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ForumsDiscussion Forum → This has to be the best deal I've ever seen in my life...
This has to be the best deal I've ever seen in my life...
2005-10-06, 9:00 PM #161
Hah...the kid IS unrelentlessly persistant but I doubt he'll show his face around here anymore after p.wned
2005-10-06, 9:03 PM #162
2005-10-06, 9:04 PM #163
That's it, I'm officially not believing another thing that comes out of SF_Gold's mouth, including the most trivial details. **** man, this pisses me off.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-10-06, 9:09 PM #164
Originally posted by Shintock:

<3 Shintock
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-10-06, 9:36 PM #165
Originally posted by Shintock:

Kriby wins every thread. you should know that by now
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2005-10-06, 9:39 PM #166
[QUOTE=Noble Outlaw]Kriby wins every thread. you should know that by now[/QUOTE]
2005-10-06, 9:43 PM #167
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
EDIT: Get a job? Dude a job down here is like 4 bucks a day, yeah that will really help out.

Maybe I'm wrong here, but wouldn't $4 a day fall severely short of minimum wage?
2005-10-06, 9:45 PM #168
Not all of the people you meet here are in the United States.
2005-10-06, 9:51 PM #169
Yea, that's why I decided to throw in that "Maybe I'm wrong here." Just in case I was. :p
2005-10-06, 9:55 PM #170
Originally posted by Anovis:
Not all of the people you meet here are in the United States.

I would visit him, but I wouldn't have enough money to bribe the Mexican border guards to let me back in the US.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-10-07, 7:26 AM #171
Isn't stealing work a bannable offense?

But I want to see what SF_Gold has to say about this.
2005-10-07, 7:49 AM #172
Too bad, he's not coming back.

Thank god.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-10-07, 7:53 AM #173
Originally posted by at0mic:
Maybe I'm wrong here, but wouldn't $4 a day fall severely short of minimum wage?

$4/day is better than $0/day he's making now.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-10-07, 8:44 AM #174
Kirby TKO Gold

Kirby Wins.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2005-10-07, 8:53 AM #175
Originally posted by Dark__Knight:
Kirby TKO Gold

Kirby Wins.

Kirby casts "Burn IV" on SF_GoldG_01 for 4539 damage.
SF_GoldG_01 is burned!
SF_GoldG_01 takes 395 burn damage.
SF_GoldG_01 falls.

Kirby gains 139 experience points.
2005-10-07, 8:58 AM #176
Shouldn't it only be 1 XP?

Usually enemies of such lower levels do not tend to give any XP.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2005-10-07, 8:59 AM #177
Originally posted by Dark__Knight:
Shouldn't it only be 1 XP?

Usually enemies of such lower levels do not tend to give any XP.

He's a unique, so he's worth more.
2005-10-07, 9:02 AM #178
Yeah but even 139 XP points isn't very much considering Kirby needs 2 million XP to get to his next level.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2005-10-07, 9:06 AM #179
Kirby's already maxed out at level 99.
2005-10-07, 9:08 AM #180
Originally posted by Echoman:
Isn't stealing work a bannable offense?

But I want to see what SF_Gold has to say about this.

There is no rule stating that plagarism is a bannable offense but I should move to have that changed. If he did plagarize, I cannot ban because he broke no rule. However, I will say this. If this SF_Gold_whatever is plagarizing, he could get us in trouble. I highly doubt that any legal action would be pressed against us by the original author of work but one cannot be to certain. We are the suit-happy United States after all.

On proving plagarism: If you suspect plagarism, you have to show proof. Best bet would be trying to contact the original author whom you claim to have to been the victim of plagarism and verify originality. However, since it's not a rule (yet) we have no recourse.

Moral of the story: Do not ever plagarize.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-10-07, 9:11 AM #181
I second this motion to b& peeples lolol.

Seriously though, it should be a rule.
2005-10-07, 9:23 AM #182
Originally posted by Freelancer:
That's it, I'm officially not believing another thing that comes out of SF_Gold's mouth, including the most trivial details. **** man, this pisses me off.

You believed him at some point in time? Hehehehe pwnt.

2005-10-07, 10:32 AM #183
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Because I won't convict someone fully until I have proof. I have this flaw where I give people the benifit of the doubt.

No you don't. If you did, you would not have asked for a copy of the files. In doing so, you expressed doubt in their being original.
2005-10-07, 10:35 AM #184
I want Gold to come back! He's very entertaining!
>>untie shoes
2005-10-07, 11:07 AM #185
Originally posted by DSettahr:
No you don't. If you did, you would not have asked for a copy of the files. In doing so, you expressed doubt in their being original.

He didn't say he wouldn't doubt, he said he wouldn't funnly convict. All that means is that we wouldn't call Gold a flat-out liar until he was sure. Which he now is. And you ahve to admit he's the one who, in the end, delivered the Coup de Grace because of it.
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2005-10-07, 12:09 PM #186
I freaking KNEW it.
2005-10-07, 1:26 PM #187
Look, the textures was from a toy with Photoshop job I did a while back when I had the trial, the dude was made in make human, and the other things were done very slowly. No no needed explanations.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-10-07, 1:28 PM #188
I spent a full week making it, and I was out of school then, plus the fact that I was modeling it from a toy made it easier, like the sword, I actually have that sword, and I was able to easly make a somewhat looking close model of it in a few minutes, I spent along time on this model, and I'am proud of it.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-10-07, 1:31 PM #189
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Look, the textures was from a toy with Photoshop job I did a while back when I had the trial, the dude was made in make human, and the other things were done very slowly. No no needed explanations.

All you did was read the thread, and make it into an excuse.
2005-10-07, 1:34 PM #190
Originally posted by Rob:
All you did was read the thread, and make it into an excuse.

Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-10-07, 1:35 PM #191
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:

Do I REALLY have to restate that?

Will talking in Broken English help?

Well alright.

2005-10-07, 1:37 PM #192
Alright... he posted and completely FAILED to respond to ANY of the accusations against him in any way.


2005-10-07, 1:39 PM #193
I take back any times I tried to defend this man.

There, I did it. Now accept my love Rob.
2005-10-07, 1:40 PM #194
The problem with you Rob, is you just can't accept that you're wrong, ever, and I have shownmy work to other people such as Thrawn [Numbarz], Randy Mac, (Don't know if thats his forum name, I just know he uses that as his MSN) Genki, they know that I'm not lieing, and I've shown them my work. You can go ahead and ask them PUBLICLY, and you'll get you're results. And you've all shown how smart you are when I posted my graphics engine test, and you were all going "OMG HE JUST COPIED AN ENGINE, AND STOLE A GRAPHICS" and then I forgot who said this, came in and said that I didn't and that I had actually made that, and you were supposed to be the "experts"...
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-10-07, 1:44 PM #195
. <-------- You see that? Thats a period. They're your friends. START USING THEM. Please.

I don't think Genki or Thrawn[LEHNUMERICALS] have seen this thread, otherwise they'd be all up your *** to.

Plagarism is unacceptable in this community. Please leave.

2005-10-07, 1:48 PM #196
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2005-10-07, 1:56 PM #197
tofu sucks
2005-10-07, 1:56 PM #198
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
The problem with you Rob, is you just can't accept that you're wrong, ever, and I have shownmy work to other people such as Thrawn [Numbarz], Randy Mac, (Don't know if thats his forum name, I just know he uses that as his MSN) Genki, they know that I'm not lieing, and I've shown them my work. You can go ahead and ask them PUBLICLY, and you'll get you're results. And you've all shown how smart you are when I posted my graphics engine test, and you were all going "OMG HE JUST COPIED AN ENGINE, AND STOLE A GRAPHICS" and then I forgot who said this, came in and said that I didn't and that I had actually made that, and you were supposed to be the "experts"...

Hahahah. Whatever you say, you're not going to be believed...ever...again. Just go.
2005-10-07, 2:03 PM #199
SG_Gold acuses somebody else of not being able to accept that they're wrong. Omfg, that made me laugh my *** off! :D
2005-10-07, 2:10 PM #200
I agree with the hijack idea.


tauren rogues should be in WoW
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"


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