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This is the static archive of the Massassi Forums. The forums are closed indefinitely. Thanks for all the memories!

You can also download Super Old Archived Message Boards from when Massassi first started.

"View" counts are as of the day the forums were archived, and will no longer increase.

ForumsDiscussion Forum → Massassi Level Pack: Finale of Massassi (DEADLINE EXTENDED, 2/1/2016)
Massassi Level Pack: Finale of Massassi (DEADLINE EXTENDED, 2/1/2016)
2016-01-09, 10:10 AM #161
You can't keep a good massassi down!
One day, after everybody else quits, I'll be the best.
Sith Mercenaries
^My site.
2016-01-09, 2:20 PM #162
gee. bee. kay. gee. bee. kay.
2016-01-09, 2:42 PM #163
I don't think I got an email, and it wasn't in my spam. Weird. Happy to hear gbk is taking over so Massassi will persist
I had a blog. It sucked.
2016-01-09, 4:38 PM #164
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
I don't think I got an email, and it wasn't in my spam. Weird. Happy to hear gbk is taking over so Massassi will persist

I've heard that from at least one other too, and I have no idea why that might be the case if the email is set right and all that. I even set it to send the recommended smaller batches so as to not potentially stress CM's server, so I'd be hard-pressed to think ones were skipped over for going too quickly. Who knows, though.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2016-01-09, 8:04 PM #165
I figured I'd pop back in and say hi to everyone at least one more time.

Thank you to everyone who helped me all those years ago. In particular, a big shoutout to GBK and Ruthven.

I wish I had more time to devote to finishing all of my projects (don't we all?).

It always brought me a little smile every year when I got that birthday email from the forums.

JK is still my favorite game of all time, and this one of the best communities I have been a part of. Plus, the smilies are awesome: :hist101: :eek: :psyduck: :neckbeard: :gbk: :ninja: Now I have to go an install JK on my new computer and play though everything and a bunch of the new stuff. I will definitely make my kids play JK when they are old enough too.

The most awesome place on the net is located in a galaxy far, far away, in a Massassi temple.
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2016-01-09, 11:01 PM #166
It's been a thing. That happened.
I am constant as the northern star
2016-01-10, 12:00 AM #167
Thanks and farewell to everyone from the only online community I ever felt part of.
All the best to you guys!
2016-01-10, 6:23 AM #168
I got the email and was preparing myself for a goodbye video. But if :gbk: or anyone else is gonna keep it alive... Although I haven't been around for a while. Us editors seem to be more focused on JKHub, posting project updates and releasing teases, alphas, betas. Although the "Final Release" function seems to be a little broken so having the Massassi as our place to put our final releases is a good. That, and ModDB.

As for a final MLP (*sigh* can't see those 3 letters without thinking of certain cute creatures), haven't been able to keep track of these things, and I can't always come up with something (good) in time for the deadline. But rest assured that things do get created, one way or another.

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2016-01-10, 6:25 AM #169
BTW Edward, you are officially the ultimate Cog King. GBK concedes his defeat.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-01-10, 6:46 AM #170
:D squee
Although, I got nothing on Sith Lord's Asylum of Mortality...
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2016-01-10, 7:53 AM #171
I would just like to give a big thank you to the staff and contributors who have kept this site and community great.

Massassi has been a wealth of knowledge and resources that has fed my hobby of JK over the years.

If this is the end, I am truly sad to see it go.
- SM Nesseight | Chris (XFire profile)
- Sith Mercenaries
2016-01-10, 10:05 AM #172
I'd like to see it continue as an archive to get some content I've never found anywhere: but let's be honest, should we just let the past stay in the past and allow our nostalgia to yellow and fade and let memories simply be memoires? I don't know.

Unrelated to this news I dusted off Jedi Knight over the holidays, couldn't get it working on my new Win10 install, but it was enough to hear the comforting squishy beeb-boops of the menu, that harsh LucasArts opening. Even if I could get it working, how long would I have played? Ten minutes, an hour? Today my thoughts are in the wastelands of the Commonwealth and the Mojave. My days of being a gun-toting force user seem like they belong to another person altogether, one I'll never be again.

And I realized, the 14 year-old version of myself who frequented this community as a beta tester, the 20 year-old who wrote for an ill-fated NES arc, those people are gone. I want a Massassi archive because I feel like this time of our lives, of our culture, is important. I want to be able to go back and remember the romps through JawaDwelling, to blow the dust off those ancient COGs. But also I recognize it's incredibly difficult to maintain old leaky web software. My 30 year-old self knows this all too well. Even just leaving up a memorial archive may prove too cumbersome. That's not work I'd be doing, so I defer to the doers for the final decision.

