Well, I was typing this post up when the computer shut down, so I'm going to try and reconstruct it.
Anyway, all 9 champions are in Ganelon's chamber now. TLTE, I know you haven't posted that part yet, but you can post it retrospectively.
The nine champions milled about, meeting each other, testing new waters. Finally, a voice resonated throughout the chamber, cutting off all conversation.
Perplexed, they looked around, wondering whose voice this was, until they turned to look at Ganelon. He was rotating around to face them and floating down to the floor to stand on his own two feet, amber robes swirling about him.
"It's about time," Shade rumbled under his breath, but Ganelon ignored him.
"All nine champions are here, and it is time for your questions to be answered. You each come from a different universe, each one a thread in the tapestry of the multiverse. Where you currently are is the Nexus, the universe connecting all universes, on the central planet Bahneim. Now, the Nexus is in grave danger."
Icharich scampered forward hesitantly. "Not to sound unfair, Ganelon, but isn't that a bit, um, selfish? Taking us out from our universes to save yours?"
Ganelon smiled gently. "Know this. Whoever has complete control over the Nexus also has complete control over the entire multiverse. Thus we are all in danger."
Eluidath said patronizingly, "Ganelon, some of us are powerful, like myself, Ti-Shen, and Shade, but. . . these others? They are the best the multiverse has to offer?"
"Hey, watch it, old man," Kiyobashi growled.
"Patience," Bob counseled, drawing upon his humility to keep from being offended. "I'm sure Ganelon has his reasons."
Ganelon replied, "I do. So, Eluidath, master of a two-million-year-old civilization, you think you have power? Do you know who I am? I am" Here his voice reverberated throughout the entire Citadel, revealing incredible power beyond anything they had ever imagined.
Ganelon, Amber Wizard, Master of Amber, Supremely Powerful Being of Good in all the multiverse
"That is who I am." No one could doubt. Ganelon had the power to demolish entire universes, and was the most powerful good being in the entire multiverse. Ti-Shen especially was pale, having sensed the tone of Ganelon's power and understanding it better than the others. "The Amber Wizards are the most powerful beings of good, besides me, ever to have existed and that will ever exist again."
But Ford said, "In that case. . . why do you need us?"
Ganelon returned, "Because there is a prophecy of the Dark Being, 'one who shall grind the nations beneath his heel, one whose army is matches the army of amber, one whose power outshines even that of the greatest wizard.' "
"So, there is no hope?" Inchaura said.
Ganelon smiled again. "There is always hope, Inchaura. You of all people should know that. Your universe was destroyed, yet you have discovered the potential for a new life here.
"There is also a saying. 'Not by might, not by power, but by spirit.' The Dark Being shall fall by spirt and not power. Thus my reasons for summoning you."
Ganelon paused. "You all have personalities, intelligences - all sentient beings in all universes do. If you break down your character, you will have many different qualities. I have chosen you based on the qualities you possess.
"Bob. You possess humility unlike that found within anyone else in the multiverse, humility even in the face of shame, cruelty, and bodily harm.
"Hiro Kiyobashi. You possess perserverance. Perseverance that has enabled you, despite your depressing mortality, to hunt down your family's killer, though it costed you all else.
"Ti-Shen. You possess extraordinary compassion, which manifests itself in your great sensitivity to the tones governing the physics of the multiverse.
"Yoda. You possess the ability to heal, the capacity to love. Guard them well, for you shall need them in the upcoming battle, indeed for your entire life.
"Inchaura. You possess hope. Hope that has persevered throughout your cosmocide, the destruction of your family, friends, your way of life. I salute you for your hope.
"Eluidath. You possess wisdom. You hide her in your heart, for she honors you, and you her.
"Shade. You possess amazing creativity. Alone of all the people here, your imagination was closest to grasping the full extent of my power. But be cautious. You forget that others depend on you and are around you. Always inform them of your plans.
"Ford. You possess love. Love for your enemies, despite all that they do to you. Never lose that.
