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ForumsDiscussion Forum → This has to be the best deal I've ever seen in my life...
This has to be the best deal I've ever seen in my life...
2005-10-03, 7:24 PM #41
I dunno, Raven made alot of money pretending Jedi Outcast was a game.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2005-10-03, 7:24 PM #42
If you're poor, why do you have a good internet connection, a good computer and stuff like that? I mean, you said "75 dollars... let me see, thats probably 1/2 what my family pays to get food in a month, yes I'am poor." Oh come on.

Are you trying to say that the reason for your failed attempts is due to poverty?
Head for college and get a real job.
2005-10-03, 7:26 PM #43
Originally posted by Jedigreedo:
I dunno, Raven made alot of money pretending Jedi Outcast was a game.

2005-10-03, 7:31 PM #44
Okay, well, if you're poor, then I'll help you out. Make a game and I'll buy it. Hell, I'll buy two copies. It's a promise.
2005-10-03, 8:04 PM #45
I don't think getting rich-quick schemes involving a pipe dream of making a video game completely solo is going to work. If you are of age to get a job, I suggest you do that to help your family.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2005-10-03, 8:06 PM #46
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Then I'd get completely bored, modding isn't my first priority, its just something I like doing every other day. I was a lot more a productive a few years ago, when JK was alot more popular than now, but that was because I didn't have half as many resposibilities as I do now. 75 dollars... let me see, thats probably 1/2 what my family pays to get food in a month, yes I'am poor. I can't help it, I can only accept it. I've tried many things to get the family out of poverty, but I've only failed, and I'm going to try one last attempt with this realm crafter, since it can verywell help us get like 1000 dollars steady income that would get my family a house, let my dad rest, and I could go to a decent school. Other than that I have no other reason to learn how to mod, how to do games, etc, no other REAL reaosn, so you be the judge,

dear god don't pull this "i'm poor" stuff.

I've been following your threads, and everyone here is right... your starting off WAY to big.

I got a free modeling program and slapped together high poly primitives and called them a model, I tried to animate and create scenes and short movies with them and failed, I started too big and did not have the experaicne to make it happen.

Guess what, I'm going to college right now to get my diploma in computer animation so that I can work towards doing what I think is a really cool job, modeling and animating, lighting and rendering.

I've come a LOOONG way since my first POS Model, which I'll have you know was IMO the BEST MODEL EVAR!!!!!111!!! it's only natural to be proud of what you created yourself, but be prepared to get harsh crtit from people who don't share your own sense of pride, they WILL judge it as harsly as they see fit because they know that it's not a quality model.

if you can't take this kinda of crit and feedback on forums for an 8 year old game, then I don't think you'll be able to handle a panel of three or more animators/modlers/people with YEARS of experiance over you's opinions. they WILL be hard on you because they have literaly seen it all and they know whats good and whats crap.

I'm not exactly says your work is crap, I'm onyl saying that relying on stuff that others made (others source code, others engines, others plug-ins to create heads) you're never going to learn how to do it properly.

like I said, I myself am going through school and I'm not a very good modeler, given time and enouh refrence I'm sure I could model on par or even better then Kirby or Ruth or any other talented member of the forums, some have the talent naturaly and others need to learn gradualy.

When I started school, we did not imediatly begin to model a human form, we made a friggin ball bounce through a flaming hoop, then we made a jack-in-the-box and then space ships firing in orbit of a planet, then we learned walk cycles and run cycles and others crutial animation steps.

you can't pick up a program for free, read a few tutorials and create a dazzeling model that will wow the massassi forums, you NEED to settle down, get your head outta the clouds and take action.

you say that modeling and modding is not a massive priority and it's somehting you do for fun, then you pull the pverty card and say that you intend to support your family on your supposed future income.

Guess what, Modding IS NOW A PRIORITY, make more time, learn more tutorials, watch more aniamted movies and the special features, read articles, visit forums and websites like CGTALK or other aniamtion/modeling communities, make connections and get your name out there, all the way starting to work your way up the stuff your doing.

and for the record, don't try to be all sappy with the "i'm poor" thing, we honestly don't know if thats true or if your trying to milk out some sympaty to make us be nicer to you, for all we know your sitting in a house thats falling apart around witht with a dying disabled father and a worked out mother, but thats no reason to be a tard on the forums and expect us to be all hapy and rosey for stuff that you continualy contidict yourself on.

Like I said, and let me restate this, I was once like you, I had big plans and no skills to back it up, but I took the initive, I visited commuinitys and places where I can learn to do things, I was extremly proud of my first JK Map, asicly a box and a gun, but I made it and I took the effort to learn how to edit JK so I was proud and exicted and got a dose or reality when massassi said it sucked, so I went back and made some changes and eventualy released a map that while it was not th best map out there, I got positive feedback on it and it even got some downloads.

It's nice to have people say they like your work, and it boost your ego to hear it, but you really need a reality check every once and a while, keep at it and start small.

I recomend that you learn to do what I did first, make a ball bounce through a hoop, then learn how to make a jack inthe box pop up and make some space ships fly around, then make a primitive character (box for head, box for chest, box for arms, box for legs) and learn to aniamte, then move onto simple modeling, like cups, books, tables chairs and other things, then move onto fruit and vegitables and other organic things before moving onto the most complicated thing a person can model, a human. (I still can't modle a human properly, I mess up the *** and face)

be proud of your work, sure, it's natural, but don't go out and buy a 75 dollar program that you most likely will buy, fiddl with and suddleny realise you don't know **** about programming, modeling or animating.

that program still requires you to have some skills in each field, how are you going to make scripted events, make characters talk, make your character upgrade? that requres SOME form of programming knowledge, you'll need new models and new animations, and if you use that neo model or a model like it, the game won't sell to even your best friends because it won't run at a decent FPS, your model is way to high poly for most games.

do you know how to animate yet? cause if you don't your characters won't look right and look incredibly sloppy when they slide across the map or walk like they hve a stick up their arse.

This is a big decision, think before you waste 75 dollars you'll never see again and think if you REALLY REALLY think you can even create a starting town. if you don't have the skills, your family will still be poor in 5 years.
The Gas Station
2005-10-03, 8:15 PM #47
Grant just said everything I've ever wanted to say to you, but didn't have the effort or the time.

Oh, and IRG... you had better be kidding, because if you minus my reputation because I'm giving him absolutelly unbiased suggestions, and people are caling me an *******... whatever.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-10-03, 8:16 PM #48
I may not always have much to say, but here's my 2 cents.

If you're really that poor, why are you spending all your time working on all these "games" and such? Get a job. Go out to your local Wal-Mart, McDonalds, or other such establishment. Hey, it may not be a glorious job with a 6-digit salary, but it's money. And it will help pay bills.

Second, why do you have internet and all that other unnecessary stuff if you're that bad off? Seriously, food and shelter are much more important than Internet and computers (well, maybe. . . ;) ).

It also seems to me that you love all the attention you get here. You seem to thrive on the insults and negative comments everyone leaves you. Get over yourself. Get some real friends. If you don't want to hear what people have to say, don't post topics here. Plain and simple.

And please, if you're going to use the contraction, it's "I'm" not "I'am". It's a waste of effort. . .
2005-10-03, 8:25 PM #49
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Grant just said everything I've ever wanted to say to you, but didn't have the effort or the time.

Oh, and IRG... you had better be kidding, because if you minus my reputation because I'm giving him absolutelly unbiased suggestions, and people are caling me an *******... whatever.

Rep is on?
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-10-03, 8:29 PM #50
The fact is, I can make a town, a sword, or any other thing. I've done maps in jed before, in blender, in many things, building and such are never a problem. And I intend on making a game that will make me MONEY, and I'm not doing things alone. I have a friend of mine who can do lots of concept art, and stuff, and he is helping make the menus, I've got my dad who like proggramming and such, and he helps me doing things like cogs and such now and then. I've never modded a human being before, or any organic creature for that matter, how ever, I can take a model and change it to whatever I like, modding a model you could say. And why do I have good computer? Well if you call this good... then you haven't seen the latest and greatest, I've got a Ge-Force 4 TI200 or something of the sort, an Athlon XP 2200, 512 mb ddr, 120 gig hardrive, and a 19' monitor, etc, etc, what did I have before this? I had like a 20g hard drive, a 15' monitor, 128kb memory, pentium II procesor, my old computer sucked. How did I get a good computer? My brother is good friends with a guy who owns a cafe internet and knows where to buy cheap, still it took me about a year to build this comp, and the other ones are pieces of comps, and my internet connect was a deal that started like 2 years ago, you started out with ISDN, 30 bucks a month, and like once every year they would duplicate your spead. I've got leaky roofs, a patio smaller than your average bathroom, the walls have cracks, not the best or safest neighborhood, a cramped house, a truck that won't stay fixed half a year, bad water, falling roofs, you name it, I might have it. I've seen better days, but things have tendacy of changing. Thats what I go through every day. Not to mention the fact, my mother has something called Trombosis, some sort of blood claught in the veins or varicosis, and we had to pay what is basicly of the cheapes 3000 dollars which is like 30000 pesos to get an emergency operation to save her life. You think I don't know what being poor is, heck I'am poor. The only reason my dad won't go to Win XP is because his tools for circuit board design are so old they won't run properly, and he rarely gets a job now these days. The rent only is more expenisver per year, in a house that only is getting worse, life is not easy for me, so don't expect me to get you what guys like Kirby can in their own time, if I ever finish anything, it would be during a vacation, or some big break. That simple.

EDIT: Get a job? Dude a job down here is like 4 bucks a day, yeah that will really help out.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-10-03, 8:32 PM #51
2005-10-03, 8:35 PM #52
So boo hoo. Go get a job and stop wasting time here. If jobs pay $4 per day, then get one anyway.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-10-03, 8:40 PM #53
4 bucks a day over 7 days a week is 28 bucks. Over 4 weeks is 112. That's 112 dollars you didn't have before. Stop whining, take control, and do something.
2005-10-03, 8:43 PM #54
Just quit posting on the threads he makes. Fricken a.
2005-10-03, 9:08 PM #55
Grant, and others, speak much truth.

But, in the end, SF_GoldG_01, again, didn't learn anything from this experience and more and more similar threads will be created by him. And these threads, people will say the same things over and over...
2005-10-03, 9:13 PM #56
[QUOTE=IRG SithLord]kyle90: Rep -1
BobTheMasher: Rep -1
Rob: Rep -1
JediKirby: Rep -1
Dark___Knight: Rep -1
Dj Yoshi: Rep -2
Shintock: Rep -2
Reid: Rep -1
Zloc_Vergo: Rep -1[/QUOTE]

IRG SithLord: rep -50 because his name sucks, and no one likes him.
2005-10-03, 9:14 PM #57
Shouldn't you be off shooting people to test your theories?
2005-10-03, 9:16 PM #58
The problem as I see it, is that hes never actually created anything that was REALLY his.

It's all been copied and pasted from somewhere else.

Like that 3d model he "made" to do the sprites. (Read: Ripped from JK and added a crappy 3 poly cape)
2005-10-03, 9:20 PM #59
Well, he said he made other models and stuff. Prehaps, he can post them.
2005-10-03, 9:51 PM #60
Oh, the useless drama of it all. Dreams rise into the clouds and dissipate, that's all there is to it.
2005-10-03, 10:16 PM #61
God I can't believe you keep doing this...

It's like grabbing a video camera and announcing "Well I'm going to start filming a major hollywood movie and sell dvds at blockbuster"...It's not that simple, you need actors, a script, whatever. You just don't comprehend what it takes to really build a game. You do the same frickin thing ever frickin announce some stupid huge project when you really have no skills at all except things you seem to THINK you will be able to do. Not only that but you try and do it by yourself, and seem to think you will actually be able to develop a game with little work and actually sell it all by yourself. RIDICULOUS. LISTEN TO YOUR ELDERS. WE HAVE BEEN YOUR AGE AND MADE THE SAME STUPID MISTAKES. I remember I used to do stuff like this..dive into stupidly ambitituouis projects even when I had little idea how I would do it.

