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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Thread for Joncey
Thread for Joncey
2014-04-14, 12:38 PM #281
Originally posted by Antony:
A man who is ostensibly a writer cannot express himself verbally and must use images created by others.

You just need to get high, man, and it will like, just make sense, you know?
2014-04-15, 4:20 AM #282
You are welcome, Reid. You don't have to be high for it to make sense, you just have to stop following Jon'C's path of idiotic ignorance. I must have been stoned to promise to expand on my original crit of your fan fic which you've "dug out of the trunk" by your own admission, making it a waste of my time (as in, I highly doubt you will rewrite it), but oh well. For those too dense to "get it" -- the statue is Cain by Henri Vidal, and I posted it because of:

1) Jon'C's screams for MORE PHILOSOPHY (it does somewhat looks like a much more famous statue by Rodin, doesn't it?)
2) Because FACEPALM.

I will reply to your comments on my Punk Girl story closer to 4/20, like promised.

Have a nice day.
2014-04-15, 5:26 AM #283
Lay off the sauce, dude.
>>untie shoes
2014-04-15, 5:55 AM #284
An alcoholic, a mentally unstable person, and a narcissistic fool walk into a bar ...

Originally posted by Jon'C:
Also it's really telling how you couldn't bear to reply to Reid's criticism of your work, but pinching off a brown loaf of a critique of someone else's work was apparently life goal #1 after getting unbanned.

The only thing that bothered me in you people banning me for disliking you lot is that it made me unable to deliver on the two things I'd said I'd do, which was crit Reid's work ON HIS ****ING REQUEST, you moron, and the second one was to talk in more detail on why not all of Reid's comments on my story were useful (albeit some of them were). The reason I'm procrastinating doing that is that much like Reid and his fan fic, I'm not really planning on doing anything with the Punk Girl story either, making it again a waste of my time ... not to mention, my response would probably bring a whole new batch of insults from you people, but hey, **** it. I am not a solipsist as Michael F. had insinuated, but I really do not care what Jon'C and his fan club thinks of me.
2014-04-15, 7:54 AM #285
Originally posted by Koobie:
For those too dense to "get it" -- the statue is Cain by Henri Vidal, and I posted it because of:

1) Jon'C's screams for MORE PHILOSOPHY (it does somewhat looks like a much more famous statue by Rodin, doesn't it?)
Thanks for explaining your joke. I thought you just did a google image search for "facepalm" and posted literally the first result, but it's good to know your choice has an elaborate back story which you definitely didn't make up out of embarrassment at being called on constantly leaning on other peoples' works to make up for your severe shortfalls of intelligence, creativity, and personality.

Originally posted by Koobie:
An alcoholic, a mentally unstable person, and a narcissistic fool walk into a bar ...
Punchline: they're all Koobie.

The only thing that bothered me in you people banning me for disliking you lot
You were banned for spamming and bigotry by someone who hasn't visited the forums in almost a year. Someone who, fyi, didn't get along with me very well and didn't owe me any favors. You were banned by an impartial third party who read your posts and decided you're the most annoying, stupid and genuinely terrible person on the forum.

"We" were the ones who unbanned you.

I'm procrastinating
*holds the envelope up to his forehead*

The two words most commonly spoken by Koobie.

I'm not really planning on doing anything with the Punk Girl story either, making it again a waste of my time
also family, career, life, writing skill, various psychological and physiological addictions, mental illnesses, education, intelligence,...

I am not a solipsist
solipsism sounds real cool but I just can't identify with a philosophical concept that I don't plan to write a story about.

I really do not care what Jon'C and his fan club thinks of me.
Obviously. Well, literally nobody likes you here, especially after your tirades about gypsies and making fun of dormouse for being LGBTQ, so maybe you should leave.
2014-04-15, 8:07 AM #286

ROMANI, you racist scum, ROMANI!



PS. And you are an educated fool to whom some very confused people look up to even in matters in which you have very little practical experience because apparently you have some rudimentary programming skills, know a professor or two, and (I assume) badmouth people in the MASSCHATs a lot. Perhaps you should leave. Except, you know what? I don't actually want you to leave. You are a source of constant amusement, precisely because instead of being civil you choose to act like an an ape with a keyboard and shout at the world about how smart you supposedly are when somebody dares disagree with your holy opinions.
2014-04-15, 8:25 AM #287
Originally posted by Jon`C:
"We" were the ones who unbanned you.