"Icharich. You possess cleverness. Subtly yet importantly different from creativity and wisdom. Creativity allows one to dream of grand things. Wisdom allows one to lead a full life. But cleverness, which could be called an aspect of wisdom, is practicality. The ability to plan and think under pressure.
"Thus, these are the qualities that you possess. These are the qualities that define what it means to be good - or, rather, Good defines them.
"Good power cannot match the Evil power in the Dark Being, but Good spirit overcomes Evil spirit. When an evil one is touched by Good, he is shown how petty, how meaningless his evil is. At this point, he is either driven to despair, and lost, or he is driven to redemption, and won."
Eluidath tried to absorb this. "So, Ganelon, what you're saying is that we need to show the Dark Being our good qualities in order to defeat him?"
"No offense," Shade said, "but I think this guy would kill us on sight."
Kiyobashi hardly cared.
"Yes, I know." Ganelon smiled again. "That is why I have summoned you here. I intend to make a sword, imbuing it with a portion of each of your spirits, to give it the qualities you possess and the spirit of Good. This sword, when touching the Dark Being, should show him how meaningless his evil existence and power are."
Icharich pounced on the word. "You say 'should'. Does this mean that you are not sure?"
Ganelon's smile drooped. "Yes. But, there is always hope. For that, you can always learn from Inchaura."
The sword-creation ritual was fairly generic. The nine champions stood in a circle, with Ganelon in the center. Ganelon used his power to create a sword (with an amber hilt, which was no surpise, and a silver blade). Then, calling upon his Amber power, he pulled a portion of the qualities of good from his champions, pulling them into the sword.
Lightning flashed within that room. Thunder roared. Each champion would have fainted at least once were it not for the strength of the others.
At long last, after what seemed an eternity, the sword was complete.
Ganelon held it up high. "I christen thee. . . Spiritus! The Soulsword!"
Caught up in the ecstasy of having contributed parts of their very beings to this device, the others cheered, before settling back down to reality.
"So. . . what now?" Ford asked.
Ganelon strapped Spiritus onto his belt, and explained further. "There is a race of evil beings, called Dizaablons. The first Dizaablon was the first evil force in the multiverse, created in counter to the first Amber Wizard. Their king, called Antepre Ungarrant, is the very opposite of love - which means he embodies hate. He has deathly white skin and wears the stereotypical black robes. He is the first second-stage Dizaablon - indeed, he once fought an all-powerful Astral to a near-standstill. And King Antepre has passed on his legacy to his three sons."
Ganelon turned around to look each champion in the eye. "One of these brothers of evil is the prophesied Dark Being."
"You don't know who the Dark Being is yet?!" Yoda said, incredulously.
"Correct," Ganelon confirmed. "But the signs are right. We have only to wait to discover which one is the Dark Being. Let me describe these brothers to you.
"There is the eldest-born son, Laesonthar Belemorium. Massive and Draconian. Like a heavily muscled stooped bipedal dragon, only lacking wings, and stands approximately 15 feet in height. Greenish black in colour, with glowing eyes that shift from yellow to red and in between, depending on mood. Speaks with a rumbling voice, similar to thunder. Laesonthar originally grew up in the Nexus, but grew so ambitious that his
evil father used magic to return him to embryonic state and implant him in the womb of a draconian woman in another universe. There he grew up again, with no memory of his past, where his father hoped he would never rediscover the Nexus. But Laesonthar has just entered the Nexus once again.
"In the other universe, where he grew up again, his life was this: Laesonthar Belemorium was in a dimension inhabited by a large, sentient draconian species, of which he was a part. At the time
the species had colonized most of their galaxy, through creative uses of Magic.
"Though relatively low in what is generally considered "technology", the species was highly advanced in the uses of Magic, which is what they used for space travel.
