I'm sorry, was that a serious question? I'm pretty sure I already posted I wrote in Ted Cruz.
I didn't bring up the Clintons and I said something to the effect that there's no reason to bring it up
unless it finally puts a stake in the heart of her political aspirations. I don't even see why that notion would bother anybody here.
Dude, I know Russia interfered and rather than helping Clinton or Trump they were more interested in causing chaos. They did but one side, like probably yours, is obsessed with the Trump/Russia thing. So sorry not sorry if brief quips about Clinton/Russia cause brain bleeds.
Don't know what CTR, ShareBlue, JIDF are. CBC (never would have got it abbreviated) most likely refers to the death of Vince Foster (others? idk) and I believe Barry Soetoro was Obama's adopted (maybe?) name or just derived from his step-father when he lived in Indonesia (I think).
I'm not pretending. Err, wait...
I'm really not lying when I say I don't watch Fox News. I really don't watch any news anymore. I really can't believe I could stand it before. All cable news is horrendous.
I'm perfectly fine with the facts that Trump sucks, most Republicans suck, and virtually all Democrats suck. No problem dealing with any of it anymore.
What's "r/t_d"?
Awfully interesting use for this quote. Funny though that on this site you would choose me to compare to the anti-Semites.
The only reference to Alex Jones I can find that I've made on Facebook.
Hey, I grew up with that movie!
I don't remember thinking too much about the remake. Don't remember too much about the Australian version. I really enjoyed the first film as a kid when it was new. I don't think it ages too well, though. I'd have to watch it again to see if I can agree with your strange assessment of the film.
Yeah, I really had no idea Jon`C was going to be so triggered by so few words. Had I known I might have tried to be even pithier.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16