I swear, CM's getting his sick jollies off unbanning him.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-04-15, 8:51 AM #288
Originally posted by Koobie:

ROMANI, you racist scum, ROMANI!
That's what we kept telling you, but you just kept going on and on about how they're called gypsies and how they should be thrown into the ovens and how you know best because you come from Europe. I'm glad you've finally grown a little as a person.

PS. And you are an educated fool to whom some very confused people look up to even in matters you've very little practical knowledge about because apparently you have some rudimentary programming skills, know a professor or two,
I am educated and people look up to me. Wow, the horror. I am deeply offended.

Edit: You forgot 'sober'. You insulted a recovering alcoholic by calling him 'sober', and I'm also sober because unlike you I'm not drunk/high constantly.

and (I assume) badmouth people in the MASSCHATs a lot.
Actually I stuck up for you in MASSCHAT before you went off the deep end. But clearly that's my fault, because you're perfect.

Perhaps you should leave.
"no u"

Except, you know what? I don't actually want you to leave.
I want you to leave. You're an incredibly disruptive poster who makes every thread about himself and his hobby. Nobody here likes you, nobody wants to read your writing. You are only allowed to post here because CM thinks you are a clown, stupid and vain enough that you'll keep coming back for more insults forever.

I especially want you to leave if it means you are going to get the psychological help you very very very obviously need. You have textbook NPD and have publicly admitted to self-medicate with alcohol in order to have normal social interactions, which indicates both alcoholism and pretty advanced social anxiety. Get help.
2014-04-15, 9:07 AM #289
And somehow Koobie is proving he's not racist by posting a Japanese caricature of a just pretending to be Romani con-artist as his proof?
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-15, 9:11 AM #290
Jon'C, I've once said I drank a bottle of Tokaj on an evening off ... for you, it means I have a problem.
I said nobody calls gypsies Romani here, and I am therefore a racist.
I was genuinely unaware of Dormouse's gender (until she'd corrected me, I had assumed she was a he), I am therefore a transphobe.
The stress in "educated fool" was not on educated, Joncey. It was on fool​. Fool. :)
2014-04-15, 9:12 AM #291
Originally posted by Dormouse:
And somehow Koobie is proving he's not racist by posting a Japanese caricature of a just pretending to be Romani con-artist as his proof?

That is Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop, who described herself as Romani in the cult classic anime series. She was just pretending? I'm re-watching the series now (well, kind of, I really don't have that much time), didn't know she was pretending.
2014-04-15, 9:13 AM #292
Originally posted by Koobie:
That is Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop, who described herself as Romani in the cult classic anime series. She was just pretending? I'm re-watching the series now (well, kind of, I really don't have that much time), didn't know she was pretending.

That is actually exactly what I just posted. You just don't read anything before replying, or at least understand it.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-15, 9:14 AM #293
Originally posted by Koobie:
Jon'C, I've once said I drank a bottle of Tokaj on an evening off ...
yeah, to level yourself out/stop the DTs long enough for you to talk to a girl.

for you, it means I have a problem.
You have a lot of problems.

The stress in "educated fool" was not on educated, Joncey. It was on fool​. Fool. :)
The stress in "nobody likes you" was on nobody.
2014-04-15, 9:15 AM #294
Originally posted by Dormouse:
That is actually exactly what I just posted. You just don't read anything before replying, or at least understand it.

Hmph. Koobie doesn't have time to read or understand what other people are posting, but if he ever writes a story about reading or understanding what other people are posting....
2014-04-15, 10:01 AM #295
Okay I initially didn't reply to your "crits" because they were so vapid and frankly aimless that I couldn't articulate myself without just calling you stupid. But here goes:

Originally posted by Koobie:
Our eyes remained focused, it was now a battle of will, I had to force them to stay down, and with all my might I pressed.

Who are we? Who am I? Is my eyes remaining focused a problem?

How did I force my eyes to stay down? Or is it not my eyes whom I'd forced to stay down?

