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ForumsDiscussion Forum → COVID-19
2020-03-13, 5:55 PM #121
Originally posted by Spook:
probably pretty high if its possible since the shot callers and capital holders are all in the risk group

They all fly to Switzerland and get the Chinese vaccine.
2020-03-13, 6:02 PM #122
ugh i hate that you are writing non speculative fiction here
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2020-03-13, 11:12 PM #123
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2020-03-14, 12:09 AM #124
Maybe she stole a bunch of thirsty calves in order to develop a corona vaccine.
2020-03-14, 2:59 AM #125
Seeing that I've had a sore throat / cough since Monday and a (declining) fever around then as well, I've been reading reddit "AMA" posts from people claiming to have the virus.

This might be the most useful response I saw to one such thread:
Sending good wishes for you and your family for good health and a speedy recovery. I am by no means a doctor, but i am 40 yrs old and have been living with chronic severe asthma since age 3 and have spent many weeks in the hospital with flu and cold and one time had pneumonia.

It seems like you and your family have crossed the danger threshold and are on the way to recovery. But if you find that you or someone else starts to take a turn for the worse, and since the health system is overwhelmed and useless these are some things ive learned you can do at home.

I would look at going on Amazon and ordering oxygen. If your lungs do get compromised, this will help get much needed oxygen in your blood and to your organs when the lungs are having a hard time performing its job.

Also you can also order rehydration tablets and salts from Amazon too. While its not an IV drip from the hospital, it is a decent alternative you can take at home. Or another good way to stay hydrated is from Pedialite or gatorade. Just anything that will replace the valuable electrolytes you need.

Hoping for all the best as you, your family, your country and the world go through this epidemic.

I might look into some of these items, since I've had my own history of (very mild) asthma-like coughing whenever I get a bad cold. If the medical system is so overwhelmed that everybody starts getting the virus in the next week, it might be good to have these items on hand, seeing that an asthmatic Redditor is suggesting them as a DIY alternative to actual care.
2020-03-14, 3:03 AM #126
This is a little ominous, though, since it's known that with COVID-19 (iirc) you develop the pneumonia-like symptoms after about 5 to 8 days in, and this Redditor, who is about our age, seems to be progressing exactly like so, now with a sudden turn toward shortness of breath after about a week of coughing and low grade fever:
Edit: 13-March-2020 Hey sorry guys I got a worse, so I’m taking longer to answer. Fever and a lot more trouble breathing, but it seems like now I’m on the mend.

The first part of her post is basically identical to mine (started Monday night with throat soreness, then fever, then cough), although she apparently knows the exact date of infection:
We know the exact day and time we got it because the person who tested positive had the organization send us a missive.

We contracted it on Friday around 14:00.

My husband and son seem pretty a-symptomatic, though my husband is been having headaches. I have had a fever and throat-ache, along with a insistent dry cough. My 2 yr old toddler had a one day super low fever and that’s it.

We self quarantined immediately upon receiving the news on Tuesday. I started having symptoms on Monday, but thought it was just allergies/flu.

We tried to alert the government ASAP but all emergency lines were collapsed. We got hold of a person after waiting for 4 hrs on hold, it was at 3am when they answered.

They told us to self isolate and that they were collapsed. Since I’m having symptoms and they have a case number of the person who tested positive they are assuming we’re all positive.

They told us to NOT go to a hospital even if we get worse, to just call for an ambulance (but that’s a 4 hr waiting on hold kind of thing).

Anyway.... we’re home, we got supplies....

I’ve had a flu that became bronchitis last year, and this feels eerily similar.

Anyway... AMA
2020-03-14, 3:55 AM #127
I don't have the source right now, but I just read that in Hong Kong doctors have detected damage to the lungs in some recovered COVID-19 patients. In a group of 12 people who have recovered from the illness caused by the virus, three had decreased lung capacity (by between 20 and 30 percent) and nine of the people were found to have changes in the lungs that indicate damage, whatever that means in practice.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2020-03-14, 3:59 AM #128
2020-03-14, 4:02 AM #129
Thanks. Also, I'm not sure if it's mentioned in that article (since I didn't read it yet), but damage to the lungs is actually common with these type of viruses, so this isn't really some new discovery that wasn't already suspected WRT this virus.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2020-03-14, 4:16 AM #130
Pneumonia in general also hurts your lung capacity, btw. What is much worse I think is ARDS, which is an even worse complication, but is somewhat rarer than simply getting pneumonia from this.
2020-03-14, 4:57 AM #131
Just ordered two of these three packs of 10L oxygen canisters on Amazon. No idea if product is a knockoff or not but inventories are low with people buying them up. They might be at REI too but prolly sold out.
2020-03-14, 4:58 AM #132
Same Redditer updates us with timeline:
Friday 6 day 1 : contact with the person for 45 mins in a small non ventilated room, along with my husband and son.