"The galaxy was ruled by a group known as the Oiasdin, a group concerned with lofty ideals such as Peace, Prosperity, and the Pursuit of Happiness, among other things. Laesonthar was born into the family of a low ranking member of the Oiasdin, Cvoan Belemariut. Cvoan was a vocal proponent of the belief system of Idefar, a pacifistic system where violence was not acceptable in any way. Laesonthar too followed his father's beliefs, until his father and the rest of his family were assassinated by the sinister Bamevek cult, a shadowy organization devoted to the worship of the occultic god Bamevek. When this happened, Laesonthar's beliefs were shattered, and he became disillusioned with everything his father had stood for, seeing it as weak and fruitless.
"Vowing that he would not make the same mistakes, and vowing he would have revenge, Laesonthar joined the Bamevek cult, and slowly rose through the ranks, over many years. Through the cult's vast resources Laesonthar deeply researched any and all of the forbidden dark aspects of Magic, becoming extremely powerful, and rising to become a part of the twelve member Council of Bamevek. Through Laesonthar's influence, the cult destroyed the Oiasdin, and set up the Council of Bamevek as the absolute ruling power in the galaxy. However, once the Council had consolidated their power, Laesonthar single-handedly murdered every single other Council member, along with their families, friends, and anyone else who might try to take revenge. Laesonthar took control of the galaxy, ruling it with an iron fist that showed no mercy.
"Having established himself as Emperor of the Galaxy, ruling the entire known universe, Laesonthar turned his attention outwards. He had stumbled across, in his dark researchings, references to planes parallel to his own, as well as a central hub known as the Nexus that held the key to controlling everything. Laesonthar turned the resources of the entire galaxy toward finding a way to access the Nexus. And found it.
"Laesonthar has now been supposedly reconciled with his father, King Antepre.
"The second brother is Rasheavan, the Devourer of Thoughts. He feeds off the minds of other beings. Though his normal aspect is very similar to his father's, his body shapeshifts, as well as his personality from the minds he has devoured.
"The third and youngest brother of evil is Lucisanat. He is the one I am most wary of. He is a being of angelic beauty. Golden hair, golden skin, and golden eyes.
And a golden glow around him. Generally wears a white robe and a purple one. He can sprout golden wings, too. He looks beautiful as part of his fabrication
that only he can restore any and all sentient beings to wholesomeness.
"That is his blasphemy, the source of his evil. For he has tricked his mind (though of course not his soul) into believing that he and only he can restore himself and the rest of the universe to wholeness.
"He is a native of the Nexus but has traveled throughout the entire universe to gather knowledge and aggrandizement. As infinity is possible in the Nexus, Lucisanat has accelerated his internal power to advance him to the only infinity-stage
Dizaablon. Thus he is supremely potent. Perhaps more powerful than even myself or anything else in the Nexus. Perhaps more powerful than the entire combined might of the universe itself. He might not even know the full extent of his powers, yet.
"These are your enemies. I believe that they are plotting to overthrow their father. But then they will fight among themselves. One shall prevail. One shall become the Dark Being.
"These are your enemies. Are you ready?"
There was a silence. Then Yoda whispered, "Yes." Slowly the others affirmed.
They would stand together against the Dark Being, though it cost them their lives.
Ganelon smiled wearily. "Thank you, friends. Return to your chambers. This may be the last night you'll get some sleep for a while."
After the champions had left, Ganelon teleported out of the Amber Citadel, into a place beyond space and time, yet still within the Nexus. Large, shadowy beings surrounded him, eyes flashing.
The Astrals.
"Well?" one rumbled.
Ganelon replied, "The champions have agreed. The Soulsword is forged. Now, as you have agreed, give us this chance to stop the Dark Being. If you all step in to battle him directly, the resulting clash of power could well destroy the multiverse."
Another one whispered in a voice like thunder, "As you wish, Master of Amber. But if you fail, we will have no choice."
Ganelon bowed his head humbly, though he knew he was more powerful than any one Astral. "Yes. I understand."
Sorry I was so long-winded, but all this needed saying. We'll post more later as you're digesting this!
Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
[This message has been edited by Highemperor of the Force (edited September 01, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Highemperor of the Force (edited September 01, 2001).]