I'll burn an effigy of Massassi in a pyre to some old lilting sorrowful John Williams tune when the day comes. And maybe inject some ill-advised one-off tangent post into NES, to once again recall, I was here. We were here. We made this place what it was, what it is, what it will be. Thirty years from now we'll still remember. And that, perhaps, is enough.

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." (Groucho Marx)
2016-01-10, 10:41 AM #173
Just got the email, had to reset my password to get in here. Never made a level, mod, or skin but I sure downloaded a ****load of them for JK1, JKO, and JKA. Long live the Jedi Academy series...long live was sites like these that introduced me to what modding exactly was in the late 90s/early 2000s. Edit: I also hadn't posted in a decade on here. My how time flies.
2016-01-10, 10:42 AM #174
Originally posted by Gebohq:
I've heard that from at least one other too, and I have no idea why that might be the case if the email is set right and all that. I even set it to send the recommended smaller batches so as to not potentially stress CM's server, so I'd be hard-pressed to think ones were skipped over for going too quickly. Who knows, though.

Just got the email, I don't know if you sent another round or what.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2016-01-10, 10:53 AM #175
A special thanks to Brian and Cool Matty. Not only did they keep ***** afloat for so long, but they both helped me here and there on other projects from time to time.
I had a great time here when I was here. Fond memories indeed! :)

I sold my soul to Brian to get unbanned.
I took a lot of flack for generally stating "you guys are my friends" once.

Thanks everyone!!
Darth Evad aka Dave Taddeo
2016-01-10, 11:12 AM #176
Originally posted by Majiir:
...the 20 year-old who wrote for an ill-fated NES arc, those people are gone...

Not as ill-fated as you might think; Tsolo did end up getting some use throughout, and its character 'ended' (as much as any NeS character does) while driving a fairly significant story-arc. As for the people still around, apart from me, yeah. :( Nice to see you drop by!

Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Just got the email, I don't know if you sent another round or what.

Nope, guess it just took its sweet time.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2016-01-10, 11:48 AM #177
Gaming really isn't what it used to be. It seems like long term editing communities have been phased to to push yearly re-releases in a few tired trendy genres. Server browsers are even rare these days.

Reddit is really good for a lot of things, but you miss out on the longer term community aspect that you get from community forums, which is a bummer.
2016-01-10, 12:02 PM #178
BSR here. First, I wanna say I'm sorry I never finished but one of my many level projects (Liberating Cloud City). It's been a while, but I'm glad I got the notification so I could stop by and say goodbye. This place, along with The Admiral's Command Chamber, gave me a spot where I could showcase my early work and get feedback I desperately needed. I'm still working on projects today, using the Unreal Engine 4, but I'll probably never finish those either ;-)

I have fond memories of Massassi. Glad to have been a part of it.

If you want to keep up with my work, please check out my blog at

Live long and prosper.
2016-01-10, 12:10 PM #179
Originally posted by BSR:

I... that's just... I....

Alright, I'm gonna need some rope for myself. AND a wooden stool.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-01-10, 12:17 PM #180
Originally posted by Nikumubeki:
Alright, I'm gonna need some rope for myself.

FastGamerr, if you wanted to die you should have told me. I would have attended to it, quickly.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2016-01-10, 12:42 PM #181
The Jedi Knight community helped shape the netizen I am today. I often tell stories of 'back in my day' involving setting Force Deadly Sight to level 99, hackers that could set an entire game map underwater, the 'original' sandbox building game, etc.

The coolest part was that, for the most part, back in those days if someone simply asked the person hacking to stop and rejoin with a normal character, they would! It was done for a quick chuckle, but the spirit of the game was such that malicious gamers were pretty rare!

My parents let me play Jedi Knight online when I was ten! Back in 1998-ish! It was one of the first online games I played on the MSN gaming zone. I know that those days are over, but I'd like to make a suggestion:

I used to run a gaming clan. I made it shortly after I moved on from Jedi Knight. I let it disappear and die, I didn't keep the forums up, the contact info up, as a result there are people I hung out with that I will never be able to get in touch with again. They're just gone from my life. A few of them have, over the decade since the clan disappeared in 2006, shown up, but the others are gone!

I suggest keeping the forums active, maybe hosting an annual reunion via IRC chat or something of the like. Don't let the Massassi Temple vanish under the tides of history!

Edit: I can be contacted at the address wolvenmoon and will be for next couple of decades!
Fear me mortals for you are crunchy and good on toast!
2016-01-10, 1:30 PM #182
I appreciate Kitsune's idea of hosting annual reunions on IRC and keeping the forums up at least for contact's purpose. I have a few of the people I liked on Facebook, many more on the Massassi FB page, but not everyone has Facebook/not everyone knows everyone else's IRL name.

