(NSP: I didn't want Kiyobashi and Bob to just coincidentally be the first into the battle again, but I...er...got sick of waiting
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In the confusion that followed the heroes' first true test against the three Brothers, most were wounded, unconscious, or at the very least, a little disoriented.
That said, Bob and Hiro fared the best out of all of them, except maybe Shade. The two of them were relatively unhurt (physically at least), and charged back down the valley toward Ungarrant. The way Kiyobashi saw it, they were the most expendable, out of all of the champions, in that they had no ultra-special ability. If they fell in battle, the others still stood a good chance of victory.
A ridge partially obscured the view of the King and the Amber Wizardesses for the barest of moments, but when Hiro could see them again, he almost wished he hadn't.
Ektra and Crystalia lay still on the battlefield, their eyes closed. Ungarrant's hands glowed with fading energy. It didn't take a rocket scientist to deduce that the Amber Wizardesses had just experienced the
full brunt of the Dark King's power. Whether they were unconscious or dead, they were out of it for the time being.
"Wonderful," muttered Kiyobashi. "Just the champions onto the most powerful guy in the multiverse."
"Just because he's
all-powerful doesn't mean he's the
most powerful."
Kiyobashi nodded. Bob was corrrect.
"Besides..." the Janitor smiled a little, "The odds are in our favour, even without the help of the Wizardesses."
Kiyobashi glanced nervously up the pass. Fortunately, their backup was right on time, hurrying to help them.
"All right." Hiro drew in a deep breath. "Let's give this guy a little trial-by-fire, scope him out for the other champions."
Simultaneously, they started down the final hill, stepping down onto the flat, arena-like plateau. Ungarrant smiled, revealing crooked, hideously old teeth.
"Remember, Hiro...his only weakness is his age..."
"Yeah, well...I'm sure we can find a few more soft spots in that indestructable armour, huh? Find a way around him, Bob. I'll head up the front."
With a quick nod, Bob broke off, sprinting off out of Hiro's peripheral vision.
"King Antepre Ungarrant..."
"You'll forgive me if I don't know your name, little man," rasped Ungarrant. His voice was like steel scraping against tougher steel.
"Well," said Kiyobashi, bowing, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Senior Detective Hiro Kiyobashi, of the Tokyo State Police, and you...are under arrest!"
King Ungarrant shrieked in derisive laughter. "The Rulers of the multiverse Themselves cannot withold my might, and you seek to confine me on your OWN, little man?"
Kiyobashi gritted his teeth. "That 'little man' thing is getting annoying."
He drew his Officer's sword, which gleamed a silvery-gold in the sunlight.
"I'm going to have to teach you a lesson in manners."
"The only lesson that will be taught today, little man-" Ungarrant's aged hand grasped at a sheath on his back- "Will be a very violent sort. Taught to you and your champion friends."
Then he pulled it out.
An absolutely MASSIVE sword, bigger than any Kiyobashi had ever seen before. Only supernatural strength would be able to wield it effectively.
"But we have talked enough, little man." Ungarrant raised his sword over his head, meaning to either flatten Kiyobashi with it, or bisect him.
"Time to kill y-"
When suddenly Bob leaped at Ungarrant, jamming his makeshift spear into the back of the Dark King's neck.
The reinforced-iron spearhead
crushed against Ungarrant's neck, and the shaft snapped like a twig.
Bob's eyes widened almost comically, and Ungarrant turned to face him very slowly.
"I'm sorry, friend. I forgot about you. Perhaps I'll deal with you FIRST-"
And then he swung his sword sideways, intending to decapitate the Janitor. Bob's reflexes, deceptively good for his appearance, bested the King's swing and he ducked, then rolled forward, barely missing his enemy's follow-up strike.
It was Kiyobashi's turn. He raised his sword and, with lightning speed, chopped at the side of Ungarrant's head.
Not surprisingly, the blade bounced off his head with so much force that Hiro had to fight to stay on his feet.
My God, thought Hiro,
How the Hell are we meant to kill this guy?
Ungarrant leered at them again.
"My turn."
And then suddenly he was upon them, swinging and striking with such astonishing speed that Hiro found himself almost impressed.
Kiyobashi blocked what he could of Ungarrant's swings, but each successful counter shook his sword and himself so violently that he almost coudln't recover in time for the next parry.
Bob was, if anything, worse off; his broom-spear gone, he had nothing at all to defend himself with, save dodging and hoping that the King wouldn't hit him.
"BOB!" Kiyobashi blocked another blow, and staggered backward. "GO! GET HELP! QUICK! GET ANOTHER WEAPON, WHILE YOU'RE AT IT!"
Bob nodded, and sprinted off toward the start of the valley ascent.
Kiyobashi spared one last look at the fallen Amber Wizardesses before continuing his one-sided duel with Ungarrant, thinking silently;
What I would give for a little HELP...