The most lethal school-related killing spree only used a gun as a trigger for an explosive, and that was after the majority of the damage was done. It also happened in 1927:
There are a myriad number of ways to kill people, and I'm sure this guy woulda found one, one way or another. This isn't about gun control, and it actually sickens me to see everyone pin an agenda on this, from Jack Thompson to "Ban guns solve all crime" people. I don't own a gun, I don't plan to. I don't have a biased opinion on this, as
I don't care one way or another. The only question that needs to be asked here is what could have been done to prevent this from occurring, and video games and guns are not the fundamental answer. Would the death toll have been lower? Who knows? It depends on what other methods could he have used. What could this person cook up? At this point it just seems like the usual opportunistic finger pointing.