Anyway, all 9 champions are in Ganelon's chamber now. TLTE, I know you haven't posted that part yet, but you can post it retrospectively.
The nine champions milled about, meeting each other, testing new waters. Finally, a voice resonated throughout the chamber, cutting off all conversation.
Perplexed, they looked around, wondering whose voice this was, until they turned to look at Ganelon. He was rotating around to face them and floating down to the floor to stand on his own two feet, amber robes swirling about him.
"It's about time," Shade rumbled under his breath, but Ganelon ignored him.
"All nine champions are here, and it is time for your questions to be answered. You each come from a different universe, each one a thread in the tapestry of the multiverse. Where you currently are is the Nexus, the universe connecting all universes, on the central planet Bahneim. Now, the Nexus is in grave danger."
Icharich scampered forward hesitantly. "Not to sound unfair, Ganelon, but isn't that a bit, um, selfish? Taking us out from our universes to save yours?"
Ganelon smiled gently. "Know this. Whoever has complete control over the Nexus also has complete control over the entire multiverse. Thus we are all in danger."
Eluidath said patronizingly, "Ganelon, some of us are powerful, like myself, Ti-Shen, and Shade, but. . . these others? They are the best the multiverse has to offer?"
"Hey, watch it, old man," Kiyobashi growled.
"Patience," Bob counseled, drawing upon his humility to keep from being offended. "I'm sure Ganelon has his reasons."
Ganelon replied, "I do. So, Eluidath, master of a two-million-year-old civilization, you think you have power? Do you know who I am? I am" Here his voice reverberated throughout the entire Citadel, revealing incredible power beyond anything they had ever imagined.
Ganelon, Amber Wizard, Master of Amber, Supremely Powerful Being of Good in all the multiverse
"That is who I am." No one could doubt. Ganelon had the power to demolish entire universes, and was the most powerful good being in the entire multiverse. Ti-Shen especially was pale, having sensed the tone of Ganelon's power and understanding it better than the others. "The Amber Wizards are the most powerful beings of good, besides me, ever to have existed and that will ever exist again."
But Ford said, "In that case. . . why do you need us?"
Ganelon returned, "Because there is a prophecy of the Dark Being, 'one who shall grind the nations beneath his heel, one whose army is matches the army of amber, one whose power outshines even that of the greatest wizard.' "
"So, there is no hope?" Inchaura said.
Ganelon smiled again. "There is always hope, Inchaura. You of all people should know that. Your universe was destroyed, yet you have discovered the potential for a new life here.
"There is also a saying. 'Not by might, not by power, but by spirit.' The Dark Being shall fall by spirt and not power. Thus my reasons for summoning you."
Ganelon paused. "You all have personalities, intelligences - all sentient beings in all universes do. If you break down your character, you will have many different qualities. I have chosen you based on the qualities you possess.
"Bob. You possess humility unlike that found within anyone else in the multiverse, humility even in the face of shame, cruelty, and bodily harm.
"Hiro Kiyobashi. You possess perserverance. Perseverance that has enabled you, despite your depressing mortality, to hunt down your family's killer, though it costed you all else.
"Ti-Shen. You possess extraordinary compassion, which manifests itself in your great sensitivity to the tones governing the physics of the multiverse.
"Yoda. You possess the ability to heal, the capacity to love. Guard them well, for you shall need them in the upcoming battle, indeed for your entire life.
"Inchaura. You possess hope. Hope that has persevered throughout your cosmocide, the destruction of your family, friends, your way of life. I salute you for your hope.
"Eluidath. You possess wisdom. You hide her in your heart, for she honors you, and you her.
"Shade. You possess amazing creativity. Alone of all the people here, your imagination was closest to grasping the full extent of my power. But be cautious. You forget that others depend on you and are around you. Always inform them of your plans.
"Ford. You possess love. Love for your enemies, despite all that they do to you. Never lose that.
