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ForumsDiscussion Forum → It's SKYRIM DAY!
2011-12-03, 9:59 AM #201
The last patch broke all kinds of stuff. I played for about 30 minutes today since the patch came out. When I loaded a saved game, my character was an inanimate model lying on its back that could move but not attack. Reloading the saved game did nothing, but it worked properly after restarting the game. After that I noticed that some keybindings weren't working at all (R to loot all items just didn't want to work for whatever reason). Probably the biggest and most game breaking bug I saw was when I went to fast travel though. Clicking on a POI on the map simply closed the map every time I tried it.

Thankfully I keep daily backups of my computer, so I just restored my Skyrim directory to the state it was in a few days ago and it's been fine since then. Of course I've also been having to play with a modified executable (LAA flag set) outside of Steam to keep the game from crashing, but that's how it's been since release. Only downside of that is no Steam achievements.
2011-12-03, 7:00 PM #202
You keep... daily backups?

That seems a bit excessive.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2011-12-03, 7:30 PM #203

| The Lusty Argonian Maid
| Volume 1
| By Crassius Curio
| Act IV, Scene III, continued

Certainly not, kind sir! I am here but to clean your chambers.

Crantius Colto
Is that all you have come here for, little one? My chambers?

I have no idea what it is you imply, master. I am but a poor Argonian maid.

Crantius Colto
So you are, my dumpling. And a good one at that. Such strong legs and shapely tail.

You embarrass me, sir!

Crantius Colto
Fear not. You are safe here with me.

I must finish my cleaning, sir. The mistress will have my head if I do not!

Crantius Colto
Cleaning, eh? I have something for you. Here, polish my spear.

But it is huge! It could take me all night!

Crantius Colto
Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-12-03, 7:46 PM #204
I really, really hate you Alan.
>>untie shoes
2011-12-03, 7:53 PM #205
Do you also store the backups on tape and keep them offsite?
2011-12-03, 8:07 PM #206
Originally posted by fishstickz:
You keep... daily backups?

That seems a bit excessive.

Ever heard of data deduplication?
2011-12-03, 8:35 PM #207
I love the book Palla Volume 2,

"It was madness in every way except that I knew that it was madness."

Is how the author defines love. Genius.
2011-12-03, 8:42 PM #208
Tonight Zully was making fun of me for hoarding gold (I had around 60k at the time) so I loaded up the game and went around spending my gold on every bit of ore, ingot, and leather in Skyrim. Went to the blacksmith and got my smithing skill up to 100, then sold all the armor I had created and refined. Went back to the smith and crafted a bunch of dragon scale and dragon bone armor with the vast amount of dragon scales/bones I had stashed. Went to Riverwood and sold it at Riverwood Trader (since after investing, he's the only guy who can afford it) over the course of a few in-game weeks. I now have over 200k gold.

What now?
>>untie shoes
2011-12-03, 8:53 PM #209
You're still a hoarder.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2011-12-03, 9:03 PM #210
NOT TRUE! I sold all that crap that was in my Whiterun house!
>>untie shoes
2011-12-03, 11:00 PM #211
Did you polish my spear yet?
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2011-12-04, 1:02 AM #212
Originally posted by Tibby:
I like to imagine they were all psychotic murders before the story.

I vary from character to character. My Oblivion characters, in rough order, stole some carrots from the market, was wrongfully imprisoned on suspicion of tax evasion, was a hooker, and shot a man in Bruma just to watch him die.

-Haven't got Skyrim yet, but all this is making it sound very good.
2011-12-04, 2:24 AM #213
Originally posted by Jarl:
-Haven't got Skyrim yet, but all this is making it sound very good.
Quoting someone internet-named 'Jarl' who didn't automatically buy Skyrim on release day.
2011-12-04, 6:29 AM #214
Yeah, I heard.

-It means I can no longer use the search function on any website.
2011-12-04, 9:38 AM #215
I put the entire war on hold so I could deal with the dragon threat, and then instead of actually dealing with the dragon threat started wandering around looting random dungeons. I deserve a ****ing Nobel Peace Prize.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2011-12-04, 10:20 AM #216
Originally posted by Michael MacFarlane:
I put the entire war on hold so I could deal with the dragon threat, and then instead of actually dealing with the dragon threat started wandering around looting random dungeons. I deserve a ****ing Nobel Peace Prize.

You missed the point of the entire plot. The dragon attack on helgen was an inside job by the imperials. They attacked one of their own cities to have an excuse to put the war on hold so they could reorganize their forces for one final push against the stormcloaks. BTW the only reason the imperials were ever even in Skyrim was for their dwarven oil. Ulfric Stormcloak is probably dead hiding in the mountains this entire time its all a lie man
2011-12-05, 7:14 AM #217
Btw I managed to beat the bug in the chandra mine quest or whatever its called. Only works on PC because you need the console, I went to Marakath or whatever and massacred like 20 guards no big deal, then worked my way to the castle, basically, it seems that if you are in the castle, or maybe more specifically the museum part of it, you'll be presented with another dialogue option of "what's wrong?", HOWEVER, that didn't work for me, but once I found a guard who gave me that option, I opened up console and typed "paycrimegold" and was sent to the jail and released as you would normally paying the gold fine

hope this sort of helps
2011-12-05, 7:38 AM #218
Couchman, it can all happen again if you ever go back to that Temple of Talos again. :)
My favorite JKDF2 h4x:
2011-12-05, 2:38 PM #219
Nah I went there again once and slaughtered those gaurds, but if they specifically respawn i dont know, i had been back there a bunch of times and just walked across corpses

but I will heed your advice
2011-12-05, 5:41 PM #220
The Madness of the Dovahkiin.

