Hmm.. I'm a Catholic, but i have my own opinions for alot of things (i.e. I believe gyas should have the right of marriage, and not just civil union, but i'll stop there. dont want to be accused of a thread hyjack) and so i think i'll give them here, sicne they are a bit different then most i've seen posted so far.
That is an excellent outlook, and one i think everyone should take, if that were possible. It is not one's place to stuff one's beliefs down anouther's throat. Christians are given the job of spreading the good news, and a few other religions have the same sort of thing, but that dows not give us license to assault someone with our beliefs in some sort of innane attempt to convert them. that just leads to you being annoying and generally unwanted (that's the problem with many 'missionary' sects of Christianity. they just dont see that people dont want to be assaulted with soemthing they dont want to believe). The most one can do is show anouther the aspects of thier religion, and leave it at that. let the other pesron make up for themselves what the truth is.
IT is very ture that humanity has a habit of holding belifs in things that are extreamly improbable. but look where that got us? Do you think Louis Pastuer had much more then a hunch that his theories were correct when he first started? IT was generally accepted as absolute truth that disease was caused by supernatural forces. What about Galileo or his inspiration (the astronomer, greek i think, name starts with a C. first theorized that earth was not center of the universe)? They were both persecuted for holding beliefs with little backing. Or, for a more recent example, the first person to discover superconducters? it is almost impossible through physics that energy can travel without any loss of energy, and yet it has since been proven. Yes, humanity has a habit of holding improbabl;y hopes, but humanity also has a habit of proving the impossible.
Yep, yep, yep. While you say you dont 'interpret' scripture, that is waht you are doing by looking at the context. Jesus (and just about every otehr prophet), made thier messages to be seen as the message behind the words, not literally. We have to take those messages and apply them to our lives today. This is why, In my opinion, many people believe science and religion cant mix. they dont see that scripture can change with the times, that it can be used to face other situations by simply changing the context that the message is in. the message stays the same.
well, i said i am a Christian, but i fins this to be absolutely dead wrong. I find thjis to be reminicent of Johnathan Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an angry God. That sermon had serveral people collapsed and crying after it. God, IMO, is not about scaring the **** out of people. I dont think God judges us on wether we believe or not. I think if we follow the message, that we follow with God's plan, then he will let you into heaven. while saying "fitting with god's plan' sounds like you ahve to believe in him, its not. just simply following "love your nieghbor" requires no religious affiliation, and yet if it is followed, allows an incredibly better experience all around, and entrance into heaven.
that is hottly debated, do not present it as fact. Physical changes come about because of emotions, true, but we dont not yet have proof as to wether those create the stimulis for the changes or if they create the emotion.
anouther reason against Believe=heaven, no belief= hell argument. if that were true, alot of truly evil people would get into heaven, and a ton of people who follow all the rules of Jesus not becuase they belive, but because they feel it is the right thing to do, would go to hell. Hitler was a rather devout Christian, if i remember correctly. does that mean he went to heaven? hell no, and anyone who says otherwise deserves to be shot.
The most horrific events centered on religion were the crusades, where many thousands, perhaps millions of people were slaughtered for a place that rightfully belonged to Judaism (sp?). he was simply jumping to the conclution that you refered to that, since when someone brings up the horrors that are sometimes assossiated with religion, they normally start with them.
if God were invented in responce to a fear of death, why isn't there simply "everyone get s a good afterlife, end of story" religion that is dominant?
Please explain to me how a species that cant run fast, cant climb fast, are not very strong, and have most of our sences be far less sensative then those of an average predator managed to survive several million years to become the dominant species on the planet? I dont disbelieve evolution, in fact i believe in it fully. i just dont think it was the final word in our case.
And so you should. Hypocrits are to be reviled. they make any religion look bacd (i.e. those priests that raped the kids). i'm not saying i'm perfect, very, very far from it, but i'm refering to hpocrite here in the worst sence, those that go against the very core of thier religion and still say they are a part, for inane things like they go to church every week.
As do i. i believe God looks at what sort of person you are, not what religion you happen to adhere to.
/jaw drops. i'm sorry, but what exactly did you add to the conversation with that? iot may be your opinion, but i'm sure you could have thought of a better way to get it across.
/resists urge to punch king in the face. I find myself very tolerant of other's beliefs, but i am extreamly angered for you including Bush in that list. Nothing he has done can possibly compare to the what those other two did. /hangs head. i think i'm over wanting to puch you. now i pity you. i pity you for beliving that someone who is doing his best to help this country is on par with a person who got pretty far towards a goal of genocide.
Just because fait does not rest on logic does not mean that it contradicts logic. jsut that it does not use it as a base for it.
Hmm.. i've just finished writing this far and found that the thread just about doubled, so i'll leave it at this for now. i'll end with a description of Jesus from Douglas adams that i like alot (which is ironic, sicne he was an atheist, but whatever):
"just 2000 years before, a man was nailed to a tree for saying how good it would be if we were nice to each other all the time" (this may be a bit off, i haven't read it in awhile)
"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis