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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Thread for Joncey
Thread for Joncey
2014-04-01, 11:20 PM #161
2014-04-01, 11:25 PM #162
2014-04-01, 11:25 PM #163
Originally posted by Reid:
Edit: are you saying Koobie has a developmental disability?
Well he is Russian. They ran a 3-4 generation eugenics program, segregating academics in naukograds. If there is a hereditary g factor it's been literally bred out of him.
2014-04-01, 11:25 PM #164
You're the one who says I suck.
You're also the one who says I think I'm great.

I think your problem is that while you might understand the theory behind how things work
you are unable to adapt
to the real world
because you take a rule
and try to fit
your theories (eg., that I'm a terrible non-human alien person, or that I think I'm so great, or that all writers think transcribing stories is a bad idea, or that The Elements of Style sucks, etc.)
into somebody's description of a rule,
while "defending" said rule
by saying that I
would save face
by looking up its definition
on Wikipedia.


>>This is what "affirming the consequent means" , FYI.

This is what being a presumptuous prick means, FYI.
2014-04-01, 11:31 PM #165
Originally posted by Jon'C:
Normally I wouldn't link to an explanation but I know you're both too uneducated to have ever heard of the term

Originally posted by Reid:
Oh, I interpreted your grammar incorrectly.

"How dare you."
— Jon'C
2014-04-01, 11:33 PM #166
Originally posted by Koobie:
You're the one who says I suck.
You're also the one who says I think I'm great.
Koobie, Koobie, Koobie.

There are at least, like, a dozen people here who say you suck.

I think your problem is that while you might understand the theory behind how things work
you are unable to adapt
to the real world
Nope, actually I'm great at both of these things.

that I'm a terrible non-human alien person
Don't be ridiculous, I'd never describe you as a person.

>>This is what "affirming the consequent means" , FYI.

This is what being a presumptuous prick means, FYI.
Not seeing a denial here.
2014-04-01, 11:33 PM #167
2014-04-01, 11:38 PM #168
>>There are at least, like, a dozen people here who say you suck.

There are at least half a dozen people elsewhere who think I rock.

Do you "win" if you're more "popular"?

>>Nope, actually I'm great at both of these things.

Jon'C, Jon'C, Jon'C.
Self-reflection. ;)
2014-04-01, 11:38 PM #169
Originally posted by Reid:
That's quite a Catch-22 for a country with so many racists. I guess Russians aren't really known for their social planning

Understatement of the century. The last one, to be specific.
2014-04-01, 11:38 PM #170
2014-04-01, 11:39 PM #171
Originally posted by Koobie:
Jon'C, Jon'C, Jon'C.

Oh look, more "original" rhetoric from the resident "writer".
2014-04-01, 11:41 PM #172
"Bad artists imitate."
2014-04-01, 11:43 PM #173
2014-04-01, 11:50 PM #174
puff puff pass
2014-04-01, 11:52 PM #175
Originally posted by Koobie:
puff puff pass

And Koobie, crushed and weeping, reaches for the reset button again
2014-04-01, 11:53 PM #176
2014-04-01, 11:54 PM #177
Too witless to come up with anything, too incompetent to write it, too stoned to bother.

Not just talking about your performance in this thread, Koobie.
2014-04-01, 11:55 PM #178
2014-04-01, 11:56 PM #179
Big shock the best Koobie can crank out are collections of short stories. God forbid he had to write something that took long-term memory.
2014-04-01, 11:59 PM #180
Originally posted by Reid:
Have you ever done research or planned out what you wrote before you wrote it?

lmao. Never.

He wrote a multi-franchise cross-over fan fic involving time travel. After reading the first page I found like 10 mistakes that could have been avoided by typing it into Google and clicking on 'Feeling Lucky'. Koobie is too lazy and arrogant to research anything, at all, ever. And I'm not even talking about esoteric stuff, I mean simple things like writing that Chicago is on the atlantic coastline.
2014-04-02, 12:00 AM #181
2014-04-02, 12:00 AM #182
Of course. I do as much research as I can.
Sometimes it's coincidental; eg., I'm going to meet a girl who's a marshal on race tracks, and who knows lots about cars ... can write some SF about a race. Sometimes the "research" is just looking at art.
I'd read the Bible a long time ago.
And then I smoked it.
I want to read it again because it is the basis of English literature, but I have so little time. Maybe with a Kindle I can buy it cheap. KJV probably.

I have notebooks filled with outlines.
Sometimes I use them, sometimes I don't.
Recently I try to revise each story at least 5 times.
I have a friend called Dee who really likes my stuff but who gives very honest and valuable advise. He is not a bad writer himself, but he mainly writes "How to Live Healthy" articles. :)

Everytime I read it from the beginning and cut 10% of bs.

That kind of stuff.

I'm writing a cyberpunk novel next (part 2 of the same thing, actually, to release on Amazon -- this is why I want to test the waters with the SHORT STORY COLLECTION, you can't publish **** to Amazon for free), so reading William Gibson (Fragments of a Hologram Rose is amazing) and Dangerous Visions (SF anthology from the 1960's). I guess the important thing is to set deadlines and stick to them.
Otherwise you'll get nothing done.
2014-04-02, 12:02 AM #183
2014-04-02, 12:04 AM #184
Originally posted by Koobie:
Of course. I do as much research as I can.
Outright lie.

Sometimes it's coincidental;
Yeah, the only way you've learned anything in your entire life is by coincidence.

