The last patch broke all kinds of stuff. I played for about 30 minutes today since the patch came out. When I loaded a saved game, my character was an inanimate model lying on its back that could move but not attack. Reloading the saved game did nothing, but it worked properly after restarting the game. After that I noticed that some keybindings weren't working at all (R to loot all items just didn't want to work for whatever reason). Probably the biggest and most game breaking bug I saw was when I went to fast travel though. Clicking on a POI on the map simply closed the map every time I tried it.
Thankfully I keep daily backups of my computer, so I just restored my Skyrim directory to the state it was in a few days ago and it's been fine since then. Of course I've also been having to play with a modified executable (LAA flag set) outside of Steam to keep the game from crashing, but that's how it's been since release. Only downside of that is no Steam achievements.
Thankfully I keep daily backups of my computer, so I just restored my Skyrim directory to the state it was in a few days ago and it's been fine since then. Of course I've also been having to play with a modified executable (LAA flag set) outside of Steam to keep the game from crashing, but that's how it's been since release. Only downside of that is no Steam achievements.