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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Thread for Joncey
Thread for Joncey
2014-04-01, 7:57 PM #121
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2014-04-01, 7:58 PM #122
Originally posted by Dormouse:
I am a long way from being straight, but it has nothing to do with dresses. But this comment does reinforce my belief that you actually can't stand to read or comprehend anything written on this forum that isn't about you.

And for what it's worth, "Jon`C's mom is recyclable" could only possibly be considered a sentence fragment based on its lack of closing punctuation. However, grammatically it is in fact a complete sentence.

Okay, let's talk about you, Dormouse.

You are not straight. Okay. What else do you want to say about it?
2014-04-01, 8:01 PM #123
Originally posted by Koobie:
Okay, let's talk about you, Dormouse.

You are not straight. Okay. What else do you want to say about it?

You brought it up. I was simply correcting you. You should probably return to making this thread all about Jon`C since you literally made a thread about Jon`C.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-01, 8:02 PM #124
Okay. Let's talk about Jon'C!

What do you want to say about Jon'C? :)
2014-04-01, 8:07 PM #125
Originally posted by Koobie:
Okay. Let's talk about Jon'C!

What do you want to say about Jon'C? :)

Merely that if the forum could have Jon`C posting twice as much instead of simply having to reply to your wastes of textual space all the time everyone, especially me, would find it a far more worthwhile place to visit.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-01, 8:09 PM #126
Originally posted by Koobie:
is a sentence fragment
the same way
BAD ************
can be a sentence fragment
"BAD MOTHER****ER" is either a predicative complement or a noun phrase depending on how it's used, but either way it is a well-formed syntactic unit.

"JON`C'S MOM, RECYCLABLE" is missing any English structure. Your intention is straightforward to deduce but only because of word choice and context.

I mean, for someone who prizes a grammar textbook, you're terrible at the subject.

It's an obvious play on the "Bad ************" scene from Pulp Fiction (hence, the movie fragment)
Yes, all of your works are derivative. We are painfully aware.

and never had a penny in it (which is technically true, I suppose)
as if
how much money is in your wallet
is important
to who you are
Don't worry about that; you're an un-person regardless of how little money you have.
2014-04-01, 8:09 PM #127

2014-04-01, 8:10 PM #128
Okay. :)
2014-04-01, 8:11 PM #129
>>Your intention is straightforward to deduce but only because of word choice and context.

Thanks. :)
2014-04-01, 8:12 PM #130
Originally posted by Koobie:
>>Your intention is straightforward to deduce but only because of word choice and context.

Thanks. :)

Oh, wait ... why'd you have to call Professor Gollum then? :D
2014-04-01, 8:13 PM #131
Originally posted by Koobie:
>>Your intention is straightforward to deduce but only because of word choice and context.

Thanks. :)

This is not a compliment.

stupid dongbreath kill him are Koobie self

You understood this despite having no structure. Mustering a passing, vague comprehension of your writing is a compliment to your readers, not to you.
2014-04-01, 8:14 PM #132
You only have a limited amount of space
to write ****
on a wallet.
2014-04-01, 8:15 PM #133
Originally posted by Koobie:
You only have a limited amount of space
to write ****
on a wallet.

Yes. Sadly, the internet has nearly infinite capacity to hold your pungent fables full of stolen characters and plotlines.
2014-04-01, 8:16 PM #134
Good artists copy. Great artists steal.
2014-04-01, 8:17 PM #135
Koobie that gives me an idea, you should commit to wallet slogans as your artistic medium. Here are just some of the many advantages:

1. There would be far less of your text for people to read.

2. A wallet is normally hidden away in a pocket where others can't see it, which is the perfect place for something you've written.
2014-04-01, 8:17 PM #136
And hopeless morons regurgitate tired cliches.
>>untie shoes
2014-04-01, 8:19 PM #137
Originally posted by Jon'C:
Koobie that gives me an idea, you should commit to wallet slogans as your artistic medium.

2014-04-01, 8:19 PM #138
Originally posted by Koobie:
Good artists copy. Great artists steal.