I stated very clearly that I was posting an excerpt. An excerpt with no context, yeah, you may have to work things out because I didn't give an exposition.

Originally posted by Koobie:
>>I forced their sorry body into the planks, preventing them from any motion.

Whose sorry body?

Oh boy, you didn't read the whole passage before giving crits? I used pronouns because the character was unknown but he's named in the next sentence

Originally posted by Koobie:
>>By this time I had a suspicion, I was almost sure it was Gylsahm, but I needed to continue; out of principle. I could see a fragment of his eye peering at me, and within it's murky fire I saw a twitch of fear.

In whose eye?
**** suspense, dude, I want to know what's going on.

In whose eyes? The only other character in the scene besides the narrators. Lack of context doesn't mean the writing was poor (even though it is), it means you didn't have the appropriate context. You story, on the other hand, was complete, from exposition to denouement. You've missed just about all the places my writing should have been criticized and hit all the places that are irrelevant.

Didn't you also originally question my use of "sorry" before you edited the post? As though you thought "sorry" only meant "apologetic"?
2014-04-15, 11:56 AM #296
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2014-04-15, 4:19 PM #297
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Identity matters. In brief the issue I have is that you're trying to make specific statements about specific but indiscernible things over an uncountably infinite group generated from a continuous probability distribution. I agree with the axiom of choice in a mathematical sense but I don't agree you can construct a deterministic universe out of a non-deterministic one in this way. The total energy of a branch must be infinitesimal, and in order to choose a single branch you'd need to know things about particles that you can't know.

But why does identity matter? What bearing does it have on the thought experiment, other than the language used to describe it?

Whether the whole system overall is deterministic or not isn't really important to the point of the thought experiment, as well. I don't think it needs to be countable for the whole system to be deterministic (I would think of the entire thing--all of time and space across every continuous range of possible outcomes--as one single 'object') but that's a whole other debate.

The point was to show that the MWI is a model of the universe in which true randomness does occur, albeit only from a subjective point of view.
I'm just a little boy.
2014-04-15, 8:44 PM #298
Originally posted by Flirbnic:
But why does identity matter? What bearing does it have on the thought experiment, other than the language used to describe it?
What does it mean to talk about specific things happening in specific branches without identity?

I'm trying to point out that your thought experiment is facile; yes, you can construct a deterministic system out of stochastic outcomes and talk about individual 'nodes', but only because the random events themselves still have a clear, independent cause even if the outcomes are uncertain. In our universe this isn't necessarily true, and our freaky form of causation means that a person in a particular branch (if we can even talk about such things) is in a superposition of both admitting and contradicting the indiscernibility of identicals. dis shi cray.
2014-04-15, 10:15 PM #299
Jon, what is your position on the philosophy of mind?
2014-04-16, 3:57 AM #300
Reid, I'd expanded my original reply in post #273. You do not have to explain to me how I'm too ****ty a reader to have failed to understand wtf is going on in your prose. Simply take whatever advise you find useful, if you find it useful / decide to use it / understand it, and discard the rest. I even re-wrote one line for you, I'm not going to re-write the entire thing just to demonstrate what I meant by everything I've said in that post, sorry to say. This is why I don't like to respond to crits I may not agree with (neither do most people who value their time and sanity), but I'll get to it. Perhaps you think I've missed the important parts and concentrated on what is irrelevant, or at least so you say, but if you know all the flaws in your story already, why haven't you fixed it yet?
Peace & luvs,
2014-04-16, 4:04 AM #301
Originally posted by Dormouse:
That is actually exactly what I just posted. You just don't read anything before replying, or at least understand it.

That's because I don't speak retarded. :D


I wasn't proving ****. I don't have to prove to you I am not a racist. If you think people owe you proof that they're not child-molesters, gay-haters, KKK-sympathizers, kitten-****ers, etc., think again.

I posted the pic of Faye Vallentine because ...


2014-04-16, 5:22 AM #302
Yeah, Koobie... Everyone else is wrong and just doesn't seem to comprehend the English language as well as you do.
>>untie shoes
2014-04-16, 5:23 AM #303
And it's not even my native language. Amazing, isn't it? :)

The problem isn't with English comprehension; it is more of an issue with some people's distinct lack of common sense ...

