He felt a great satisfaction as he choked the life out of them. For a moment he was almost worried, his only regret was that the battle would be over all to soon.
He didn't even see it coming.
The blast knocked him to the ground, the amalgamation dropped with an almost graceful roll, and Elivar crumpled like a discarded rag doll.
Ungarrant tried to roll back up but Laesonthar was on top of him. Forcing him into the ground with the claws on his feet. The three brothers had appeared, all with a confident nonchalance.
"This is, of course, not to be taken personally father. I just hope you understand that your time is over." Lucisanat's voice was almost comforting.
"Any last requests old man?" Growled Laesonthar, as he dug his claws in deeper.
"Please let me finish him..." Rasheavan moved close to his prone father, shadowy fingers stretching out to encompass him.
Ungarrant growled, his voice was coarse and gravelly. "I'm not dead yet. And I have to say I'm ashamed of all of you."
With that he pumped all the strength he could muster into his limbs and came up fighting. Ungarrant was fast, his blood pumping with fury. Laesonthar fell backwards completely caught off guard and Ungarrant was on top of him forcing his blade in deep and hard. Laesonthar roared painfully high, his back arched in pain, and then his body fell still.
"Treacherous wretches!" Ungarrant screamed at the remaining two sons...his fury was so mixed the agony of their betrayl that he was on the brink of tears. "How could you betray your own father!?!" His voice was cracking.
Fine then, thought Ungarrant, if I must kill my own children so be it, they were a mistake. He heaved his sword in a wild arc at them, but they dodged easily.
Rasheavan and Lucisanat nodded to eachother and turned. The air exploded in a firey cloud. Arcs of lighting ripped the earth and smoke filled the air. The amalgamation leapt into the maelstrom magical energies blazing from each limb. When the glare faded from sight the canyon was in ruins, huge furrows carved into the rock, vegetation scorched or vapourized.
There were figures in the smoke, some standing, others slouched or limping. The nine champions were seperate again, forming a semi-circle, across from them were the remaining two brothers. Lucisanat had a deep gash across his mid-section and his face was spattered with crimson blood. Rasheavan was ragged and beaten looking...but in the center of them was Ungarrant. He was on his hands and knees, wheezing desperately his breath was racked with horrible coughing.
"Now it ends father." said Lucisanat, and Rasheavan swept towards him and in one liquid motion dragged Ungarrant to his feet with his hands on his temples.
"I hope you enjoy spending eternity in my mind!" Rasheavan whispered into his ear as he drained the esscence of his very soul into his own.
Ungarrant struggled weakly, but it was no use. He had lost. With his last breath he spoke only one word.
Rasheavan let go letting the lifeless body drop to the ground. The silence after the battle was shattered by the clamour of the massive broadsword falling out of the king's limp hand.
"Because you are the past father. And now it is
our world."
The champions watched on uneasily...
Phew, that was a long one! I hope you like it. I wanted Ungarrant to die with some honour. Now what? Oh by the way, how do you like the drawings?
Shade, I appreciate the offer of the gloves but neither Icarich nor Kuli fight with their hands (or is very strong). It's not too much trouble to edit your post is it? By the way, where do you keep all this stuff
Just kidding.
Finally, I think I'll be posting here more often, my interest in the story has been restored.
PS: Laesonthar isn't dead, he's just really hurt. I figured Ungarrant should have done, some damage before he went.
"Rabbits will jump farther if you throw them..."
[This message has been edited by Pengun (edited November 08, 2001).]