I was going to keep the old design for the old stuff, as I don't think it'd mix. In any case, as I stated multiple times, I will never delete the old stuff. (Unless of course
it breaks copyright law >.>) I may import it later, but it's not that critical, as long as it's easily accessible.
Geb: If someone else wants to take a stab at it and needs more specifics, I can do that. Just, yours wasn't the best
(Thanks for trying though
Tracer: I'd argue it's the hardest part. My mind doesn't work too graphically, and I know it. I can invision what I want, but I've never had much talent making that vision come out. I'm much better at the backend side of things, and it's easier for me. A bad UI can easily destroy a website that strives to be as popular and useful as my ambitious goals were. It's not something simple like a blog where a quick theme in CSS plus a logo is all you need.
I guess what I'm saying is, is if I can get an excellent mockup, then I can really make that a reality. That's my strong suite.
Also, I don't have money to pay Detty