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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Do you even really care at this point?
Do you even really care at this point?
2016-10-26, 1:18 PM #201
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I'm not sure how you are qualified to dictate what the accepted definition is. Modern practicing economists use the term to non-judgementally refer to a particular condition and type of free market economy, a definition which hasn't changed much since the Marxists invented the term to refer to the market failure that causes the middle class to turn to fascism. I personally find the definition which is given by professional economists more acceptable than the incorrect colloquial definition you believe in only because you were deliberately taught basic economics wrong.

How about all the publications cited in the Wikipedia article?

I think you are just choosing a very narrow definition that is popular with followers of you particular ideology, because it makes it easy to judge people for saying something way less reasonable than they actually intended.
It's like being pedantic about the term "democratic" even though no government on earth is a simply, direct rule by majority. It might refer to one of several things depending on the context.

The Chinese government actually price fixes labor below the clearing price in order to drive foreign manufacturing and mining companies out of business, so it doesn't really matter how productive American workers are, because there is a superpower with no compunctions about running its economy at a loss just to keep them unemployed. China is like OPEC for low skill labor.

Besides that, for a lot of different reasons (which Id love to discuss but don't ant to type on a phone), companies have been getting progressively larger in the US while competition has been declining. This has created a true labor market oligopsony, where in some markets you may have a choice of jobs, but all working for the same corporation (e.g. their farm, their packaging plant, their warehouse, their distribution subsidiary, etc.). Like how monopolies artificially increase prices and artificially constrain demand, labor market monopsonies naturally employ fewer people at lower wages.

These effects are both much stronger than any real productivity gap.

I'm talking bigger picture. Yes, China is being a dick. But at the end of the day, third world countries who don't give a **** about worker safety or environmental impact are simply going to be more cost efficient. We consume vastly more than our equal share of natural resources, and when all is said and done, we have make our economy do a lot more per person than they do if we want to retain our position of advantage. It's not hard for companies to keep labor costs down when they have a larger pool of applicants than they have need of positions to fill. Oligopsony or no, a glut of labor is going to make it far worse.
2016-10-26, 1:37 PM #202
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
How about all the publications cited in the Wikipedia article?

"Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.[1][2][3]"

The first line on that page. Are you ****ing serious right now?

I think you are just choosing a very narrow definition that is popular with followers of you particular ideology, because it makes it easy to judge people for saying something way less reasonable than they actually intended.
It's like being pedantic about the term "democratic" even though no government on earth is a simply, direct rule by majority. It might refer to one of several things depending on the context.
says the person who doesn't understand a word, and is now arguing the semantics of it.

I'm talking bigger picture. Yes, China is being a dick. But at the end of the day, third world countries who don't give a **** about worker safety or environmental impact are simply going to be more cost efficient. We consume vastly more than our equal share of natural resources, and when all is said and done, we have make our economy do a lot more per person than they do if we want to retain our position of advantage. It's not hard for companies to keep labor costs down when they have a larger pool of applicants than they have need of positions to fill. Oligopsony or no, a glut of labor is going to make it far worse.

"Bigger picture" companies that don't need to compete for labor offer lower wages, companies that don't need to compete for customers produce less quantity, together in aggregate cause lower economic growth (or economic contraction).

Allow American companies to hire whoever you want, but unless you want stagnation you need more labor market competition and goods market competition, which means taxing away foreign labor arbitrage opportunities and breaking up big companies.
2016-10-26, 2:05 PM #203
The story of how the game Monopoly came to be is interesting: it was invented by a critic of capitalism in order to demonstrate the negative outcomes of unfettered greed, but the game ended up being sold to the general public unironically by actual capitalists.
2016-10-26, 3:39 PM #204
Well, those who pay rent all the time end up as losers. Not sure when adding R2D2 or Super Mario to the mix enhances that message.
2016-10-26, 4:35 PM #205
Originally posted by Jon`C:
"Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.[1][2][3]"

The first line on that page. Are you ****ing serious right now?

says the person who doesn't understand a word, and is now arguing the semantics of it.

Read the freaking article. I said that every first world nation has a capitalist economy. You said, "Nuh uh, they're actually mixed market." I said that you were being a pedantic twit, because it's very common to refer to an economy as "capitalist" even if it is mixed market and has a significant public sector and regulation.

These include laissez-faire or free market capitalism, welfare capitalism, and state capitalism. Different forms of capitalism feature varying degrees of free markets, public ownership,[8] obstacles to free competition, and state-sanctioned social policies.

But, sure, let's all act like the meaning of words are ontic, so we can make fun of people for using them differently in different contexts.
2016-10-26, 7:31 PM #206
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Read the freaking article. I said that every first world nation has a capitalist economy. You said, "Nuh uh, they're actually mixed market." I said that you were being a pedantic twit, because it's very common to refer to an economy as "capitalist" even if it is mixed market and has a significant public sector and regulation.

