No Longer Homeless!
Fancy Pants
Posts: 9,843
I didn't write it, but I agree with it:
Dear Jack Thompson,
**** you. I'm sorry, but I had to get that out of the way before I went any further. Just so you know where I stand.
Now, onto my general point: how dare you. How DARE you? You despicable, bottom-feeding, guttersnipe of a human being. You just couldn't wait to go on national television and blame video games for the tragedy that unfolded today at Virginia Tech. Hell, had the incident even finished before you managed to worm your way onto Fox News and peddle your absurd collection of snake oil that you continuously market as factual expertise?
How can someone like you bank on the misery, grief, and suffering of others to so obviously push their own agenda on a regular basis? You stand at your metaphorical pulpit, claiming that you're protecting the lives of children with your own little crusade against Take Two because of their wealth violent video games, gay rights, and just about anyone who doesn't share your psychotic Christian beliefs, but I have yet to see you actually do anything that would actually do anything other than possibly line your pockets with ill-gotten litigious gains. By trying to convince the general public that game developers and publishers are marketing violent video games towards the youth of America, you hope to fool people into thinking that there's an overwhelming conspiracy behind such a horrific event like the worst shooting in this country's history. What you don't seem to understand, or perhaps you just choose to ignore it, is that something as beautiful as a human life can be snuffed out by someone else simply because they're insane.
Of course, I shouldn't be surprised by any of this, seeing as how you helped waste $91,000 of Louisiana tax payers' money during a time when the state should've been spending its resources on rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina's damage from last year instead of focusing on idiotic legislation dealing with a problem that is equivocal to reading too many comic books. Oh, and let's not forget the time you mocked a gaming community for the death of one of their members.
You see, Jack, most of us are onto you: you're an activist with a private agenda; the agenda being that you're hiding behind an ill-crafted illusion of altruism so you can earn a huge payout from one of your idiot lawsuits. I personally hope the Florida Bar Association drums you out on your *** regarding those five counts of professional misconduct you're facing. Even if you don't, rest assured: karma will come along one of these days and bite you hard for your contemptible behavior.
You, sir, disgust me with every piece of offal that comes streaming out of your mouth. Do us all a favor: sit down, shut up, and let us all cope with what happened today. When we have some free time, we'll deal with your trivial greed.
Mike Thompson
Boy of Tomorrow