Mon 9 D4 : chills, low fever for me and toddler, feeling strange and an itchy throat some cough

Tues 10 D5 : diarrhea, strong throat ache and headaches. Low fever, Dry cough. This is a day we got the email Saying we were in contact

Wed 11 D6: dry cough, headaches, weight in my chest- like pressure. I’m pretty exhausted. No fever but I thought I was a lot better.

Thurs 12 D7 : bouts of dry cough, just like being so tired I can’t catch my breath. No pain but my chest feels tight.

Fri 14 D8: I coughed up a ‘spray’ of red blood, got freaked out. No phone lines to answer but I got through to a doctor who’s a friend and they said it looked like my throat was irritated. I was told to take my leftover meds from when I had bronchitis. Still hard to breathe, but the meds make it manageable. Headaches

Sat 15 D9 headache, not much cough, still tight chest... but a lot better

If I have it, I have yet to get any of this chest tightness.
2020-03-14, 9:04 AM #133
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
Just ordered two of these three packs of 10L oxygen canisters on Amazon. No idea if product is a knockoff or not but inventories are low with people buying them up. They might be at REI too but prolly sold out.

That might be somewhat helpful, but just so you know oxygen delivery at the lowest end is generally 2 liters per minute through a nasal cannula on an ongoing basis. If people are really getting low on their peripheral saturation (below 94%) they're going to get more like 10-15 LPM with a nonrebreather mask unless they cant tolerate the mask in which case cannulas generally top out at 6 LPM. If you're genuinely concerned I would try to get hold of a home oxygen concentrator, I'm not sure how much 15 minutes worth of oxygen will help if you aren't on the way to higher care.

This is just from getting my EMT last fall, so take it with that dose of salt.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2020-03-14, 10:55 AM #134
Search "lost job" or "cut hours" on Twitter. Travel, entertainment, food service are getting pounded. The odds that this doesnt lead to a recession seem pretty low. Prepare for bad news in the coming year.

Also, a big warning about the virus to you all. It has a long incubation period *and* is highly contagious during that period. It's best to simply not visit at risk family.
2020-03-14, 11:26 AM #135
Yeah I would wager that in the medium term an appreciable amount of people are going to die from this, not from the respiratory syndrome but from hitting the bottle-pill or booze- after having their livelihoods pulled out from under them and being told by the ****ing reptilians on the hill that they should have saved more for an event like this.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2020-03-14, 12:29 PM #136
Originally posted by Spook:
That might be somewhat helpful, but just so you know oxygen delivery at the lowest end is generally 2 liters per minute through a nasal cannula on an ongoing basis. If people are really getting low on their peripheral saturation (below 94%) they're going to get more like 10-15 LPM with a nonrebreather mask unless they cant tolerate the mask in which case cannulas generally top out at 6 LPM. If you're genuinely concerned I would try to get hold of a home oxygen concentrator, I'm not sure how much 15 minutes worth of oxygen will help if you aren't on the way to higher care.

This is just from getting my EMT last fall, so take it with that dose of salt.

Thanks. We'll see if the seller even sends it, since waking this morning I don't even see the item listed by them any longer.
2020-03-14, 12:32 PM #137
Originally posted by Spook:
If you're genuinely concerned I would try to get hold of a home oxygen concentrator.

It's interesting to imagine the extent to which any kind of oxygen supply equipment really ought to be in the hands of health workers at this point. Although if there are no more hospital beds, maybe...
2020-03-14, 1:39 PM #138
If people would stay the **** home for a while I bet the hospitals in lots of places would sort of have enough equipment. But given that people are being their typical American selves our hubris probably does mean all that **** should be going to hospitals and whatever places they are going to set up for people to recover in.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2020-03-14, 2:35 PM #139
Listening to my folks when they tell me about their daily activities I get the impression people don't have a good idea about how indirectly infectious diseases spread. For all they know, the realtor who was hosting the open house my mother *just* attended might well be an unwitting super-spreader.
2020-03-14, 2:50 PM #140
Jones, I’ve enjoyed telling people your “maybe people will finally understand the exponential function if it’s counted in bodies” thing. I have credited you as “the Internet”.
2020-03-14, 3:04 PM #141
They probably think you have to get bit.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2020-03-14, 3:27 PM #142
"But the virus hasn't killed as many people as the flu, so it's not serious" - actual people who actually exist.
2020-03-14, 3:43 PM #143
Yeah a lot of college educated people who even took science and statistics classes. It's something I knew in the back of my mind, that people are stupid and that humans are incapable of coordination at this scale, but god damn it's surreal to see people I didn't think poorly of say that ****. Some of these people even critique the healthcare system all the time and they are still saying that. No concept of complex systems or high school statistics even from people who should know better.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2020-03-14, 3:51 PM #144
Originally posted by Spook:
Yeah a lot of college educated people who even took science and statistics classes. It's something I knew in the back of my mind, that people are stupid and that humans are incapable of coordination at this scale, but god damn it's surreal to see people I didn't think poorly of say that ****. Some of these people even critique the healthcare system all the time and they are still saying that. No concept of complex systems or high school statistics even from people who should know better.

