It's Stuart, Martha Stuart
Posts: 7,943
Yeah, that's a good way to rationalize self-righteousness with a philosophical position in which "righteous" has no meaning. It must be name calling.
This is stupid. There's no point in making the effort to put forth detailed arguments, because they've all been done before. Nothing changes. It doesn't matter that objections were answered and points were made; after the thread goes away we're all back to zero. I admit when I first joined, my arguments were nothing short of retarded, but my latest takes on this position just go unanswered and it's like they never happened. It would be different if someone had even once put forth a reasonable answer to my objections but it just hasn't happened. Ever. It all comes down to telling me exactly how moral behavior patterns come about, which has nothing to do with weather they have any sort of rational imperative. Obviously they do exist, that's not the issue. The issue is weather they have any rational basis out side of some kind of transcendental imperative.
People think "arbitrary morality" means "situationaly/sociality relevant morality". The simply describes an irrational basis for social interaction. The second invokes some sort of transcendental imperative.
Let me elaborate on what I mean by arbitrary morality. For the sake of argument I am assuming a universe with out the supernatural. For our purposes we have two different categories for actions. One benefits society, one destroys it, and everything we do falls somewhere between the two. The first is generally considered "good" and the other "bad". Or to put in another way, one propagates the curiously low amount of entropy on our speck in space, and the other acts to raise it. "Good" people put the good of society above their own personal compulsions, and people who only act only to directly benefit themselves are considered deranged psychopaths.
Religions rise up as a side effect of our evolving societal nature. They cause members of a society to act in unison toward a common goal, but that goal is not based on a rational mechanical understanding of the universe and is vastly inferior a society of individuals informed by such an understanding. People who cling to a fundamentalist moral system are simply obsolete.
The point I'm getting at is that we're simply stating facts. Different people display different behavior patterns for what ever reason. So what? Entropy rises, entropy falls. The ocean is blue, the grass is green. Some people rape little girls, some people hate gays, some people find cures for cancer. Ideas like unjust, cruel or immoral loose any real meaning. You can arbitrarily attach any label you like to any given behavior pattern. Good and bad fit just as well as yellow and green.
Some probably do. The biblical basis for homosexuality being wrong is more generally found in Romans, but that's beside the point. Old Testament law was comprised of the Civil, Ceremonial and Moral law. The Civil and Ceremonial law was fulfilled with the coming of Christ, Israel no longer being the chosen nation of God. What constitutes Civil, Ceremonial and Moral law is a not so simple however, though most of it is pretty clear if you take the time to study it. The point is, what you call cherry picking, is in fact much more complected.