Crowd chant: NO U!!!
2014-04-16, 5:36 AM #304
At this point I'm not sure if you just don't understand sarcasm due to your linguistic handicap or if you're just being a troll.

I feel like the easiest explanation for all of this is that you don't understand English nearly as well as you think you do.
>>untie shoes
2014-04-16, 5:59 AM #305
I understand sarcasm, Antony. The easiest explanation for you thinking I don't is that of you lacking any common sense. :D
2014-04-16, 9:42 AM #306
Originally posted by Koobie:
Reid, I'd expanded my original reply in post #273. You do not have to explain to me how I'm too ****ty a reader to have failed to understand wtf is going on in your prose. Simply take whatever advise you find useful, if you find it useful / decide to use it / understand it, and discard the rest. I even re-wrote one line for you, I'm not going to re-write the entire thing just to demonstrate what I meant by everything I've said in that post, sorry to say. This is why I don't like to respond to crits I may not agree with (neither do most people who value their time and sanity), but I'll get to it. Perhaps you think I've missed the important parts and concentrated on what is irrelevant, or at least so you say, but if you know all the flaws in your story already, why haven't you fixed it yet?
Peace & luvs,

Okay, I'm only going to try one more time with you, and carefully. I know you're basic but try.

Originally posted by Koobie:
Here is my original reply, expanded:

>>Our eyes remained focused, it was now a battle of will, I had to force them to stay down, and with all my might I pressed.

This sentence alone demonstrates you are an amateur. Please do not take it as an offense. Perhaps it will win you accolades in the Literary School of Jon'C (Jon'C, please *do* take it as an offense, you narcissistic twerp), but from reading this sentence I do not know whose eyes remain focused. I do not know who "we" are. I do not know on what our eyes are focusing, or why it is important. You have a conflict (sort of), but you have no characters. When you say "I had to foce them to stay down" it is unclear for me who did the MC have to force to stay down? His eyes? His buddies, whose eyes are also focused?

>>I forced their sorry body into the planks, preventing them from any motion.

Many people but one body? Also, I have no sense of setting. Where is the action taking place? Not to mention ... who are these "they"?

>>By this time I had a suspicion, I was almost sure it was Gylsahm, but I needed to continue; out of principle.

The body belonged to Gylsahm? Also, what did the MC have to continue doing, focusing his eyes, forcing "them" to stay down (?), or pushing the sorry body into the planks? How can a body be sorry? How is pushing anything into wooden planks any good?

>>Indeed I was truly in control at this point, although it did not evoke happiness, instead it made me feel miserable.

If you want your readers to feel for your characters, don't say they are miserable. Show us their thoughts, explain that burning feeling in their dry throats and they search for the rights words to tell to their friends when they ask them what's up and fail, etc.

>>My jaw muscles lost their tenseness, and in that instant, I felt myself thrown backwards and my neck clamped, the very thing I had done to him was not being done to me.

"I felt myself thrown backwards" is passive. Who or what threw the MC backwards? What had he done to him (presumably, Gylsahm, who is now a sorry body)?

>>As I remained held down I could only feel fright and confusion, why would he do this to me?

Again, passive sentence struction & telling & no clear sense of what's going on. Again, the "he" is the sorry body?

At this point I've finished reading the first pargaraph, and I still have no idea of what is going on apart from a very faint notion that the story might deal with shapeshifters of one sort or another.

>>I placed my palm upon my jugular, crying to nature for forgiveness and redemption, to heal myself. Nature agreed with my final request, and soon natural energies flowed from within my hands to the injuries placed upon my delicate body.

What is this, "crying to nature?"

How about, "I put one hand on my throat and screamed a silent scream, sucking in the energies around me. It wasn't easy, but I've done it, somehow, I've done it; the pain was as intoleratable as ever, and yet I'd felt my wounds slowly close one by one, flesh mending flesh, as nature answered my desperate plea." Or something like that.

>>His neck bore similar to mine, and yet although my wounds were healed, seeing his made the pain come more intensely than they had before.

Bore wounds similar to mine? How can the MC see the enemy's pain if the enemy is asleep? Why is he asleep, anyway, didn't they just have a fight?

