I did notice that actually (and the first dungeon I hit even had a puzzle!) I'll have to press on and see, I guess. Your experience with dungeons is pretty encouraging though, since in Oblivion after the first obligatory Daedric plane and fort I had utterly no interest in visiting a second one ever again.
What I meant by this is looking at the bestiary and what architecture I've seen so far it all seems to be well presented, but there's nothing really fascinating and alien (like in MW you had silt-striders natches and nix hounds and so forth. In Skyrim the most exotic beast I've encountered was a wolf that was called a "skeever" instead. I mean, they have giants and undead and goblins and such, but who doesn't these days? No cities made out of enormous desert crab carapaces, or mushrooms, or even cities like Vivec. Is it true that they completely changed Dwemer ruins? They were one of my favorite parts of MW and the only screenshot I've found so far they look
completely wrong and dumbed down). It definitely seems to be more Beowulf slash than somewhere actually new (ie it feels more like I'm just traveling than actually exploring) per se. Which could still work, to be fair. We'll see. Worst case I'll just use it as an excuse to replay MW instead!
Also, I can kill you with my brain.