The idea of annual IRC reunions is kinda neat (and I won't idle for 2 months under someone else's name next time), maybe advertise them via email like Gebohq did for this last hurrah for Massassi. Do them around Christmas so people are off work/out of school (university?) and we can get a few games of JK together, perhaps.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2016-01-10, 2:10 PM #183
I might as well pop in and say hi as well, good idea on the mass email, its prompted me to pop back in and say hello. I was floating in and around the site, and was please to see it still about and working. If there is anything I can do to help with the site going forward, hosting, re-write, moving the forums to something compatible with out the issues (yeah right) please do let me know and I can get my design/coding team to do something if required. Its been a good 15 years on here in my various names and I have met a lot of good people that I still speak too in other places, but it would be a great shame to see one of the few remaining JK sites disappear from the internet completely.
Flying over there some were...
2016-01-10, 2:54 PM #184
I've been lurking around for awhile, but the email made me realize I should stop by and say adios!

"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2016-01-10, 2:56 PM #185
I joined this forum in 1998. I've always considered it my home on the internet. It's been a part of my life for over 50% of the time I've been alive. It's going to be weird when it's gone.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2016-01-10, 3:12 PM #186
Read the email earlier today. It sounds like GBK may be keeping this place up, which is great. If I'm following the thread properly.

I joined here, gosh, probably in 1998? After my friend showed me Jedi Knight and this site. For those who may remember him, that friend was MaDaVentor. I have such fond memories of MaDa and I playing JK/MotS and browsing these forums and playing everyone's amazing levels.

I still check in periodically, but rarely post. This place will always have a special place in my heart. It is a big part of my formative gaming years, and brings back just a ton of amazing memories and relative memories associated with MaDa. I will forever hold this place near and dear to my heart. I've recent gotten into Speed Running, thanks to AGDQ 2015 and it's amazing when GDQ rolls around to hear Cool Matty's name. The first time I heard his name there I was in disbelief it was the same guys. Such a small world, sometimes.

Haha that reminds me, and I apologize for going off on a tangent, but I recently took a trip to Disney World. For those not aware, the tickets and room keys if you stay on property are called Magic Bands with little NFC chips. These bands can be customized. Well I got two from this last trip. I had to order one in Green and had the name MaDaVentr on it in his honor (Green was his favorite color). Another association I will have forever of this place and all that has happened for me as a result.

I hope to maybe see some of you elsewhere sometime. If any of you ever want to contact me outside of here I'll be happy to provide contact info.

Thank you all for everything! It's been a true pleasure to have crossed paths with each of you over the years and experienced all of your amazing work, from mods, level packs, cog scripts, textures, skins, sabers, and whatever else. Absolutely amazing work by all of you! Especially those who have contributed to running this site.
2016-01-10, 4:10 PM #187
Yeah, had I known there were serious plans in place to keep Massassi going, I'd probably have held off on sending that e-mail. Oh well.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2016-01-10, 4:13 PM #188
Can someone copy/paste the email that was sent out? The email address that's associated with my alias here has been defunct since before September 11th.
former entrepreneur
2016-01-10, 5:35 PM #189
Here you go!

Hello Massassians!

For those who have fond memories of the Massassi Temple website, home to Jedi Knight modding and more, I have sad news. The website as it's been known will be shutting down sometime shortly after the final Massassi level pack has been completed. For more details, please read the following thread:

For those who wish to share memories and give a final good-bye in a final post, now's the time. If you have any issues with logging in, e-mail gebohq [at] gmail [dot] com with your account username and issue and I'll see how I can help.

On behalf of Brian (the site founder) and Cool Matty (the current webmaster), I thank all of you for making the Massassi Temple and its community one of the best websites to visit for nearly 20 years!

Scott Gajewski a.k.a. Gebohq

So GBK is taking over?

Either way, it's been a fun trip. Kinda sad that it might end. Even though I haven't been much of a community member, or contributor.
I can't wait for the day schools get the money they need, and the military has to hold bake sales to afford bombs.
2016-01-10, 7:17 PM #190
Originally posted by Admiral Zarn:
So GBK is taking over?

That's the plan. It would have happened already but I've been busy lately.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2016-01-10, 7:51 PM #191
Massassi was an inside job....
2016-01-10, 9:03 PM #192
I posted something to this effect a little while ago, but--Massassi was the first internet forum I ever joined. It introduced me to the idea that editing and modding games was even possible. I've persisted at it for a long time, editing JK, JO, JA (I remember working first on some Attack of the Clones TC project, and then The Matrix Unplugged with Cazor), Quake 3, Half Life 2. Eventually I did it for long enough that SCEA decided to give me a job as a 3D artist, so I'm doing that now. I probably owe that to Massassi.