I'd read the Bible a long time ago.
And then I smoked it.
I want to read it again because it is the basis of English literature, but I have so little time. Maybe with a Kindle I can buy it cheap. KJV probably.
lol, this is going to be the funniest plagiarism ever.
2014-04-02, 12:07 AM #185
And I also try out new techniques if I can.

After listening to 10 Dresden Files books in a row, I'd tried the "Jim Butcher Method" which is very easy to write, it simply propels the story, but it wasn't really me, so I stopped. Actually, the fan-fic book helped me realize that in part as well; I just write as it comes now, trying to keep **** interesting if I can.

Most of all, I try to keep myself entertained.

Also, I think it's good to try as many different things as you can. I wrote an interactive story, copywriting, etc. You learn a little bit from everything and everyone, and Jon'C's name is mentioned on the front page of my fan-fic for precisely the same reason. :D

Time to jet. The sun is shining.
2014-04-02, 12:08 AM #186
2014-04-02, 12:09 AM #187
Originally posted by Reid:
Was that the Star Wars and Sherlock Holmes one?
Yes, and it is astonishingly horrible.

I'll put it this way: when I was a teenager I participated in an author insertion SW fanfic never-ending story on a different forum. Terrible, I know. Despite it all, it had better writing, a more consistent story, better pacing, more original story elements, and less author insertion than Koobie's story.

Lots of super cheesy lines, like "I hate sand" level of cheesy. People in #massassi were still quoting lines and laughing about it today.
2014-04-02, 12:10 AM #188
But first, a coffee.

On your wallet, Jon'C
you should print

2014-04-02, 12:13 AM #189
Originally posted by Reid:
I meant something entirely different, Koobie. Inspiration and meditation are good for the creative process, but they are not research
(He doesn't know what the word 'research' means)

I guess outlines are the product of what sort of things you've put effort into recently. It's only recently that I've taken an interest in the history of philosophy and so it's natural that I want to write about Socrates. What is your revision process?
Considering his talent for pacing, his "revision process" is write until he gets too high to keep writing, and then paste in the rest of his outline and post post post
2014-04-02, 12:13 AM #190
Originally posted by Koobie:
But first, a coffee.

On your wallet, Jon'C
you should print


Master of Ceremonies? I don't get it.
2014-04-02, 12:18 AM #191
2014-04-02, 12:21 AM #192
2014-04-02, 12:22 AM #193
>>I meant something entirely different, Koobie. Inspiration and meditation are good for the creative process, but they are not research

I do research, but it really depends on what type of story I'm writing. SF does make things easier, but I try to base stuff on things I already know; for example, for the story which is the most important to me at this time, I am using the city I live in for a setting. As for research ... for the Sherlock Holmes thing I did research, but I was off base on some things; Jon'C kindly corrected me.

Weed smoking is cool but I am making a chemical experiment not to smoke it until 4/20 to hone that damn revision process (to everything in my life). ;)

Actually now that you mention it I should put the "fixes" into the book description.

For example, I had to calculate the value of a dollar at the time (I was correct on that), search for what kind of a side-arm the police would use in the 1900's (or whenever it was set, I don't even remember now), research who worked the docks (the Polaks), etc.

>>Also, I somehow doubt that you read all sixty-six books of the canonical Bible.

I started to argue with the Bible teacher (it was an American Catholic Christian school) on the part about the iron chariots and things escalated from there. Yeah, I won't lie, I have probably never read The Bible back to back. I will. ;)

Need to boil coffee then work.

I am also enrolling.

So that I can have a degree on which it will say I know what "affirming the consequent" means.
But not really, they actually teach you ****, and it's a modular course (so you can select what you want to study in language and literature / philosophy, etc.)

Philosophy is always a great basis for a story. ;) Life is philosophy, and all the best stories are about life. :)

Re: revision process

Read it, cut it, post it on writing forum; I used to post stories on, but it takes too long. The more people express their opinions, the better. Apply what you think makes the story better. The more experienced the person giving advise (in editing / writing, and by experienced, I mean dealing with stories that sell and the thousands of those which don't), the better.
2014-04-02, 12:28 AM #194
Originally posted by Reid:
As far as I can tell this seems to be true. I think when his grammar degenerates to where he can't capitalize properly is when he's getting stoned out of his mind. There was that one time, too, in another thread where I'm pretty sure he was ranting while drunk. Not to say I've always been above drinking alone, but drinking and smoking alone are not healthy behaviors.

I don't drink alone. Only tea.
2014-04-02, 12:29 AM #195
But yes, I make a chemical experiment and only smoke next on 4/20 when I release my next book.
Just to prove Jon'C wrong. ;)
2014-04-02, 12:32 AM #196
Even if I'd have to go to travel to The Edge of the Universe to do it.

2014-04-02, 12:33 AM #197
2014-04-02, 12:42 AM #198
>>Except for neurological science has shown me good enough evidence for a case against free will.

My favorite poem goes like this:

By Alexander Blok
Translated by Alexei Parphyonov

Some night and street, some chemist's lantern
Is bringing senseless weary light.
Well, nothing changes, that's one pattern,
Live extra twenty-five and find.

You die to start a life all over,
All things repeat as did before.
That night, cold waters at quay border,
That light, that street, that chemist's store.


2014-04-02, 12:51 AM #199
I've added the description of recent fixes to the fan-fic because you asked about research, thanks for everything, happy April's 2.
It was also an exercise in how to plausibly tie in the three completely unrelated franchises, which, however, all share some common traits (for one, I like them). One of the most favorite things for me about writing is to create problems which you can elegantly resolve, even if the solution only sounds good in your head.
2014-04-02, 1:17 AM #200

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