Agent - I think it best that I go directly to your more recent post, as it gives me better insight into your reaction into the original one I wanted to address, but I do wish to clear up these things with the original -
The media and Hollywood were trying to make sure "The Passion" would bomb by pulling out all the stops. Notice how Mel Gibson's religion wasn't even an issue until this movie was nearing release. It's smear campaign, used to try to get the movie to fail. That said, I have frequently seen the media intentionally misrepresent things they disagree with firsthand - I was at a republican rally when Bush was touring during the first election, and there was news coverage there. They interviewed many of us, most of whom I could overhear, and had very good, articulate points for our reasoning to support Bush. But there were some idiots there too, who looked like backwater yokels (think NASCAR stereotype). Guess which made the cut to air on the news later that night and the next day? Yep, the idiots. I know there were some enthusiatic and intelligent people there that they could have aired, but they went with the side most damaging to Bush. That is how the media conducts business. To focus more on Mel's "sect",
a) We have no idea if the media has appropriately represented that sect
b) I have never heard Mel say he belongs to any sect of Roman Catholocism (although he might)
c) His father is mentally ill - and I am not kidding - therefore, it was a cheap tactic to air him
d) Regardless of what sect Mel is a part of, he has routinely said that the jews were not solely responsible for crucifying Jesus - that we all are to blame, equally. I would trust what the man has said himself rather than what others have said about him. He never said he blamed the Jews. Even if it is true about his sect blaming the jews, do we know that isn't history? It would be like seeing racism in the south, and then thinking all southerners are racist... being a part of a group doesn't automatically make you everything the group encompasses - you can disagree with things and still be a part of the group.
That addressed, let me get down to your more recent post.
I will do my best. One thing to keep in mind is that not even christians have a handle on their own core beliefs. And it's because of some of the people who you have had negative experiences with. If you want to see what the core beliefs are, you need to go right to the Bible, and read it as it was intended - simple and straightforward, and in context. People are a lousy representative of their faith, and the good ones are too busy living it to run around and brag about how good they are. Hence, the birth of the "vocal minority".
Now, I will do my best to address everything, and feel free to ask me questions. But keep in mind - I am not trying to convert you. That isn't my, nor any other christians' job. I am just making sure you have all the correct facts and perspectives on the christian faith. Beyond that, I realize that a person's faith must be their own - you can neither put it in your back pocket and forget about it, nor have it forced on you. Thus, whether you believe is between you and God. I am just here for information.
Definitely a more catholic dogma, but not biblical. "Original sin" is a concept by the catholic church, not the Bible. They slapped a name on the first sin in the bible, and suddenly drew all these conclusions because of it. But it isn't true. Here is the truth, according to the Bible:
God is a perfect being, and also perfectly pure. He cannot tolerate impurity in his presence. Don't think of tolerate in an emotional sense - think of it like a bad reaction to a drug a doctor gives you. He cannot have it there. Here is where the sin comes in. In our lives, no matter how good we are, we still do something God disapproves of sometime in our life. Even the slightest bit done wrong is enough to separate us from him, as again, he has a 0 tolerance for sin. Now, on the question of kids, Jesus said that the person who is ignorant of their sin will be less punished than those not. What that means is, it gives you the fact that since those who sin are at risk of hell, those who are ignorant will not be in hell, since theirs is a lesser punishment (what I do not know). Hence, kids do not get sent to hell - there is the proper reasoning for it. However, once you hit the time where you can reason in an adult manner AND are exposed to Jesus, you are no longer ignorant, even if you didn't listen, because it was your choice not to. And that is where some of the stuff you are dealing with comes into play.
I should start with this: Everyone is on equal footing - we all are going to hell in the start. God saw and realized this, and hence sent Jesus, and you know that story so I won't bore you, but let me give you why it was done. God gave us Jesus as his own legal loophole to rectify us with him. In the old ways, people needed to routinely sacrifice animals as a repentance offering for their sins. They needed to do this repeately, as no animal was perfect enough to take care of their sin permanently. Jesus comes along, leads the sinless life none of us could, and dies for us, abolishing the routine sacrifices, and becoming the perfect sacrifice, so we are all clean. The catch is, it's a gift. You need to accept a gift before you can use it.
The perception that God sends people to heaven or hell is the wrong one... we all are heading to hell. It's just that God uses Jesus as a rescue rope, and those who believe in Jesus decided to grab the rope, and those who don't believe decided they wouldn't. Jesus is there to rescue, not condemn - because all of us were already condemned in the first place.
Now, here I am sure to shake things up a bit, not only with you, but with some christians here as well. Yes, if a cold-blooded killer truly accepts Jesus, he gets to heaven. But if he does it to save his own skin, then he truly doesn't believe, and he won't. God already said the payment for sin is death - if a killer killed people, what more deserving punishment is there than for his own mortality to be taken away (no, I am not going in a pro-anti death penalty argument - this is purely theological there)? Death for death. To want anything more is malicious - the killer did not have the power to condemn souls, so why condemn his? If he believes, then post death, he will have his slate wiped clean like everyone else. If not, then like everyone else, the taint of his sins will not only linger in the body, but in the soul as well, and he will be properly punished for that. That's the deal, and one I am sure you will have a hard time swallowing. Jesus came to save anyone who believes in him, regardless - he does not pick favorites.
Now it's time to piss off the christians here. You are correct that based in christianity, anyone, jews, muslims, hindu, etc will get a ticket south, but not because of there religion; its because they are just in the same boat as everyone else.
Now here comes the part sure to piss people off - the key to salvation has always been Jesus. Therefore, if any of the members of the above religions decided to believe that Jesus died for their wrongs, and was the perfect sacrifice, and was the son of God, but in every other aspect held true to their own religion, they are saved. Jesus is the only requirement. Yes, according to christianity, polytheism is a sin. But so is lying. So is cheating. So is spite. And no sin is better or worse than another, because they are all equally horrid in God's eyes. But if you have that belief in Jesus, then everything else is fine. A lot of christians subscribe to the "try my brand of christianity for the right way", yet they miss the point entirely. That is why the christian community needs to be more humble. There is nothing that separates them from anyone else in the world, regardless of religion or orientation, other than Jesus. And if one of those people believe in Jesus in the manner I mentioned above, they are as much saved as any christian. And that is biblical, when you actually read the bible in its appropriate context.
Only through Jesus, but remember to keep the persepctive - Jesus was sent not to condemn, but to be a lifeline. Think of it like this - everyone who ever existed is drowning in an ocean already. ALL of us. God isn't picking who drowns and who doesn't. He tosses out life preservers (Jesus) to everyone. Yet it is each individual's choice whether to grab on. If they drown, it isn't from God not trying to help them - it's because they, for whatever reason, refused the help offered to them.
I hope this helps somewhat...
Fear is here, where's the beer?
Fear is here, where's the beer?