It had been a long hard day in the office for Jackpot, forced to script cog for hours upons hours, upon months, upon years by GBK and SaberMaster. Given these factors alone would make mere mortals quiver, but GBK was insistant that (for some reason that eludes me at time of writing) his Linux box was having issues.
Jackpot reckoned that that wasn't the only thing that had issues, but after having heard many strange noises (perhaps gunshots, or maybe they were Echoman's screams - the two were indistinguishable) from hundreds of floors above (
side note: coggers have good hearing as their eyesight deteriates in the near darkness, coding away into the early hours with only the flicker of their screens for light/warmth/company), then he guessed today was not really any different than any other - there were always people doing daft things round this way. Only the other day he'd heard that "The One" fellow and his chick had passed by and caused equal distress for poor Echoman (his meticulous cleaning was known throughout the land,
especially the wonders he could work with a dusty, shot-out lobby...).
Interestingly enough, not less than 5 minutes ago did Jackpot happen to look up from his dumb terminal (
no it really was dumb - it was running Windows XP) and saw one of his old-devised cog scripted programs, shoot down the hole that was the entrance to "The Cog Lair" at the very bottom of the Massassi Temple and recognised it as that of Rbot2. Strangely enough, there was some faint jeering from whence the Rbot had fallen accompanied by some strange mention of "SPORK" - whatever that happened to mean....
Jackpot, feeling sorry for the poor AI decided that if he pressed the "Increase AI Hunting Procedure" hotkey in the JK.exe program that was running (
hey - you've got to test these cog scripts work
), he may (for once) get
real mail,
hand delivered and not any of that electronic carp (...and if you've seen electronic carp, they're dangerous - especially in water...).
With a new lease of life Rbot2 sprang to life and set off with one directive - to find Outlaw, Phoenix and the "magically-appearing-out-of-thin-air" mailbag. Rbot2 would stop at nothing until its mission was accomplished, passing (on its way out of the temple) a very nasty looking individual that was pummeling Echoman, Tony and Lt Corstar
without mercy but
with intent - it was obvious (to anyone that wasn't getting a pummeling already) that this "Exar Kun" fellow had not been provoked to attack in the slightest...
To (probably not) be continued...
I hope you all enjoyed my first posting in the ISB forum - thought I'd finally give it a whirl
"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." - gothicX
"Life is mostly froth and bubble,
But two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in your own"
("Ye Wearie Wayfarer" - by Adam Lindsay Gordon)