"You Would Have Been BALEETED..."
Posts: 3,897
I knew it would pass, however I am torn. I think my reasons though are pretty reasonable though. My criticisms definitely are more logistical than emotional. I'm glad people have health care now though!
1. CM is right. No one knows what this bill has in it. God knows what provisions are in it. I hope someone soon kind of goes through the bill page by page.
2. Obama straight up lied when he said it wouldn't raise pre-existing insurance rates, because well, they already have. I am also slightly doubting the Executive Order regarding limiting the funding for abortions. It seems like it was a perfect way for Obama to get votes, but allows him the ability to literally tomorrow cross that out. Don't think it should've been an executive order. IMO shoulda been part of the bill, and then up to the states to decide whether to agree or not.
3. All of you commenting on the budget are wrong. Flat out wrong. You know why? Because these estimates are based on models of significant assumptions about GDP and growth. The funniest thing about this bill is what the Congressional Budget Office CONTINUALLY has said in its papers. You can't say right now it'll be budget neutral. You can't say that it'll actually cut costs. At most right now, all evidence points to cost INCREASES unless the economy acts directly according to the stupid actions that the Obama administration has predicted (which as we have seen so far, have been dreadfully dreadfully dreadfully wrong. See: Stimulus + Unemployment models! Unemployment will plateau at 8% with our stimulus hur hur hur. Boy they got that one right :rolleyes:)
That kind of goes along with the first one in that the models for the budgetary impact of this law are just models, and pretty terrible ones at that, but it is all we have. And the fact that we are trusting our cost cutting measures to yet another government agency is, at the very least, disheartening and slightly disturbing giving the trend we see in government agencies. The fact that we are really putting faith in our government to implement fully and correctly hundreds of pages of legislation is scary.
4. I believe that there are actually some strict constitutional arguments against this health care bill that people were getting into, but not quite articulating well. Never in the history of America has there been a law that has forced people to engage in private transactions with economic agents. There are serious beliefs that this violates all sorts of things in the "Commerce" clause of the Constitution. As one of blog writers put it "Cash for Clunkers is one thing. Making EVERYONE buy a Chevy is another"
That being said, I really cannot offer any opinion right now on it. And I'm pretty sure here no one can. It's going to be something that we are simply going to have to watch and observe. Never before has a country LIKE US engaged in a health care system like this, so this is all truly experimental. Everyone here likes to say "EVERY OTHER COUNTRY DOES IT HUR!" but there is a strict misunderstanding of American culture that will play a huge impact on new health care. Just because it works in a country with 4 million people, does not mean it will work in a country with 300 million with arguably a much higher consumption culture, especially when things appear "free". Just look at things like road congestion, the principles still apply. Our consumption culture can mean drastic things for economic growth, which this health bill's success is based on.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"
"None knows what the new day shall bring him"