Thus it occured one late saturday, night, Bob made his rounds. He ended his cleaning in the creepy labratory of Dr. Wicksten. The labaratory smelt of Formaldehyde, most likely emitting from the jars of preserved animals. Bob felt it quite inhumane... although more unnerving than anything else. Bob was polishing up an empty test tube, when the door crashed open. He looked up and saw Dean, dressed in his black suspenders. Anger flashed in his eyes, as always.
His voice was craggy, low, deameaning, and mocking. Always Mocking. "Bob... you're still here..."
Bob glanced up momentarily from his cleaning to reply to Dean respectfully. "Yes, ma'am - er, sir!" *sigh*
Dean breaks out laughing. "Why I oughtta-" he begins but starts laughing some more.
"Your time has long passed, old man," he spat, his voice brimming with scorn. "The name of Eluidath has lost the fear once associated with it ages ago. This day you will die."
Eluidath stared the other man in the eyes, his fierce glare meeting the eyes burning with hatred, without wavering. "You always were too proud for your own good, Sha- Shao- Shao Kahn?"
Shaiakan sighs. "Come ON, Lui, haven't we been over this? It's 'Shy-a-kin'!"
Eluidath nods. "Right. Shay-o-kan."
Sighs from offstage.
Boss Long rose to his full height and stature. He was quite frightening upon inspection-tall, gaunt yet powerful, with 'enhanced sensory capacity'-meaning that his biological eyes and ears (as well as his arms) had been replaced with robotic and more efficient replacements. Even with automated eyes, though, one could sense the intelligence behind them-and the aggression. Xi-Wan's greatest strength was his aggression. He had fought battles that he could never win and somehow did, because of his unreleneting ferocity, his darkened fury.
"This may be true, Boss Shirashi, but it fails to answer the lingering question in my head."
"Oh really?" The older Boss laughed condesceningly. "And what is that?"
Long's right arm literally blurred, and when they were still again, the lasersight on his gold-plated sidearm drew a bead on Shirashi's forehead.
"How far are you going to fly?"
With a sound like a cannon, the gun fired - and a sign saying BANG came out of it.
Xi-wan Long: "Alright, who switched props THIS time?"
Eluidath said patronizingly, "Ganelon, some of us are powerful, like myself, Ti-Shen, and Shade, but. . . these others? They are the best the multiverse has to offer?"
"Hey, watch it, old man," Kiyobashi growled.
"Patience," Bob counseled, drawing upon his humility to keep from being offended. "I'm sure Ganelon has his reasons."
Ganelon replied, "I do. So, Eluidath, master of a two-million-year-old civilization, you think you have power? Do you know who I am? I am" Here his voice reverberated throughout the entire Citadel, revealing incredible power beyond anything they had ever imagined.
Ganelon, Amber Wizard, Master of Amber, Supremely Powerful - *cough*
"Oops, sorry. Touch of bronchitis."
After the champions had left, Ganelon teleported out of the Amber Citadel, into a place beyond space and time, yet still within the Nexus. Large, shadowy beings surrounded him, eyes flashing.
The Astrals.
"Well?" one rumbled.
Ganelon replied, "The champions have agreed. The Soulsword is forged. Now, as you have agreed, give us this chance to stop the Dark Being. If you all step in to battle him directly, the resulting clash of power could well destroy the multiverse."
Another shouted, "So what? I don't give a rat's rear end about the multiverse! What'd it ever do for me?! Huh? That's what I wanna know!"
Ganelon: "Shh, now's not the time to dredge up your childhood insecurities. . ."
Two doctors come in and put the Astral in a straitjacket, dragging him off.
The Amber Wizardesses Ektra and Crystalia, Ganelon's apprentice, led the group down a hallway to another amber room. There were several glowing circles in the floor, each one a meter in diameter and about an inch into the floor.
"Everyone step into a circle, please," Ektra instructed.
"Just like Star Trek, huh?" Bob wondered out loud. Of course, no one understood the reference except Crystalia, but she kept silent.
The champions did as they were told, the Amber Wizardesses included. Ektra spoke some words of magic, "Beam me up, Scotty!" and they vanished.
Laughter from offstage.
as the swirling energy faded, a massive two winged, four-armed being arose, drawing a massive Broadsword, easily twice the size of Ungarrant's blade.
Ungarrant: "Ah, shaddup, Shakespeare."
Otay, not THAT funny, but hey, it's something!
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