But, sure, let's all act like the meaning of words are ontic, so we can make fun of people for using them differently in different contexts.

I see. So when you said:

"Every single nation with a first world standard of living runs on capitalism."

what you really meant was that every single nation with a first world standard of living runs on a carefully tuned mixture of public and private ownership of capital, and that both are necessary to ensure a high quality of life, and that it is my fault for failing to understand the deeply nuanced subtext of your opinion about fiscal policy and economic ideology.

My bad. I just figured you were an uncritical supporter of air quotes "capitalism" owing to a public school understanding of economics paired with a crisis free upper middle class white upbringing, and you had mistaken the person contradicting you as an edgy internet communist who can't mount a cogent defense of his inconsistent ideology which compares favourably against the universal "capitalism seems to be working well for me" aka "agrumentum ad **** you got mine". Just an honest mistake, could have happened to anyone.
2016-10-26, 7:46 PM #207
Obi_Kwiet, you're a pretty smart guy, a professional-class adult. Can I offer you some serious advice?

Stop saying kiddy ****. You're above this.

Cut the fluff, and all you posted was "capitalism is good". That's a **** opinion. It's not convincing anybody, and it's not even controversial enough to warrant saying. You aren't contributing anything to any discussion anywhere when you chime in with this grade school ****. And you definitely don't get to act butthurt when people assume you are an idiot for saying idiot things.

And you know, this is a pattern of behavior for you. Like earlier in this thread, you said other countries don't tax foreign profits. They do. Two seconds of actual Googling could have told you otherwise. The **** are you thinking, posting something like this without even checking for yourself? This is scrub league facebook ****. Anybody who has done any international finance knows there are tax treaties that normalize this bull****, the US isn't some special snowflake. Why do you even have an opinion about something that you don't even care enough to investigate for yourself?

Get yourself informed, son. Then get yourself a goddamn opinion. Or just keep it to yourself, whatever. Either way you do it, cut the kiddie table crap. You are too smart for this.
2016-10-26, 11:13 PM #208
Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
Not sure when adding R2D2 or Super Mario to the mix enhances that message.

I often go around various locations in the city dressed up as Fred Flintstone and I have to pay money to whoever owns the establishment in question just about all the time.

Didn't know there was a game based on my antics.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-10-28, 10:09 AM #209

apparently Trump is doing better than he should?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2016-10-28, 10:36 AM #210
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:

apparently Trump is doing better than he should?

Welcome to the last 12 months, Gold?
2016-10-28, 5:47 PM #211
Tape just came out of Hillary Clinton suggesting Palestinian elections shouldn't be run unless they can guarantee the outcome.
2016-10-28, 9:01 PM #212
So basically like ours.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-10-29, 7:47 AM #213
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Stop saying kiddy ****. You're above this.

Pot calling the kettle black?

When arguments degenerate to swearing and name calling, then those arguments fall into this category. Both of you should be ashamed, at your age, for acting this way. No one here can honestly take either of you seriously at this point.
2016-10-29, 8:23 AM #214
Originally posted by Alco:
Pot calling the kettle black?
It's neither hypocrisy nor psychological projection, depending on your interpretation of this relatively vague, and frequently (and presently) misused idiom. In fact, it is actually ironic that you would post something like this, since this post is the exact kind of infantilism I pilloried:

When arguments degenerate to swearing and name calling, then those arguments fall into this category. Both of you should be ashamed, at your age, for acting this way. No one here can honestly take either of you seriously at this point.

"You're jerks, so you're both wrong"

You'll note that even though Obi_Kwiet's post about capitalism was shallow, I made a good faith attempt to argue against it. I never once said he was wrong because his opinion is uninformed or superficial, although I did point it out after the discussion was already over. So basically, thanks, Alco, for posting the actual first ad hominem attack in this discussion, and contributing at a baser level than anybody else in this thread.
2016-10-29, 8:32 AM #215
Oh and such a vicious ad hominem attack it was.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-10-29, 10:05 AM #216
Originally posted by saberopus:
Welcome to the last 12 months, Gold?

I was referring to the early voting... and now the FBI email thing is only going to help him.

EDIT: Or hurt him, this election has been crazy. I am expecting last minute full blown lies thrown at each party in maximum overdrive.
EDIT2: Did something happen to the forums? I think I remember having more than 5000 posts. That or my memory is failing worse than I thought.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2016-10-29, 11:53 AM #217
Originally posted by Reid:
Tape just came out of Hillary Clinton suggesting Palestinian elections shouldn't be run unless they can guarantee the outcome.


