He's a congressman. Be careful, you'll be called a moron.
If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say that was an insult because he joined the military. Instead, I prefer to assume you are ignorant. You can tell me if I'm right or not.
No, I said I could infer what I stated in that paragraph. Instead, I explained in the next paragraph how I assumed he meant it based, literally, on what he said.
The problem with that is that no matter what you advise them on, when that method fails, you are left with a certain situation. If you advise a kid on all of the "safe sex" techniques, when they fail to use them the problem is the same as when the fail to use the abstinence technique. There is no way that the kid did not know condoms and abstinence prevented pregnancy and disease. "Safe sex" is not safe. Not only for physical reasons but mental and emotional reasons. I don't think sex education should delete references to "safe sex" but I do think they should emphasize abstinence as being the best method.
And you and I are perverts for noticing.
That is SOOOOO gay.
BTW, her speach was awesome.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16