Even if that is true, it would NEVER happen. For four reasons --
1.- Lack of birth control would make us as overpopulated as china
2.- Most of the overpopulation would be minorities and the white supremist government would NOT like that.
3.- Overpopulation, especially in the more poverty stricken families, would drive us further into this new depression we are facing.
4.- Condoms are currently our best defense against aids, thus banning them would cause the disease to become widespread and then form a uncureable pandemic.
So, really using that in an argument is kind of pointless. Just like the whole prolife hubub, because even if someone is pro-life, chances of abortion being outlawed are slim to none. For example bush is prolife, but in eight years the only thing thats chaged is our policy on war and terror.
Reguardless, as long as the democrats hold the majority in the house and senate, you won't ever have to worry about any of these things anyway.
Just my POV anyway.
"They're everywhere, the little harlots."