While it's obviously upsetting -- even tragic -- that the PA's rule over the parts of the West Bank it governs is largely illegitimate, do you imagine a scenario where more good than bad comes from Hamas ruling over Areas A and B?
former entrepreneur
2016-10-29, 11:56 AM #218
If Clinton did in fact say that, it no more reflects a corrupt attitude than it did when Obama didn't refer to el-Sisi deposing Morsi in Egypt as a "coup", even though it was one by any definition of the term.
former entrepreneur
2016-10-29, 12:13 PM #219
Sure would be a shame if the US got the kind of leaders who would sabotage foreign elections and topple democracies in order to install compliant dictatorships.
2016-10-29, 12:15 PM #220
Next thing you know, the executive branch will order sale of drugs to American citizens in order to raise shadow funding they can hide from congressional oversight.
2016-10-29, 12:16 PM #221
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
EDIT2: Did something happen to the forums? I think I remember having more than 5000 posts.

Some forum update a couple of years back messed the postcounts up for some reason. If you can find DSettahr's 2008 "Top Massassi Posters" list and compare some of those postcounts to their current ones, you'd see the difference.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-10-29, 12:53 PM #222
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Sure would be a shame if the US got the kind of leaders who would sabotage foreign elections and topple democracies in order to install compliant dictatorships.

That would never happen, the United States is dignified and is totally unlike Russia.
2016-10-29, 1:02 PM #223
Originally posted by Reid:
That would never happen, the United States is dignified and is totally unlike Russia.

Right? Like how Russia spies on its own citizens, has secret courts and watch lists, and laws that are selectively enforced. They have nothing in common with western countries.
2016-10-29, 2:34 PM #224
We've been over this before. Obama intervened in Israeli elections, as did Bill Clinton. It happens all the time.
former entrepreneur
2016-10-29, 2:38 PM #225
Sure, it's hypocritical. But fear of being hypocritical didn't stop the Obama administration from complaining about Bibi Netanyahu "interfering" with US foreign policy, for instance.
former entrepreneur
2016-10-29, 2:43 PM #226
It's almost like international politics is all political or something
2016-10-29, 2:46 PM #227
former entrepreneur
2016-10-29, 2:48 PM #228
Well, damn. I was hoping I was going to get a substantive debate out of that one.
former entrepreneur
2016-10-29, 5:46 PM #229
I would honestly have more respect for our administration if they would just come forward and say they don't like Russia because they want to control how energy gets to Europe and Syria is a key location. I can understand realpoliticking, it's the constant **** they shovel that irks me most.
2016-10-30, 11:57 AM #230
Awfully convenient SNL took the night off last night. Would have been interesting to see how they handled the FBI reopening their investigation of Hillary's Espionage Act violations. I'm sure it would have been really hard hitting.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2016-10-30, 2:35 PM #231
Originally posted by Wookie06:
Awfully convenient SNL took the night off last night. Would have been interesting to see how they handled the FBI reopening their investigation of Hillary's Espionage Act violations. I'm sure it would have been really hard hitting.

I feel bad for Comey. The guy is in a "damned if he does and damned if he doesn't" position. He was informed rather late about the new emails (the Weiner investigation team knew about it for a couple of weeks), and had testified before congress that the investigation was complete. His only two options are to continue discreetly and risk a leak that gives the impression of complicity to an already widespread belief that double standards apply to Clinton (even within the FBI thanks to him denying that agents could gain access to HRC medical records to see if her head injury would cause the kind of memory loss she claims), or he can go public and generate widespread belief that he is trying to get Trump elected (propagated by the same democrats who praised him for his lack of recommending an indictment).

Politics is a heartless *****.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2016-10-31, 11:13 AM #232

Who's ready for President Trump?
2016-10-31, 11:45 AM #233
Oh for **** sake
2016-10-31, 11:50 AM #234
Remember when that "George W. Bush talks to American soldiers in Iraq (via satellite)" event was found out to have been totally scripted, and no one cared except for a bunch of lieberals?








Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2016-10-31, 12:01 PM #235
Did anybody claim the event was unscripted, and were people invited to vote on that basis? No? Okay, just a funny story I guess.

The thing that consistently amazes me isn't that American leaders and media have a deeply troubling, amoral relationship. It's that they're stupid enough to use email for it.

Yeah **** it, I'm going to rig this election... just as soon as I get my whole plot in writing! Hahaha, they'll never be looking for a notarized copy!
2016-10-31, 12:08 PM #236
Marlo Stanfield 2020
2016-10-31, 4:40 PM #237
I know it's Slate, but this is curious
2016-10-31, 8:48 PM #238
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:
;1195624']Marlo Stanfield 2020

I'm voting Slim Charles all the way.
>>untie shoes
2016-11-01, 3:29 AM #239
Good thing the Correct the Record campaign doesn't extend to Massassi.
2016-11-01, 6:14 AM #240
Originally posted by Baconfish:
I know it's Slate, but this is curious

What's the thing about Slate?

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