Ok, I'll respond to this for two reasons. First, you have a misconception about how I act, and second, you weren't an *** this time.
So, I rather like you too, Emon. I'm glad we're friends.
But you're wrong about me not being willing to challenge my views. If I ever think I may be wrong about something, then I'll do the research necessary to clarify my belief. However, I'm not going to sit here and argue with people about this stuff for the following reason:
These sorts of issues do not really matter in the grand scheme of my salvation. I'm quite sure that when I get to heaven, God is not going to look at me and say "Sorry Sarn, You thought homosexuality was a sin, but really it's not. I know it's a confusing issue, but you should have put more effort into it. Off to hell with you." I guess this is dodging the bullet, to some degree. But frankly, I don't enjoy getting caught up in these unimportant issues when I could be doing something more productive.
So, that said... I personally believe homosexuality is a sin. Regardless of whether or not it's a chosen lifestyle or there's a genetic predisposition, I will always believe it's a sin, because I've *already* done the biblical research on the subject. It's important also to note though, that I believe treating someone inappropriately because they struggle with a certain sin is MUCH worse than doing that sin. And thus, I don't condone bigotry, and it saddens me to hear that you think I act that way. I treat everyone equally regardless of whether they succumb to homosexuality or not (ask Vinny if I've ever been mean to him, or treated him cruelly because of his sexual preference, if you don't believe me), because I know that I am guilty of sins of different nature, but of equal magnitude, and it is God's job to convict the sinner of the wrong, not mine. (He's a lot better at it.)
Lastly Emon, thank you for toning down your attitude with your more recent post. I do have a tendency to take unpopular positions on these issues, but that doesn't mean I haven't considered other possibilities. Either I've 1) already done the research and formulated my opinion of a subject or I 2) haven't, and say as much when I discuss it. :p If the 2nd, then I won't take a clear position. For example, you may hear me say "I don't think homosexuality is genetic because of..." but you will not hear me say "homosexuality is obviously not genetic because of..."
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.