"Icharich. You possess cleverness. Subtly yet importantly different from creativity and wisdom. Creativity allows one to dream of grand things. Wisdom allows one to lead a full life. But cleverness, which could be called an aspect of wisdom, is practicality. The ability to plan and think under pressure.
"Thus, these are the qualities that you possess. These are the qualities that define what it means to be good - or, rather, Good defines them.
"Good power cannot match the Evil power in the Dark Being, but Good spirit overcomes Evil spirit. When an evil one is touched by Good, he is shown how petty, how meaningless his evil is. At this point, he is either driven to despair, and lost, or he is driven to redemption, and won."
Eluidath tried to absorb this. "So, Ganelon, what you're saying is that we need to show the Dark Being our good qualities in order to defeat him?"
"No offense," Shade said, "but I think this guy would kill us on sight."
Kiyobashi hardly cared.
"Yes, I know." Ganelon smiled again. "That is why I have summoned you here. I intend to make a sword, imbuing it with a portion of each of your spirits, to give it the qualities you possess and the spirit of Good. This sword, when touching the Dark Being, should show him how meaningless his evil existence and power are."
Icharich pounced on the word. "You say 'should'. Does this mean that you are not sure?"
Ganelon's smile drooped. "Yes. But, there is always hope. For that, you can always learn from Inchaura."
The sword-creation ritual was fairly generic. The nine champions stood in a circle, with Ganelon in the center. Ganelon used his power to create a sword (with an amber hilt, which was no surpise, and a silver blade). Then, calling upon his Amber power, he pulled a portion of the qualities of good from his champions, pulling them into the sword.
Lightning flashed within that room. Thunder roared. Each champion would have fainted at least once were it not for the strength of the others.
At long last, after what seemed an eternity, the sword was complete.
Ganelon held it up high. "I christen thee. . . Spiritus! The Soulsword!"
Caught up in the ecstasy of having contributed parts of their very beings to this device, the others cheered, before settling back down to reality.
"So. . . what now?" Ford asked.
Ganelon strapped Spiritus onto his belt, and explained further. "There is a race of evil beings, called Dizaablons. The first Dizaablon was the first evil force in the multiverse, created in counter to the first Amber Wizard. Their king, called Antepre Ungarrant, is the very opposite of love - which means he embodies hate. He has deathly white skin and wears the stereotypical black robes. He is the first second-stage Dizaablon - indeed, he once fought an all-powerful Astral to a near-standstill. And King Antepre has passed on his legacy to his three sons."
Ganelon turned around to look each champion in the eye. "One of these brothers of evil is the prophesied Dark Being."
"You don't know who the Dark Being is yet?!" Yoda said, incredulously.
"Correct," Ganelon confirmed. "But the signs are right. We have only to wait to discover which one is the Dark Being. Let me describe these brothers to you.
"There is the eldest-born son, Laesonthar Belemorium. Massive and Draconian. Like a heavily muscled stooped bipedal dragon, only lacking wings, and stands approximately 15 feet in height. Greenish black in colour, with glowing eyes that shift from yellow to red and in between, depending on mood. Speaks with a rumbling voice, similar to thunder. Laesonthar originally grew up in the Nexus, but grew so ambitious that his
evil father used magic to return him to embryonic state and implant him in the womb of a draconian woman in another universe. There he grew up again, with no memory of his past, where his father hoped he would never rediscover the Nexus. But Laesonthar has just entered the Nexus once again.
"In the other universe, where he grew up again, his life was this: Laesonthar Belemorium was in a dimension inhabited by a large, sentient draconian species, of which he was a part. At the time
the species had colonized most of their galaxy, through creative uses of Magic.
"Though relatively low in what is generally considered "technology", the species was highly advanced in the uses of Magic, which is what they used for space travel.