>>I fell forward, plunging my face into his blood, asking nature for the final time to heal, to prevent his potential suffering.

Two paragarphs in, and I still have no idea what's going on. What potential suffering?

This is an excerpt with no context.

Originally posted by Koobie:
Reid, you've mentioned you had some mental issues in this thread previously I believe, but you seem to be able to formulate sentences quite well in your posts; you should be able to do the same when writing fiction.

What are you talking about? I'm not going to share my medical information with the internet first of all, and second of all I do not have any condition that would effect basic cognition, such as mental retardation.

Originally posted by Koobie:
Simply find a book or two that you really like, and try to see, sentence by sentence, what the authors did -- and how they did it. See how characters come to life (usually because of a conflict or a change, whether internal or external), see how settings are described, and so on. And don't let me discourage you. Practice is everything.


Do you really think emulating criticism fed to you by other Massassi members will prove you're not basic? I get it, I do. You're trying to establish credibility by tearing down an excerpt with the same criticisms you heard about your work. It's not clever, you're not going to trap me into that game. It's too basic.

You never asked for context. The passage is confusing without context. Therefore your criticisms are tangential and irrelevant. I would criticize my sentence structure and word choice; but that's not what you picked. You ignore my own statements that the passage is "terrible" and "makes me cringe." You haven't asked for context or for a work I think is decent.

It's not worth trying with you.
2014-04-16, 12:42 PM #307
Originally posted by Reid:
You never asked for context. The passage is confusing without context.

I never asked you for anything. I never asked you to crit my work, I never asked you to give me yours to crit. This is all a giant waste of my time, and I only tolerate it because ... I don't know. I'm just a special kind of crazy, I guess. I did not want to offend you, Reid. I really liked the dub music you've posted.

Please do not take my criticism of what you wrote as an attack on yourself. Please do not take it as me trying to look good in the eyes of Jon'C. I have written many more crits than I've written stories. And I've written a lot of stories. Some of these crits helped people. Some of them didn't.

It is okay you disagree with what I have to say. It is okay it is an excerpt, but I still want to know what's going on when I'm reading something, excerpt or not ... em. Anyway.



Start being reasonable.
2014-04-16, 1:04 PM #308
Originally posted by Koobie:
Please do not take my criticism of what you wrote as an attack on yourself.

If only you had heeded this to begin with.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2014-04-16, 1:21 PM #309
What makes you think I don't, Krokodile? I've received more crits than I'd written. ;)
2014-04-16, 1:42 PM #310
The way you reacted when Jon`C started criticizing your writing (and it was still constructive).
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2014-04-16, 3:15 PM #311
Originally posted by Koobie:
I never asked you for anything. I never asked you to crit my work, I never asked you to give me yours to crit. This is all a giant waste of my time, and I only tolerate it because ... I don't know. I'm just a special kind of crazy, I guess. I did not want to offend you, Reid. I really liked the dub music you've posted.

Please do not take my criticism of what you wrote as an attack on yourself. Please do not take it as me trying to look good in the eyes of Jon'C. I have written many more crits than I've written stories. And I've written a lot of stories. Some of these crits helped people. Some of them didn't.

It is okay you disagree with what I have to say. It is okay it is an excerpt, but I still want to know what's going on when I'm reading something, excerpt or not ... em. Anyway.



You can't flip the script now, Koobie. Don't forget that you were the one that came here to plug for your work.

Originally posted by Koobie:
Start being reasonable.

2014-04-16, 4:28 PM #312
Originally posted by Jon`C:
What does it mean to talk about specific things happening in specific branches without identity?

Well, let's bring some more thought experiments into this, since philosophy of mind is kind of important to this discussion. I've been assuming a physicalist position.

The identity of a ship as the Ship of Theseus is not an intrinsic property of the ship, but is instead just a way to categorize and label it. The Ship of Theseus thought experiment only demonstrates the mereological limitations of the abstract concept of identity.

Of course, this doesn't mean that we have to throw away the use of identity entirely. It just means that we need to avoid projecting those limitations onto the things which identity is applied to.

