I'm not arguing the semantics and exact circumstances of the War, how it was passed and how many votes were required to do so dude. And I realise that the people don't choose those things.. But you guys are the majority. You can cause such **** for them, you can do something aside from sitting in your houses screaming at your televisions.
I'll try to illustrate it with a comparison here and see if you get what I am saying..
When you turn on the TV, or any american channel, all you hear about is this health care reform bull ****. All you hear about is how Obama is doing the wrong thing, how it's going to put you guys further in debt, how it's going to do all these horrible things to your entire country and how it already is doing just that....
When you guys were bombing Iraq, you didn't turn on a channel and see people talking about how much this War was going to cost you.. Or how you didn't find any WMD's... Instead you turned it on to hear people making JOKES about how you didn't find WMD's and you had several networks dedicated to showing you guys just bombing Iraq so we could watch people and the city get blown away.
Since I see to be so uninformed though... Could you please point out all of the steps you guys took to stop, block, or go against anything Bush did during his 8 years in office?
You guys impeached a guy for a blowjob... But a guy destroys two countries (Iraq and America) and takes the rest of the world with them you do nothing...
PS - I am not against America or Americans. So don't think I am just sitting here trying to bash your country. To the rest of the outside world though, it just seems like you guys sit and complain, and do nothing, and now that something potentially good has come along for you, you want nothing but to smash it down and bash how bad it will be. Yet, when all these bad things were going on and even worse decisions being made, you guys seemed to do nothing really. There's a reason why the outside world views you the way they do...I used to love the country and its ideals, but now I absolutely loathe what it has become.