This phrase does not mean what you think it does. But since you're broadly a **** person and specifically an incompetent writer, I don't honestly expect you to ever understand the difference between aping another person's work and internalizing it.
2014-04-01, 8:23 PM #139
and on the inside flap
2014-04-01, 8:25 PM #140
"good artists borrow, great artists steal!"

ahahaha, this means I, a fan fiction author stealing characters and story elements, am a great artist!

the fact that "borrowing" something is a temporary condition and "stealing" something means taking it for yourself, permanently, must be a meaningless statement because it implies that I am not as great as I think I am!!
2014-04-01, 8:25 PM #141
Originally posted by Koobie:
and on the inside flap

My mother

Divided into sections


I don't get it.
2014-04-01, 8:26 PM #142
Koobie is beyond being so bad it's good. Koobie is so bad it's worse.
>>untie shoes
2014-04-01, 8:27 PM #143
I bet this man could make kick-ass wallets had he wanted to:


Ta-ta for now.
2014-04-01, 8:28 PM #144
Originally posted by Koobie:
I bet this man could make kick-ass wallets had he wanted to:


Ta-ta for now.

There is not a single thing in this image that you understand.
2014-04-01, 8:32 PM #145
Koobie reminds me of the literalists who say Noah is a bad movie.
>>untie shoes
2014-04-01, 8:32 PM #146
Originally posted by Jon'C:
My mother

Divided into sections


I don't get it.

You should drop an e-mail to Professor Geoffrey K. Pullum, but he'd probably just say,


Figure that one out.
2014-04-01, 8:36 PM #147
Originally posted by Koobie:
Even if it were true, Jon'C, it wouldn't bother me, because I'd probably still agree with their sentiment. :D

Because arbitrarily determining what someone else might have meant and then using that to lend credibility/authority/intellectualism to your own matching opinions is really how learning things is supposed to work.

Look, you guys, x artist said y which supports my position z. Look you guys, x artist said y but actually meant y' which supports my position z'.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2014-04-01, 8:46 PM #148
Originally posted by Koobie:
Reason: Ta-ta means ta-ta ... back to REALITY now. :)
Finally found your antipsychotics, huh?
2014-04-01, 8:51 PM #149
Originally posted by Koobie:
You should drop an e-mail to Professor Geoffrey K. Pullum, but he'd probably just say,


Figure that one out.

All of this must sound a lot better in your head.
2014-04-01, 9:59 PM #150
Originally posted by Alan:
Yeah, well I ****ed your dad.

Actually, I must apologize to you (and to a lesser degree, to the ReTards etc), did not expect him to get a lot worse.

Good artists copy, great artists steal, both of them are literate, unlike Koobie.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2014-04-01, 10:28 PM #151
lol good artists copy ideas but great artists plagiarize
2014-04-01, 10:33 PM #152
good artists and great artists don't really have much to do with this discussion
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2014-04-01, 10:35 PM #153
Bad artists imitate.
2014-04-01, 10:39 PM #154
Originally posted by Koobie:
Bad artists imitate.

Glad you've finally admitted it.
2014-04-01, 10:41 PM #155
Great artists steal.
2014-04-01, 11:11 PM #156
Originally posted by Koobie:
Great artists steal.

"I steal, and therefore, by affirming the consequent, I am a great artist."
2014-04-01, 11:12 PM #157
This is what "affirming the consequent means", FYI.

Normally I wouldn't link to an explanation but I know you're both too uneducated to have ever heard of the term, and too stupid to find an explanation on your own, so this way you can save face.
2014-04-01, 11:14 PM #158
Originally posted by Jon`C:
This is what "affirming the consequent means", FYI.

Normally I wouldn't link to an explanation but I know you're both too uneducated to have ever heard of the term, and too stupid to find an explanation on your own, so this way you can save face.
Here Koobie I will even save you the time of writing a reply:

durr me koobie. me am stupid, too stupid. me am only care about logic if me am to write story about logic. buy me are book.
2014-04-01, 11:16 PM #159
Who's the both you're addressing?

Edit: are you saying Koobie has a developmental disability?
2014-04-01, 11:19 PM #160
Originally posted by Reid:
Who's the both you're addressing?

Nobody, just koobie. He is both uneducated and stupid.

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