But of course, your just going to reply with all the reasons why I'm wrong and that you really will succeed and then we will never hear about it again and you will take up Judo or taxidermy or something. I know the drill now.
2005-10-03, 10:19 PM #62
Hey, SF_Gold, where's the link to your goddamn PONG clone? I have no reason to believe you're capable of anything more complex than hello world. START ****ING SIMPLE. MAKE A PONG CLONE, THEN TETRIS, then for the love of god MAKE A 2D SP RPG IF YOU MUST. But just DO *Something* that's within for goddamn ****ing severely crippled capability!

...good GOD, you don't even have a ****ing pong clone to show for yourself, and yet you expect to be able to create a fully-featured 3d mmorpg game all by yourself. Save your 75 dollars and BUY A GODDAMN ****ING CLUE.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-10-03, 10:22 PM #63
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Then I'd get completely bored, modding isn't my first priority, its just something I like doing every other day. I was a lot more a productive a few years ago, when JK was alot more popular than now, but that was because I didn't have half as many resposibilities as I do now. 75 dollars... let me see, thats probably 1/2 what my family pays to get food in a month, yes I'am poor. I can't help it, I can only accept it. I've tried many things to get the family out of poverty, but I've only failed, and I'm going to try one last attempt with this realm crafter, since it can verywell help us get like 1000 dollars steady income that would get my family a house, let my dad rest, and I could go to a decent school. Other than that I have no other reason to learn how to mod, how to do games, etc, no other REAL reaosn, so you be the judge,

I really cannot believe this. Man you make me want to cry you are so clueless. You just don't know how the world works yet...thats ok I guess you will realize your errors one day. But please man, trust me, you are wasting your time if you think you are even going to make a penny from anything like this. If you want to make money for your family, get a job. REAL game developers with years of experience are the ones who make money from games, not over ambitious 15 year olds with no experience, or even the slightest clue what their are doing. And you are expecting to buy your family a house with the money from this game??? Man its so pathetic you need to get a grip...your just not livin in reality with this plan.
2005-10-03, 10:24 PM #64
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Hey, SF_Gold, where's the link to your goddamn PONG clone? I have no reason to believe you're capable of anything more complex than hello world. START ****ING SIMPLE. MAKE A PONG CLONE, THEN TETRIS, then for the love of god MAKE A 2D SP RPG IF YOU MUST. But just DO *Something* that's within for goddamn ****ing severely crippled capability!

...good GOD, you don't even have a ****ing pong clone to show for yourself, and yet you expect to be able to create a fully-featured 3d mmorpg game all by yourself. Save your 75 dollars and BUY A GODDAMN ****ING CLUE.

Pong is more complex than tetris. You need smooth graphics, two player controls, and math to calculate how the ball bounces. Just FYI.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-10-03, 10:25 PM #65
... that's not hard.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-10-03, 10:25 PM #66
Originally posted by Freelancer:
... that's not hard.

It's harder than Tetris.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-10-03, 10:26 PM #67
No it isn't.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-10-03, 10:31 PM #68
Originally posted by Freelancer:
No it isn't.

Yes it is.

Alright, this is a stupid argument anyway.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-10-03, 10:58 PM #69
Are you kidding me? Tetris is soo much harder
2005-10-04, 5:43 AM #70
Originally posted by Rob:
IRG SithLord: rep -50 because his name sucks, and no one likes him.


Relax kirbs.
2005-10-04, 6:03 AM #71
[QUOTE=Raoul Duke]It's like grabbing a video camera and announcing "Well I'm going to start filming a major hollywood movie and sell dvds at blockbuster"[/QUOTE]

Blair Witch Project

Ok, life sucks for you, we get the point. There are other things you can do about it, though, than complaining and dreaming about making a game.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2005-10-04, 6:13 AM #72
Originally posted by Freelancer:
No it isn't.

