>>But the thing with Koobie is that he's apparently almost 30 and he's acting in the same way that a lot of us did 10 years ago when most of us were in our teens.
As in, disagree with the forum's mascot? LOL. Yeah, quite childish, I know, quite childish.
"yeye u stupid stupid man
with 2 kids and ex-wifz who didnt work in 8 years how dare u
how dare u be so childish
as to write bookz & stories
for 14 years straight
u must want to get rich
im so much smarter
and better looking
and not divorced
and cooler
and look, everyone loves me
and u suck
just kill urself
just kill urself now
>>Jon`C doesn't like you because every time he tries to tell you something useful your response is textbook Dunning-Kruger.
The feeling is mutual, trust me ... except I gave up trying to tell him anything useful in regards to writing after our first little "argument" when I'd realized his skull is thick enough to warrant a plastic prosthesis.
>>(Hint: Is it more than one thread?)
Just the one, and I (used to) post stuff I write in Showcase because I thought perhaps people are interested, but I'll stop. Obviously you are not ... so I'll just stick to book releases, and will not post any more free stories to Massassi ever again. Let the Showcase thread prosper.
I will probably also make a thread every time I sell a story because JONCEY.
The 1-2 people here who are interested / actually read my writing (and to whom I am eternally grateful for their time) can find my stuff over at Tyro Vogel's G+ or Smashwords or Goodreads or (soon) Amazon. Hell, just Google my pen name and you're ought to bump into something of mine. Cheerio.
time to go manage pharmaceutical research now
PS. Sorry FGR, I don't think I'm going to play either of those because you like Jon'C and I don't. MY LOGIC IS FLAWLESS.