The prequel trilogy performed about as well as ESB and RotJ did. WE hated the prequels but they found a pretty reliable audience. The Disney movies seemed to have an audience too, but that goodwill seems to have been spent.
I mean, it seems pretty clear to me what the real problem is:
Their budgets are totally out of control. Star Wars movies seem to draw a pretty consistent crowd, but a relatively small one. You've gotta work inside that crowd.
Solo is the proof of this. TLJ/Solo is them deciding that they don't even want that crowd anymore. Poof. Market gone.
(Edit: Clone Wars was a made-for-TV CGI movie made from the first few episodes of the Clone Wars TV series. I included it for completeness but it doesn't really count.)
No. I didn't enjoy TLJ. I enjoyed some of the ideas and themes, and the execution in a very technical sense, but the movie was very, very poorly written. I'm able to appreciate the good things about a bad movie, but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it.