It depends on how simple or complex you want your tetris game to be. Pong is generally harder to make if you compare it with a simple tetris game.
2005-10-04, 6:39 AM #73
Originally posted by Jedigreedo:
I dunno, Raven made alot of money pretending Jedi Outcast was a game.


While I don't agree, that's quite good quote.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-10-04, 6:56 AM #74
Shock therapy.
2005-10-04, 7:06 AM #75
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
You're going to try to develop a game without "developing anything"? Maybe THAT'S why you fail.


"Do or do not, there is no try."

Seriously it will literly take you YEARS to make a DECENT game, all by yourself. Download Game Maker and make a short 2D shooter or something.

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.

-G Man
2005-10-04, 8:44 AM #76
I find it funny that his family had to pay $3000 for an emergency operation for "Thrombosis", something I have had 3 times already, and was treated with proper application of a hot pad and ice.

Also, you're looney.

If you can't finish a single mod, what makes you think that you'll be able to finally piece together a game with this program?

You've tried and failed so many times that most of Massassi here is tired of hearing about it.

Get it through your head. You don't make video games. Game companies make video games.

The days of when 2-3 people total could make a great video game ended in the DOS days with Apogee and such classics. Decent games nowadays have full companies behind them.

Of course, then there is the whole thing on how you are going to manage to fund the production of your game, had you ever finished it. CDs and such aren't free, you know. And unless you want other people stealing your game ideas, you'll need to get everything copyrighted, which can be a time-consuming and expensive process.

It's not a matter of your skills, Gold, its a matter of the effort you put into it. Every time you make something, you somehow believe you need to make some huge project. Why don't you do SIMPLE stuff? Make ONE model, just a random model. Work on it. Perfect it. Move on. You don't need an entire mod or map to go around it.

No one here just jumps into a mod and comes out with results. Most of the modders here started by making random gun models and showing them off. Then, when they got decently good, they formed with other modders to work together on a project.
.hack//SIGN - The World - Just Believe

(Yes, This is Cool Matty)
2005-10-04, 2:03 PM #77
Amazing that someone with 3 years of life experience on me could be so blind.

You'd have to learn the program, learn how to edit it, learn to program (Daddy's not always gonna be there) and then buy everything to PUBLISH the game. Good luck dude...seriously. Complete a game that makes your family rich, and you'll be my hero for life. FREAKIN' A man.

Oh, wait. Sorry, I just woke up to the real world, here's what I meant to say.

How are you going to be able to afford everything needed to publish a game that you need to sell your old games to buy the program for?

If you need to save moeny that bad, pirate the program, make the game, sell the game, make millions, and then buy the program to prove you "bought it".

Seriously, go out and get a 7 dollar job. I personally haven't gotten a job yet but this coming summer I plan on getting one, which is obviously more drive than you have. Like Yoshi said that's 7 more dollars than you had before, and if your family is that poor the money will add up. Oh, and what's your electricity bill like? I'd hate to be so *poor* and have several computers running and pay for the bill.

You need to wake up, realize the world isn't going to just realize you're trying (?) to make a game and buy it to be nice. People aren't like that.

I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-10-04, 3:31 PM #78
You aren't going to fund your mother's made up disorders, or your new house by buying this MMORPG making program. You're going to end up with a month of fun tinkering, a mother who still has back aches, a father who's still poor, and you're still going to know nothing about game design. Those are facts.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-10-04, 4:35 PM #79
Never made a 3d model before huh?... well this just happens to be one of my best galleries:
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-10-04, 4:37 PM #80
And why would my MMORPG be succesful? Ill tell you why, I just happen to go to a school of people who have never seen an MMORPG, and know very well that when I reccomend a game, it goes for real. Luckily I never recomended them any MMO or MMORPG, so I'll be here making my own things, and now can we just forget the past? I mean rome wasn't built in a day, and in 3 months I'll have something going, I'm already starting many models, and stuff, and I have not stolen anything, if I have PROVE IT.
Nothing to see here, move along.

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