Let's say Bob is scanned by a machine that makes a molecularly identical copy of him and destroys the original (or if you prefer, lightning in a bog does the same thing by chance). Is the copy still Bob? Like the Ship of Theseus, this is really just a question about how you interpret and label the objects involved.

That is, unless a person, unlike a ship, does have some intrinsic identity, which means you are either taking a position of idealism (which is pretty much solipsistic and conversation-halting in this case) or dualism.

If you take a dualistic position, does Bob's spirit or Bob-ness transfer to the copy, is it destroyed with the original Bob, or does it pass into the afterlife? What is the function of this Bob-ness, and how does it relate to the functions of the brain? How do you know Bob had any Bob-ness in the first place? Dualism is rife with problems, and potentially the subject of a whole other debate (that I am entirely willing to be a part of).

A physicalist position would state that Bob's subjective consciousness is made up of neurological impulses, and does not carry any intrinsic Bob-ness from moment to moment any more than from original to copy.

Let's say that two copies of Bob are created instead of just one, Bob2h in front of a coin set heads-up, and Bob2t in front of a coin set tails-up. Even if this took place in a completely deterministic universe without the limitations on measurement that come with quantum physics, there is nothing Bob1 could have done to predict which coin "he" would see afterwards (since both Bob2t and Bob2h would remember the same prediction), unless it is also a dualistic universe and Bob somehow has knowledge of what intrinsic identities do in these situations.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
I'm trying to point out that your thought experiment is facile; yes, you can construct a deterministic system out of stochastic outcomes and talk about individual 'nodes', but only because the random events themselves still have a clear, independent cause even if the outcomes are uncertain. In our universe this isn't necessarily true, and our freaky form of causation means that a person in a particular branch (if we can even talk about such things) is in a superposition of both admitting and contradicting the indiscernibility of identicals. dis shi cray.

I don't follow what you are trying to say with "a superposition of both admitting and contradicting the indiscernibility of identicals".
I'm just a little boy.
2014-04-16, 4:40 PM #313
Lab rats.
2014-04-16, 6:50 PM #314
Originally posted by Flirbnic:
A physicalist position would state that Bob's subjective consciousness is made up of neurological impulses, and does not carry any intrinsic Bob-ness from moment to moment any more than from original to copy.
Poor Parfit.

Let's say that two copies of Bob are created instead of just one, Bob2h in front of a coin set heads-up, and Bob2t in front of a coin set tails-up. Even if this took place in a completely deterministic universe without the limitations on measurement that come with quantum physics, there is nothing Bob1 could have done to predict which coin "he" would see afterwards (since both Bob2t and Bob2h would remember the same prediction), unless it is also a dualistic universe and Bob somehow has knowledge of what intrinsic identities do in these situations.
You answered the wrong question. What I'm asking you is this: what is a Bob2t?

Like I said, I agree with your thought experiment in constructing a deterministic system from a non-deterministic one (assuming the p nodes are sufficiently 'regular'). But it's not clear that what you are talking about applies to our universe. In particular, if the MWI is true and time is not quantized, there is no such thing as "Bob2t" outside of our individual perception of the universe. There is no such thing as your tree-like structure - what would it even mean to have a tree where there are an uncountable number of nodes between any two nodes on a walk? What would a walk even be? Choosing a thing to call "Bob2t" is like choosing the middle integer from an infinite sequence.

I'm not saying that I don't understand the words you are writing. I do. What I'm saying is that your construction is not well-defined outside of the very narrow constraints of your thought experiment.

I don't follow what you are trying to say with "a superposition of both admitting and contradicting the indiscernibility of identicals".
What does it mean, in our understanding of the universe, for two objects A and B to differ only by some predicate p for which p(A) and p(B) are determined solely by the outcome of an event outside of the observable universe according to A, B, and us?
2014-04-17, 1:16 AM #315
Originally posted by Krokodile:
The way you reacted when Jon`C started criticizing your writing (and it was still constructive).

The one time Jon'C read the fan fiction story I'd written, I used almost all of his suggestions (most were historical fact corrections) and added a "with a special thanks to Jon'C" line (or something like that) to the intro page. So I don't really know what you are talking about. Neither do you, I think. Anyway, **** it. The determinism discussion really is​ more interesting ITT.

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