A lot of us are voting for issues, not people. Hillary's experience, drive, determination, ability to speak, ability to form a coherent sentence, etc., simply doesn't matter when we know ahead of time the types of things she's going to propose, veto, not veto, or the people she's going to nominate to sit on the supreme court.
We know she's anti-2nd amendment and she thinks the previous supreme court decision was wrong. We know she's going to sign, not veto, any gun control bill that shows up on her desk. We know she's going to nominate anti-gun liberals to the supreme court. So any person who owns or wants to own a firearm is going to have a much more difficult time getting one (or the one they want, or the accessories they want). She's for the expired "assault weapon" ban which didn't help anything. She's for limited-capacity magazines. She's for the laws in places like Washington DC which essentially banned hangun ownership even if they never left your private property. She's for bans on concealed or open carry, even with training and a permit.
We know she's pro-abortion. I wish there was some middle-ground here where we all agreed to pay for thorough education ahead of time (for everyone, not just those in liberal states!) and we all agreed that since the supreme court decided it was legal, we need to stop taking rights away. But rather than use government/taxpayer money to just keep funding something that many of think is wrong in most cases, use it to help people avoid the need to make the decision in the first place. It seems to me that there are ways to reduce the number of actual abortions if we stop trying to make them illegal and instead fight to make them unnecessary in the first place.
We all know she's for large government and will continue to vote for increased government and government control/intervention in many people's lives. Expanded welfare, expanded low-income housing, expanded tax breaks/credits/refunds for low-income people, more programs like obamacare (which has resulted in significant cost increases and we still have tons of people without insurance).
We all know she's pro-environment which will result in further regulations on businesses. I'm 100% totally for this and I'm disappointed that more religious-right people see this as an attack on freedom rather than a defense of our personal rights to survival in a world not completely messed up by big businesses spewing pollution into the air, land, and water.
She's probably for consumer rights, consumer protections, etc. Like net neutrality, the recent FCC proposals, CPSC, etc. I'm 100% for these as well.
So if you put aside all the personal issues such as bad decisions around top secret information (and yes, I'm sure she's "learned her lesson" on this one so it won't happen again), whatever clusterf*** resulted in people getting killed in Benghazi, lying about being sick, or whatever other "scandal" has been in the news over the past few months, you still have to decide if you're with her on all the issues above, or if you disagree.
While I completely agree with her on a couple of issues, those issues are of less importance to me than the ones I disagree with her on. Which really means that I have no choice but to vote for the turd sandwich. Or was it the douche? I can't remember now.