about and is shared. You could certainly utilize github for a game project (barring asset storage because git sucks for that) but the lack of community would make it less than ideal.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-02, 10:51 PM #137
I like this idea & I'm sure that we already have people that could potentially utilize such a service (e.g. Shred), which would give us some content to hit the ground running with. I'm sure that there are others. There are certainly other websites that enable the type of collaboration that Emon is referring to but probably not many that specifically focus on game development.
? :)
2012-05-02, 11:24 PM #138
I'm willing to help with this new community by showing up and posting nonsense and occasionally engaging in thoughtful discussions disguised as arguments on the condition that I get to keep my unicorn on this new site.
>>untie shoes
2012-05-03, 12:46 AM #139
Cool idea and all, but what the **** does it have to do with massassi?
2012-05-03, 1:30 AM #140
Anyway, for a name I suggest
2012-05-03, 3:00 AM #141
2012-05-03, 9:13 AM #142
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Cool idea and all, but what the **** does it have to do with massassi?

I didn't make the first system, so I don't have this problem. Also, I have no intention of making it unweildly to use. Much of the work will actually be focused around keeping it simple and approachable. That was one of the concerns of taking Emon's suggestion wholesale. It would need to be cut back significantly.
2012-05-03, 9:29 AM #143
Redmine is isn't a godawful mess so it should be much easier to remove features than add new ones. In many cases it should be as simple as removing the views for stuff you don't want.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-05-05, 12:24 AM #144
Massworks is the perfect title. It's practical enough to gracefully encompass the essence of the project Cool Matty describes, yet general enough to not dismiss anything specifically. It retains some esoteric reference to our community (its parentage?) but it is not provocative of a home-made 90's mod site like so many of the proposed titles in this thread. It leaves something to be discovered. "What is Massworks? I'll click and find out." It's short enough to avoid constant abbreviation, which is good for branding, although we might start to call it 'mworks'. The title is elegant in simplicity and avoids being boisterous or annoying.
2012-05-05, 2:01 AM #145
But it sounds like 'assworks.'
2012-05-05, 4:42 AM #146
Mass Assets.
? :)
2012-05-05, 5:12 AM #147
I still don't understand why you can't just make a new site and leave Massassi alone.
2012-05-05, 5:27 AM #148
Out of all the names thusfar, I prefer Massworks.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2012-05-05, 5:58 AM #149
2012-05-05, 6:47 AM #150
And anything with cog in the title could sound like cock. The 5th grade was fun but it's time to move on.
2012-05-05, 8:46 AM #151
Originally posted by JM:
I still don't understand why you can't just make a new site and leave Massassi alone.

Because Massassi can't keep living like it is. The site's code is a god awful mess that needs to be completely rewritten, period. Anyone with an agenda could probably do serious damage to the site as is (which is why I am very careful to keep regular backups). Thus, a new site, with a ye olde Massassi section.
2012-05-05, 12:30 PM #152
Originally posted by Jon`C:

If the New Massassi was going to be a porn site, I would vote for this name.
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2012-05-05, 2:34 PM #153
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Because Massassi can't keep living like it is. The site's code is a god awful mess that needs to be completely rewritten, period. Anyone with an agenda could probably do serious damage to the site as is (which is why I am very careful to keep regular backups). Thus, a new site, with a ye olde Massassi section.

Yeah. I believe that a change like this might not exactly be bad... just a bit uncomfortable, at first. A ye olde Massassi section would make it feel better, though.
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2012-05-07, 5:03 PM #154
When does this new site premiere?
2012-05-07, 5:57 PM #155
Originally posted by Couchman:
When does this new site premiere?

When it's done.
2012-05-07, 7:55 PM #156

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2012-05-07, 8:52 PM #157
I suggest ERIAMJH
2012-05-07, 8:53 PM #158
"The quality of the levels you make is determined by the skill of the person not by the editor in which they use!"-Michael Kyle
Ogel's City
2012-05-08, 5:23 AM #159
[/COLOR] How about red5,, thereisnotry, jediwannabeon, bactame.
It's kind of weird name that works, at least in my opinion.

2012-05-08, 2:03 PM #160
Originally posted by Zell:

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Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum

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