One insult. One too many. It was the catalyst to the Hrothgar Stormbrandt's madness.
No matter how Vilkas the Companion tried to restrain him.
The Dragonborn's fury was brutal.
The arrows that rained from the sky, that tore through his body, did little to stop him.
One after the other, the guards fell, powerless before Hrothgar's onslaught.
The way to Dragonreach open, the Dovahkiin yanked the arrows from his flesh and climbed the steps to the Cloud District. Retrieving his greatsword, he erupted into the keep.
His thu'um sent soldiers, servants and heroes alike flying.
He called upon the elements as he challenged the Jarl.
The challenge was accepted but the Housecarl would have none of it.
On Irileth's orders, all attacked the Dragonborn. He proved too much even for their combined strength.
He unleashed the power of the Dovah.
Again they came, but this time, the Dragonborn's Thu'um sent them to their deaths.
And so Balgruuf the Greater stood alone before the fury of the Dovahkiin
Sovngarde beckoned the ruler of Whiterun. The end came swiftly.
And so the Hrothgar Stormbrandt's reign of madness began.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2011-12-06, 5:58 AM #221
I'm a lvl 20 Bosmer who's a real sniper with the bow. I can sneak-snipe people from miles away for x3 damage and it's usually a 1 shot kill, 2 shots max. Works especially good when wearing my enchanted Elven Helmet of Aimassist. :)

By the way, once I completed the main Companions storyline I noticed I can make them followers, then ask them to train me, then get all my money back by just asking them to change equipment and taking all my coins back. Cool.

For melee, an enchanted fire sword in the right hand and a soul trap elven dagger in the left: perfect.

Level 20 and I've only really been doing quests in 2 cities so far, Whiterun and Markath... Completed "A Night to Remember" quest in which apparently my character stole a goat and gog engaged with a witch in a drunken stupor, how I ended up in Markath in the first place , and can't believe how much more content there is. Tonight am going to check out the Thieves Guild in Riften. :D This game just sucks you in and doesn't let go...
2011-12-06, 6:01 AM #222
Melee works better when you have an enchated fire sword that also does soul trap, freeing up the left hand for a shield, magic, or maybe even another enchanted sword that absorbs health and stamina. Even better when they're both legendary ebony swords that do 91 base damage. :colbert:
2011-12-06, 7:53 AM #223
I have 460k gold. That's asinine. And I even spend 2k/per training session every level.
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2011-12-06, 11:08 AM #224
How does the lock picking work on PC?
2011-12-06, 11:13 AM #225
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
How does the lock picking work on PC?

Sorry, don't know how to play this video :(
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2011-12-06, 12:16 PM #226
I killed a dragon in two shots.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2011-12-06, 12:20 PM #227
Originally posted by Squirrel King:
How does the lock picking work on PC?

Basically identical to how it worked in Fallout from what I'm told.
2011-12-06, 4:03 PM #228
That's correct. You move the mouse to rotate the lockpick and you hit A or D to turn the lock.
2011-12-12, 8:40 AM #229
Released my first Skyrim mod

HD version coming this week.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2011-12-12, 9:11 AM #230
Your next Skyrim mod should be a replacement for the dogs. Worst model in the game.
2011-12-12, 11:04 AM #231
Now somebody hurry up and make peoples arms covered, it makes no sense that my arms are always uncovered in Arctic tundra.
2011-12-12, 11:08 AM #232
It can't be any colder than -5 C anywhere in Skyrim.
2011-12-12, 11:28 AM #233
Originally posted by Tibby:
Now somebody hurry up and make peoples arms covered, it makes no sense that my arms are always uncovered in Arctic tundra.

You would trade comfort for dexterity. That is why you fail.
>>untie shoes
2011-12-12, 3:55 PM #234
Originally posted by Antony:
You would trade comfort for dexterity. That is why you fail.

Frozen arms are not dextrous
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2011-12-12, 3:57 PM #235
Originally posted by Antony:
You would trade comfort for dexterity. That is why you fail.

frostbite is not nice
2011-12-12, 4:18 PM #236
If blood flow is maintained throughout the body by slaying things, frostbite is avoided.
>>untie shoes
2011-12-12, 4:25 PM #237
Originally posted by Jon`C:
It can't be any colder than -5 C anywhere in Skyrim.

How could you possibly come to that conclusion
2011-12-12, 4:29 PM #238
I would assume that conclusion is made due to the state of water in Skyrim. Additionally, there are Salmon in the waters of Skyrim, and as a general rule, Salmon have a hard time surviving anything below freezing temperature.
>>untie shoes
2011-12-12, 4:45 PM #239
The size of the snowflakes, I've lived in edmonton all my life and those are warm snowflakes. Also the water and lack of very deep snow.
2012-03-28, 10:15 PM #240
Originally posted by Masq:
On the next episode of Hoarders...

Funny you should mention that...

At the risk of reviving a couple-months-old thread and *snicker* cluttering up the forums, I present to you:
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."

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