I've been working on art/voices/music for the final Life of Grismath and it feels like a chance to give back to this website, to come back and try my hand at modding JK again with ten extra years of practice. It's pretty awesome despite the come-down of switching from Unreal 4 at work to JK editing tools. :p

Glad Massassi is sticking around.
2016-01-10, 10:05 PM #193
JK gave me the opportunity with modding and web site creation (which is interestingly still accessible after over 15 years! Time flies fast... Thanks to massassi for keeping the domain up), to start and give me a head start on my career as a programmer.

It's been a great ride as a teen for fun and educational moments.

And it's good to see other people also going professional from the experience gained from hobby enthusiasm.

Thanks for the time and the community you have provided for us.

I obvisouly still play games, if anyone is interested in the new Homeworld game due out this month, see you there :downs: I certainly played a lot of Homeworld 2...
2016-01-11, 12:22 AM #194
Released at last!
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2016-01-11, 1:07 AM #195
Originally posted by Gebohq:
Yeah, had I known there were serious plans in place to keep Massassi going, I'd probably have held off on sending that e-mail. Oh well.

Even I don't know what his actual plan is. Will the forums stay active or will he go on with the static archive plan, thus only leaving JKHub as the only active part of the Massassi Complex.

One thing is clear: I have demanded it for over one year now and I STILL DEMAND that I will be allowed to make the very last post! :argh:
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-01-11, 7:34 AM #196
Massassi one of the first forums I ever joined as a youth and JK was my first serious Multiplayer game. I was in SRA (Shinra), STA, and of course the feared Sith Mercenaries as JediBoy. I'll try to get in IRC soon
2016-01-11, 8:17 AM #197
Originally posted by JediSpam:
and of course the feared Sith Mercenaries

Still gives me the creeps to this day.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2016-01-12, 7:18 PM #198
I got a computer when I was like 15 and with it I got Jedi Knight. My first online game. The first time I played or made mods. My first online community around a game. Massassi was pretty important to me. Almost everyday I'd visit Massassi and download levels to play. My favourite level I ever played was one that was a very difficult co-op mission. I remember the creator had to find a way to make the AI sync over client and server, so this was kind of a big deal. I used to be part of a Star Wars chatroom and we played JK a lot. We had so much fun trying to pass that level and get new people to play with us. From that day forward I always wanted to play co-op FPS games, and it took many many years before they became a more common thing.

To be honest, I don't remember all that much. I don't remember this Massassi forum as much as the forum that came before it. I don't think I kept coming so often past 2000, when I had moved on to other things. I don't remember specific people, though I remember a lot of people helping me make levels over ICQ. My teen self was not as grateful as he should have been. I never released anything - I always knew my levels were mostly just boxes filled with 3dos. I still got them kicking around somewhere.

Nice to know this place is still around.
2016-01-15, 3:09 PM #199
Found the mail in my spam folder when I was looking for something else. Great to hear GBK is keeping it alive.

Time to dig in some old forum posts and try to connect to the person you used to be 10-15 years ago.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2016-01-16, 4:42 PM #200
Originally posted by BizRodian:
I got a computer when I was like 15 and with it I got Jedi Knight. My first online game. The first time I played or made mods. My first online community around a game. Massassi was pretty important to me. Almost everyday I'd visit Massassi and download levels to play. My favourite level I ever played was one that was a very difficult co-op mission. I remember the creator had to find a way to make the AI sync over client and server, so this was kind of a big deal. I used to be part of a Star Wars chatroom and we played JK a lot. We had so much fun trying to pass that level and get new people to play with us. From that day forward I always wanted to play co-op FPS games, and it took many many years before they became a more common thing.

To be honest, I don't remember all that much. I don't remember this Massassi forum as much as the forum that came before it. I don't think I kept coming so often past 2000, when I had moved on to other things. I don't remember specific people, though I remember a lot of people helping me make levels over ICQ. My teen self was not as grateful as he should have been. I never released anything - I always knew my levels were mostly just boxes filled with 3dos. I still got them kicking around somewhere.

Nice to know this place is still around.

My story is similar. A friend had the game and I was a star wars fiend so I begged and begged and got the game in 98 I think it was. Played it on the ol' Windows 95 machine, you know, the one with the dial up. I fell in love with that game, I not only played the singleplayer over and over, but JK was my first experience with online multiplayer. The MSN Gaming Zone was a magical place where I met some amazing people. Shoutouts to Nerdboy_2000 and SilentSaviour, if you dudes are still kicking around here. I was BHA_Goro. Anyway, Massassi has always been here for me. JK was the first game I ever modded. It was just incredible to be able to go onto the site and just download new levels. It blew my mind. Later on I dabbled in skinning and level design but never released anything. I want to extend a very sincere thank you to all the people who kept the lights on at this place and to all the people whose hard work and amazing levels and mods gave me countless hours of fun.

Wish JK ran better on my machine. Need to figure that out.

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