Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Can we take Lizza at his word when he rhetorically asks what company policy he violated?
I don't think it's typical for employers to air out the details of their sexual harassment investigations in public just bc the subject goes around yelling in public that he did nothing wrong. There's another party's privacy involved, for one thing.
So, no, I wouldn't necessarily take him at his word.
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
What I am saying is this: it's not that I don't believe the accusors by default ( you suggest because the accused is liberal). Rather what I am suggesting is that if she had a case against him, I would have less skepticism if she went to the police first instead of just trying to get him fired from his job.
There is (rightfully) a whole lot of stuff you can do that can get you fired from a job (including sexual impropriety) that's not illegal. I'm not sure where you're going with this.