It just shows people are searching for reasons not to be scared and are making **** up to defend their sense of the world.

TBH I dont get it, in my experience learning and understanding things liberates my sense of anxiety.. when I can grasp the concerns and what to do, I'm fine. Living in a world of my own perceptions makes me more nervous.
2020-03-14, 5:09 PM #145
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Jones, I’ve enjoyed telling people your “maybe people will finally understand the exponential function if it’s counted in bodies” thing. I have credited you as “the Internet”.

Yay! I'm Internet Famous.
2020-03-14, 6:41 PM #146
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2020-03-14, 9:38 PM #147
Originally posted by Spook:

2020-03-14, 11:36 PM #148
Just saw Trump defend himself for shaking hands. That must have been the most humble most un-Trump response I have ever heard.
Sorry for the lousy German
2020-03-14, 11:54 PM #149
5G gives you COVID-19, which is why vaccines are bad and we should thank Trump for his space force.

2020-03-15, 12:10 AM #150
The backwards thing here is that if an effective SARS-CoV-2 vaccine had already been in place, conspiracy theories about non-pandemics wouldn't be necessary. I wonder if she'll refuse to vaccinate her children next year. Hey, maybe COVID-19 could deal a blow to the anti-vaxxer movement?
2020-03-15, 12:22 AM #151
Social media was a mistake.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2020-03-15, 12:46 AM #152
Lets go back even further, GUIs in general were a mistake. The population at large would not be coming up with this **** on MUDs and MUSHs it would just the the fringe weirdos and thats the way it should be.

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2020-03-15, 12:54 AM #153
Originally posted by Spook:

2020-03-15, 1:47 AM #154
In the days when crackpots wrote in text-only media where no normies tread, they were probably somewhat cognizant that their audience invariably saw straight through their non-sense. Therefore I imagine a hint of tacit self-deprecating irony was an essential part of all USENET crackpottery. E.g., set theory cranks would claim to have shown Cantor's work to be a fraud, and yet while comparing their persecution to that of Galileo, they would do so with a twinkle in their eye.

Unfortunately, this sense of humor no longer becomes a requirement when you have an audience that literally believes even the absolute dumbest things you could possibly write (don't get me wrong, these people posted on USENET too*, although usually their tldr.txt would be easily recognized as spam, and hopefully with their authors ending up in people's killfiles).

*Incidentally, since Google has taken over USENET as Google Groups, these seem to be the only remaining people that post there. Quite possibly because their completely borked and lard ass web UI is so broken beyond all hope of usability that nobody would ever use Google Groups for anything anymore except for mailing out p3n15 pill adverts
2020-03-15, 1:54 AM #155
Originally posted by Reverend Jones:
an audience that literally believes even the absolute dumbest things you could possibly write

haha, wow, did I just discover a funny little analogy:
[INDENT]literal text of the Bible is to fundies as
internet crank ravings are to normies

Facebook is the harbinger of the Apocalypse!
2020-03-15, 4:11 AM #156
Trump is trying to make a possible vaccine exclusive to the USA:

Germany and US wrestle over coronavirus vaccine

US President Donald Trump is attempting to entice a German lab to develop a vaccine exclusively for the US, a German newspaper reported. Berlin health authorities are in intensive talks with the company.

The governments of Germany and the United States are wrestling over the German-based company CureVac which is working on a vaccine for the novel coronavirus, reported German newspaper Welt am Sonntag.

The prominent German media outlet reported, citing unnamed sources, that US President Donald Trump was offering large sums of money to German scientists working on a vaccine. He wanted to secure exclusive rights to their work, the newspaper reported.

Trump was doing everything he could to secure a vaccine for the United States, "but only for the US," the newspaper quoted an anonymous German government source as saying.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2020-03-15, 5:05 AM #157
Of course he is. "America first" and all that. Of course we have to use a non-US company for it though, since our system has so much red tape it'll be a year or two before anyone stateside can get it approved/manufactured and it'll cost too much anyway.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2020-03-15, 6:50 AM #158

Holy ****, that actually makes me angry.
2020-03-15, 8:57 AM #159
The article I linked to cited a story in Welt am Sonntag, a German newspaper, which itself cited an anonymous government source. The German government has in fact confirmed the story to Reuters:
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2020-03-15, 10:11 AM #160
Having an exclusive vaccine is the only way for the US to have a fatality rate lower than Italy’s, so

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