"The galaxy was ruled by a group known as the Oiasdin, a group concerned with lofty ideals such as Peace, Prosperity, and the Pursuit of Happiness, among other things. Laesonthar was born into the family of a low ranking member of the Oiasdin, Cvoan Belemariut. Cvoan was a vocal proponent of the belief system of Idefar, a pacifistic system where violence was not acceptable in any way. Laesonthar too followed his father's beliefs, until his father and the rest of his family were assassinated by the sinister Bamevek cult, a shadowy organization devoted to the worship of the occultic god Bamevek. When this happened, Laesonthar's beliefs were shattered, and he became disillusioned with everything his father had stood for, seeing it as weak and fruitless.
"Vowing that he would not make the same mistakes, and vowing he would have revenge, Laesonthar joined the Bamevek cult, and slowly rose through the ranks, over many years. Through the cult's vast resources Laesonthar deeply researched any and all of the forbidden dark aspects of Magic, becoming extremely powerful, and rising to become a part of the twelve member Council of Bamevek. Through Laesonthar's influence, the cult destroyed the Oiasdin, and set up the Council of Bamevek as the absolute ruling power in the galaxy. However, once the Council had consolidated their power, Laesonthar single-handedly murdered every single other Council member, along with their families, friends, and anyone else who might try to take revenge. Laesonthar took control of the galaxy, ruling it with an iron fist that showed no mercy.
"Having established himself as Emperor of the Galaxy, ruling the entire known universe, Laesonthar turned his attention outwards. He had stumbled across, in his dark researchings, references to planes parallel to his own, as well as a central hub known as the Nexus that held the key to controlling everything. Laesonthar turned the resources of the entire galaxy toward finding a way to access the Nexus. And found it.
"Laesonthar has now been supposedly reconciled with his father, King Antepre.
"The second brother is Rasheavan, the Devourer of Thoughts. He feeds off the minds of other beings. Though his normal aspect is very similar to his father's, his body shapeshifts, as well as his personality from the minds he has devoured.
"The third and youngest brother of evil is Lucisanat. He is the one I am most wary of. He is a being of angelic beauty. Golden hair, golden skin, and golden eyes.
And a golden glow around him. Generally wears a white robe and a purple one. He can sprout golden wings, too. He looks beautiful as part of his fabrication
that only he can restore any and all sentient beings to wholesomeness.
"That is his blasphemy, the source of his evil. For he has tricked his mind (though of course not his soul) into believing that he and only he can restore himself and the rest of the universe to wholeness.
"He is a native of the Nexus but has traveled throughout the entire universe to gather knowledge and aggrandizement. As infinity is possible in the Nexus, Lucisanat has accelerated his internal power to advance him to the only infinity-stage
Dizaablon. Thus he is supremely potent. Perhaps more powerful than even myself or anything else in the Nexus. Perhaps more powerful than the entire combined might of the universe itself. He might not even know the full extent of his powers, yet.
"These are your enemies. I believe that they are plotting to overthrow their father. But then they will fight among themselves. One shall prevail. One shall become the Dark Being.
"These are your enemies. Are you ready?"
There was a silence. Then Yoda whispered, "Yes." Slowly the others affirmed.
They would stand together against the Dark Being, though it cost them their lives.
Ganelon smiled wearily. "Thank you, friends. Return to your chambers. This may be the last night you'll get some sleep for a while."
After the champions had left, Ganelon teleported out of the Amber Citadel, into a place beyond space and time, yet still within the Nexus. Large, shadowy beings surrounded him, eyes flashing.
The Astrals.
"Well?" one rumbled.
Ganelon replied, "The champions have agreed. The Soulsword is forged. Now, as you have agreed, give us this chance to stop the Dark Being. If you all step in to battle him directly, the resulting clash of power could well destroy the multiverse."
Another one whispered in a voice like thunder, "As you wish, Master of Amber. But if you fail, we will have no choice."
Ganelon bowed his head humbly, though he knew he was more powerful than any one Astral. "Yes. I understand."
Sorry I was so long-winded, but all this needed saying. We'll post more later as you're digesting this!
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/smile.gif)
Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
[This message has been edited by Highemperor of the Force (edited September 01, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Highemperor of the Force (edited September 01, 2001).]
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel