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ForumsInteractive Story Board → life in the massassi temple
life in the massassi temple
2004-01-30, 3:18 PM #81
You did kill yourself? I'll have to go re-read that part... I just find it interesting that you'd WANT to off yourself. But I suppose it does make things a tad more interesting.

As a side note to Xizor... I don't mean to be cruel, and pardon me if I'm mistaken, but it seems to me you post, ask people to turn it whatever direction they please, and then you post and do the exact opposite. It's one of the reasons I find it hard to write for your character, otherwise I'd have included you a bit more. Part of the fun of these things is to take what's given and run with it. I personally would love to see you as Juz's right hand man. It'd add quite a twist and I can think of several plot lines to follow that way which would make the story more suspenseful. Again, pardon me if I am mistaken.

I'm going to hold out with another post until I see more how things unfold.

Frogblast the Vent Core!

--End of Line--
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-01-30, 7:13 PM #82
Zloc Vergo woke up and quickly started to pack.

Throwing a pillow into Brian's face Zloc said "Wake up dinko breath, we need to get a head start today."

Slowly brian got up and got out of the tent.

*15 minutes later*

Zloc turned on the speeder and they started zipping through the forest at slightly slower than breakneck speed. After almost no conversation, Zloc saw a blip on the speeder scanner that ment a human.

"What the..." Zloc said as he tapped the brakes.

As Zloc started towards the blip, the blip blinked off and came back half way across the screen.

"What the **** is going on here?" Zloc said as he stopped the speeder.

Hopping out of the speeder Zloc drew his sidearm a .45 mini pistol. Throwing the pistol to brian, and grabbing A M-2 berretta Massassi edition out of the trunk of the speeder Zloc ran towards the blip, on his personal scanner.

Passing a tree Zloc noticed that the scanner said the person was behind him... Turning around, Zloc heard something above him.

"Um... hello?" Zloc said as he saw a shadow pass through the light.

Dropping down behind him from the tree a figure slammed his hand into Zloc from behind throwing the M-2 out of his hands into the bushes. Spinning as he fell, Zloc pulled out his Short sword and tried to swing but the figure slammed a stick into Zloc's hand making the sword fly into a tree barely missing brian.

"DIIIIIE." brian said as he fired the small .45.

Quickly dodging the rounds and deflecting the others with his staff, the figure slammed his staff into brian's forehead dropping him like a stone.

"I would of expected better of you Zloc." The figure said as he stood up.

"Myn? Journyman Corstar?" Zloc said as he tried painfully to stand up. "What are you doing here... you should be a prisoner of the Shadow Warriors."

"I am no longer Myn... I respawned as Myndwarf, Jedimaster the blue, weilder of the flame of the FEDXians, wizard of old and new, king of all trolls in the kingdoms of men..." Corstar replied as heroic music played in the background. "I killed up enough shadow soldiers to the point where i got an upgrade when I died. But I fear the Massassi Temple has fallen completely. All pockets of resistance have gone down INCLUDING the respawn generators... unless you're within 30 miles of the TACCians if you die you aren't coming back."

"Um right..." Zloc said as he brushed off mud from the seat of his pants. "Well anyway, you want to come with me and brian to the lands of the elfs? I think we can find haven there."

"The elfs? The elfs you say? They are only myths and legends unless you have met one. The land is only found by those who know where it all ready is. Currently you aren't even on the map, You are in the unknown regions my freind." Myndwarf said as he sat down on a tree trunk. "The trees and wildlife have grown old here in the forest. Even I haven't gone past the bounderys that you were headed towards. Another ten miles and you would of gone past the forbidden relm. Ancient beings of old live in that part of the forest, Beings that came into excistiance when computer generation came about. Things so terrible they would scare the hair off a wookie."

"Ah well then... can you lead us to the land of the elfs then?"
Zloc said as he picked up his Berretta and the .45.

"I can lead you there, the only way is a path through the forest. I'm afraid that it has grown over, and it is not well kept. But I can get you there if you don't mind risking being killed by whoknows what.

"Well.. seeing as..." Brian started but stopped as he heard a whining sound.

"Be silent." Corstar said as he dropped to the ground.

A small drop ship came into view through the trees and started to go towards the landspeeder.

After a few seconds the Dropship fired a small torpedo and blew the Speeder into little peices.

"Holy ****... MY STUFF WAS IN THERE." Zloc said as the ship started to come down for a landing.

"It does not matter now. We must go." Corstar said as he grabbed zloc and pulled him up onto his feet.

"Unless you feel like experiancing the pain of the shadow world you better run as fast as you can." Corstar said as he dropped a IR Claymore mine on the inside of a burnt out trunk.

Corstar grabbed brian and the group ran as fast as they could through the forest. Dropping to the ground Corstar pulled both Zloc and Brian down with him.

"Wait for a moment." Corstar said as a few shadow troops looked around in the clearing where they had been talking.

Watching as if in slow motion, there was a burst of flame and half the squad of Shadow Troops flew backwords in the air landing hard looking like shredded meat. A few seconds later a small blast was heard.

"Good that will scare them off for a bit... I will show you the way but do not step off the path. Weapons are of no use now, the slightest mishap with a plant could end up, losing a leg." Corstar said as he walked slowly through the forest searching for a path. "Keep close, and try to keep up."

So... a little matrix, a little Starwars, a little LOTR.... what else do you need? Maybe a better plan of action... but anyway, I'll leave the Myndwarf,Vergo and Brian thing alone and we can go back to kedri and massassi. i think the italics system hates me.

[This message has been edited by Lt_myn_skyhopper (edited February 02, 2004).]
2004-02-02, 12:11 AM #83
Edward woke up with a *PLING*. He had come to 75% power. He then stepped away from the fire and looked at the battle field... Everyone was camping, singing songs, roasting marshmellows, etc, etc, etc... He then looked up into sky, and activated his telescope view. He looked out into space and looked for the MIR station made by SlingsRat. He found it, and focused on the reflex of Yavin on a window. He zoomed even more so that he could get a clear overhead view of the temple. It was surrounded with camping soldiers. He then looked in the direction of the ACC (Admirals Command Chamber), and found Phoenix, Outlaw and Happydud running to the exit of the Land of Juz. He continued to look around the area that was visible in the window, but it was quickly becoming smaller because the station was rotating. He then zoomed out and looked through the window of Brain's room and found Kun, nice and cosy, smoking a cigar...
Edward returned to the fire and his half suspend mode.



[This message has been edited by Edward (edited February 02, 2004).]
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-02-02, 5:13 AM #84
actully... now that i think about it, Tony can post on kedri and the gang. I don't have any ideas for it except maybe their liberation in the end, when we enter the shadow dimention or something.

Myndwarf "the blue" Corstar walked through the small path, pausing a moment for Zloc and brian to catch up.

"Becareful now... We're really close." Myndwarf said as slammed a little walking plant over the head with his staff. "and STAY DOWN... stupid little weeds."

"Um...yes" Zloc replied as he shook his boot tring to get a plant to let go of it. "Another...three hours maybe?"

"hopefully." Brian said as he pushed zloc from behind and cut the plant with a small knife.

pushing through the bush, Corstar stopped as he heard something come through the trees.

" burns... IT BURNS." Corstar heard a voice.

"RUN AWAY!!!" another voice said.

An elf burst onto the path for a moment, glanced at Corstar and fell to the ground.

Dropping to the soldier, Corstar read the elf's name tag. "Genki? son of glintor?"

"Yes.....I was sent out to find you. Shadow troops followed us and they started blasting away... then we all ran into a..." Genki stopped as if waiting for breath.

Noticing that something was wrong zloc grabbed myn and pulled him back.

"Oh no.... not...again, The RESPAWN GENERATORS ARE OUT!!!." Genki cried as he rolled around.

Suddenly a little alien burst out of his stomache sending flesh everywhere.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaah...ow." Genki said as he came to a stop and died.

Sending out a scream the alien started to pull it self out of Genki.

"Do you think that thing is bullet proof?" Corstar said to Zloc.

"Sure as hell it ain't." Zloc said as he pulled out his 45. in sequence with brian they opened fire on the alien shreding it with bullets.

"Can we turn back now?" Brian said as he slapped in a new clip.

"No... we are too far foward to go back now." Corstar said as he proded genki and the dead alien with his staff. "We must, that alien could be attached to something larger."

Running as fast as they could, Myndwarf,Zloc Vergo and brian ran through the path as fast as they could.

"I can see the light!" Zloc said.

"Uh huh." Corstar said as he walked onto the land of the elfs.

"We're here." Corstar said as he rested a little weight on his staff.

"For a 50 yearold old guy, you run pretty fast." Zloc said to brian.

"I turn 29 this year." Brian said he he took off a shoe and emptied a few dozen pebbles.

"Ah... same diffrence." Zloc said as he drank some water.

Walking/running across the feilds onto a road, Corstar, Brian and Zloc hitched a ride on the back of a wagon headed towards the capital of the lands of the elfs.

"What are those little doors in the sides of those hills doing there?" Zloc said as he pointed with a stick.

"They're homes... for halflings, or Hobits as the RPGers know them. The dwarfs, hobits , elfs and ancient massassians all live here peacefully, DESPITE what all those books you read about dwarfs and elfs fighting." Corstar said to Zloc. "Sci-fi and fiction, have nothing on these people."

Hopping off the wagon onto the steps of the Elvish high castle, Corstar grabbed brian before he fell in the mud.

Walking up the steps to the doorway, a captian of the guard stopped them.

"I'm sorry, Journyman Corstar, But I cannot let you before the master chief so heavly armed." The guard said.

Dropping his M-2 berretta, a knife and a large pack of ammo Zloc stepped to the side.

Dropping his short sword Corstar stepped to the side also.

"I'm sorry Corstar but your staff won't be permitted." The guard said.

Waving his hand Corstar said. "You don't want my staff... its been dipped in honey and you are afraid you'll get your hands sticky."

"I don't want your staff, i'll get my hands sticky." The guard said as he took the .45 and short sword from Brian.

"Thank you." Corstar said as they walked through.

Walking into the hall of kings, Corstar walked over in front of the master chief.

"Arkon...Your halls have lessened in freindlyness towards late." Corstar said as he paused around 20 feet from Arkon.

"Whhhyyy should I welcome you? Myn....Coooorstar." Arkon said as he laughed and some white hair came out.

"A just question my lord." Cazor said. "Late is the hour, this conjurer of cheep tricks has chosen to appear... ill news is an ill guest."

"Be silent... keep your tounge behind your teeth... I have not passed through death, shadow and pain to trade mindless words with a snake." Corstar said as he leveled his staff at Cazor.

"HIS STAFF... I TOLD YOU TO TAKE HIS STAFF!" Cazor said as he glared at the captian of the guards.

intercepting guards before they got to myn, Zloc slammed one into a piller, and threw another into a statue.

Brian, doing a judo move, sent a guard going for Corstar's staff, sent him into the fire in the middle of the floor.

Walking in front of Arkon, Corstar put out his hand and waved it. "I release you...from the spell."

"He he he... you have no power here.... Journyman Corstar." Arkon said as he sat up.

Blinking, Corstar glared and pulled a string on his cloak, sending it to the ground, making his blue robes flash majesticly in the light.

"I WILL draw you Pugler, like poison drawn from a wound!" Corstar shouted.

"I wiilll kill him befoore you get him baaaaack." Pugler said through arkon.

"You will not kill him and cannot kill me. Do not attempt to try." Corstar said.

"YAAAAAAAAH!" Arkon said as he lunged towards Corstar with a small knife in hand.

Spinning his staff, Corstar slammed it down hard on Arkon's head throwing him backwords into the thrown.

Slowly changing back to his younger self, Arkon looked around.

"Dark have been my dreams of late." Arkon said as he looked down at the little dagger on the floor. Glancing at Cazor, Arkon grabbed his sword from beside the thrown.

"Die... and go back to your masters." Arkon said as he stabbed Cazor in the side.

*A few days later*

"The Massassi Temple has fallen... and we need a place to stay, But the elvish kingdom is next on Exar's list. Once he gets up enough of an army he will come." Corstar said to Arkon.

"Yes... he will come... and he will break on us like water aganst rock." Arkon said as he glanced around the hall. "He will not best us in battle."

I'm not able to finish this because my dad wants me off.. I'll finish it tuesday. [i/]

[This message has been edited by Lt_myn_skyhopper (edited February 03, 2004).]
2004-02-02, 8:03 AM #85
Walking for countless miles, Outlaw, Happydud, and Phoenix stop by a giant oak, with multiple bodies hanging from it on nooses.

Outlaw: Well, there goes the whole lunch break idea. I think we are about in the middle of the Land of Juz.

Happydud: Good, the sooner we get acrossed this, the better. This place gives me the creeps.

Phoenix: Yeah, but at least we are done with the RBOTs now. Who do you think sent them?

Happydud: Dunno, but that last one was pretty bad. Must have been a killer OS running him.

Outlaw: You know, it could have been Juz himself.

Phoenix: Possible, but he's been dormant and hasn't had any Massassi destroying plots lately. But you never know....

Suddenlty a rustling from above caused our heroes to look up.

Outlaw: Oh great, Undead...

The trio pulled out their weapons and prepared for combat.

sorry its been a while, but I really didn't want to mess up a good story. I also suck at combat descriptions, so dud and phoenix can take it from here.

Prowling out of the tundra, swinging a jeweled meat hammer, cometh Outlaw Torn! And he gives a gutteral bellow:

"I'm seriously going to hump you until you scream like a banshee!"
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2004-02-02, 8:54 AM #86
Yah you're right Phoenix. I just realized that. I do kind of screw around instead of letting it go around. Oh well. From now on I wont do anymore of that crap. Let's see how this works out.

Xizor found himself in another strange place again. Hopelessly lost in the land of cyberspace. He appeared to be in some maze of computer world. He took out his lightsaber sensing danger. Something was wrong, he could sense it. Than a wampa just spawned out of nowhere, and another, and another. He was surrounded by wampa's and not just any wampa's, FIRE WAMPA'S the most dangerous of wampa's. He didn't want to spawn anything that he might regret he had later. His spawns were getting limited. If only he was back at the temple oh the memories. Oh well. The wampa's were closing in. I could use a little help he thought. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! He went after the first one he saw. Slashing and saberthrowing. He wasn't going to make it. He needed help. Please, I need help. I have no more lifes, now...

Madquack and Firbnic have a signature.
Remnant Temple Part A beta test.
Light And Darkness
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2004-02-02, 10:54 AM #87
Poor Xizor was fighting wampas for 5 minutes. He was badly injured. Then he heard a lightsaber ignaite and the wampa infront of him screamed with pain and fell backwards. Then out of the dark jumped EDWARD! He seemed to be taking on both wampas at the same time! Xizor helped out. Finally after another 5 minutes, the wampas were dead. They sat down on a rock.
"Thank you!" said Xizor thankfully. "How did you know I was in danger? Your an android! You can't be tuned into the force... Can you?"
"Well, I have a bag of midi-chlorians in me closely monitored," replied Edward. "I can tune into almost anything! Radio-waves, subspace-waves, micro-waves, brain-waves, computer-waves, you name it!"
"Your a weird one... But thanks for helping me out!"
"Hay! I owed you one for recharging me."
"Right... I don't suppose you've got a bottle of bacta with you?"
"Pick a flavour." said Edward as he opened his chest to reveal a TV screen, and on it was a list of flavours. It ranged from strawberry to silver-shred (yum yum).
Xizor picked a flavour, Edward's chest TV folded away and out popped a tray with a gallon of bacta. Xizor took it, Edward closed his chest, and just lay back and try to identify the place.

The whole chest opening thing, I got that one from Myst3, the Amateria age (the age with the marble puzzle(s)).
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-02-02, 11:01 AM #88
There were six of them.
"Oh goodie," snickers Pheonix. "Two for each of us."

They were coming out from the branches, but rather ungracefully, being dead and all. One stepped out onto a branch, but missed, and fell off the tree.

Smiling coyly, Outlaw says "How graceful. These shouldn't be that hard to kill."
And with that, the three charged in, swords raised! Happydud stabbed one through the chest and pinned it to the tree, while he lopped off the arm of another with his small dagger he keeps in his sleave. "One! Two!" He calls out.

Outlaw took their's by surprise also, cutting one in half, and stabbing the other through the throat. "I'm tied with ya, dud!" He replied smartly.

"Well, not to be outdone.." Pheonix comments to himself, as he leaps into the air, does a double flip, and pushes his swords straight through the top of the heads and deep into the spines of both of his Undead.

Looking around, Happydud smirks and says, "Well. That wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it wou-" He stops with a gasp.

"Escusie, Dud?" Pheonix asks, as he finishes wiping the blood off his sword.

Stuttering, Happydud murmurs, "They're.. they're.. they're.. not.. dead.."

"Of course they're not dead. They're redead! Haha!" Pheonix exclaims, as he turns to face his friends. "Aahhh hehe... Oh sh*t." His eyes go wide.

"Oh s**t, indeed, you f00b. That really bloody hurt!" Growled one of the Undead, as his torso crawled towards his legs. Standing in awe, the trio of heroes gaped. "What the bloody hell are you looking at? I'm gonna make you pay for that you know." He gurgled as his torso and bottom half melded back together.

Looking at the others, the trio realized they were all putting themselves back together, pulling daggers and swords out of each other, and glaring with their dead, dark eyes at the heroes.

Happydud stammers slowly, "I think.. our problem.. just.. got.. exacerbated."

I'd love to finish this, but I've gotta run. If anyone else wants to, feel free, or else I'll do it later today/tomorow. Just don't ruin it with a BFG or something.

MadQuack on Military school: Pro's: I get to shoot a gun. Con's: Everything else.
"I'm going to beat you until the laws of physics are violated!!" ! Maeve's Warcry

RIP -MaDaVentor-. You will be missed.

[This message has been edited by happydud (edited February 02, 2004).]
My Parkour blog
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2004-02-03, 5:30 AM #89
Xizor- So, do you have any idea where we are?
EDWARD-My calculations say we are in a lost puzzle of cyberspace and in an empty part. I think we may be in an empty folder or something. We need to get back to the Temple or do something but I dont know how. It will take me quite a while to get more calculations done.
Xizor-Well a lost part of cyberspace. Isn't that dandy. It happens.
EDWARD-whatever were going to do we apparetly must have to get out with some sort of fight. You better keep your saber on.
Xizor-whatever you say. I thought i sensed something.
EDWARD-You did. There are some beings coming for us in the west.
Xizor-Isn't that just dandy...

Now Xizor and Edward are on a journey back to The Massassi Temple. What will happen next...

Madquack and Firbnic have a signature.
Remnant Temple Part A beta test.
Light And Darkness
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2004-02-03, 10:08 AM #90
There they were, Edward and Xizor, lightsabers in hand, and clean bacta filled hyposprays in Edward's thumbs. They sensed something comming, but they could see anything... Where were they?
"OH!" shouted Edward. "I was holding my scanners up-side-down."
They turned around and they saw:
Two big wampas, seven Reborns, and Desann...
"Your efforts are inveen..." growled Desann.
They went to attack! It was very tricky.
"God damn!" shouted Edward. "Who left the game on Jedi Master?"
After 10 minutes of fighting, one wampa and 2 reborns were down.
"MEDIC!" shouted Xizor. Edward jumped and rolled over to Xizor and injected bacta into Xizor's wounds. "Ah... Much better..." he said as he continued fighting a wampa.
After another 10 minutes, all was dead apart from Desann, who said "Save your strength, fool..."
"Oh look, " said Edward, bending down to pick a flower. "A dandylion..."
"Aw, isn't that just dandy..." replied Xizor.
"And there's a LION!"
And with those words, a lion jumped at Edward and immediately cracked a tooth when trying to take a bite out of Edward.
"Interesting MOD. Wonder what it's doing in this folder?" asked Xizor slicing the head of the Lion.
"Don't know..." replied Edward waving his lightsaber against Desann who just said "What a pathetic attempt..."
After a minute, they managed to kill Desann with a big syncronized DFA (I think. The run, slice and jump move you do in JO for a hopefully instant death to your MP friends).
"Phew... That was a tricky one..." said Xizor.
"Very..." said Edward "And I think I've found an exit."
Edward went up to a door, but it didn't open.
"It's just a decoration..." said Xizor.
Edward looked at it, then picked out of his pocket what looked like two frame codes. He placed them in the door, and then opened his right forearm and tapped at some buttons. The door then opened to reveal a weird, pink-purple tangle of lines. Looked almost like solar flares. They then saw something fly by them, and a big box fell down, and the object was landing on something. They leaned out to see what it was. It was a giant arrow selecting "Empty Recycle Bin"! They looked at each other and screamed. They then jumped out just as the arrow clicked.
They landed on a burning Nero Icon and jumped off to land under a big 'e'.
"MY GOODNESS!!!" screamed Edward. "We were inside a Recycle Bin!"
"Which is on Sporks Desktop!" said Xizor. "But now, how do we get to the Massassi Temple?"
Edward thought... Then he got an idea! "We shall take the LAN!"
"The what?" asked Xizor.
Edward took Xizor, and jumped over Nero, past Adobe Photoshop, and off the edge of Battlefield 1942. Xizor screamed as they fell. Edward just smiled thoughtfully, and then stretched out his arm and shot off his hand into the center of the Desktop. The background picture seemed to come to life as Edward's grappling-hand hit the surface. It turned, swirled, morphed, and sucked them in.
After 1 minute of 'one hell of a thing', they started to see a sky, a sunset, some mountains, and The GROUND! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!
Edward was as stiff as a board and Xizor heard something that sounded like a rocket. He looked down, and he saw fire and smoke comming from Edward's shoes. They landed softly on the Northen tower where the beacon was, now smoldering... They looked at the Massassi Temple. The gorunds were filled with soldiers.
"Is Brian in there?" asked Xizor.
"No, I checked earlier. Kun is there..." replied Edward.
"That army looks way too vast for just us two."
"I agree. We would need a ton of MODs and Cheats to get through this..." Edward started to think. He then got an idea!
"Come!" he said as he replicated a chariot. "We shall go to my place and see what we can cook up!"

Now what... What has Edward thought of now?


If noone can figure out what the 'Hell of a thing' is, the watch Galexy Quest! And the arm Computer is from a Predator.

[This message has been edited by Edward (edited February 03, 2004).]
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-02-05, 4:18 PM #91
Alright, I'll finish my post tomorow evening. Maybe I'll write it up during school, and post it during my sisters Girl Scouts meeting. I'll post it ontop of this post.[i/]

MadQuack on Military school: Pro's: I get to shoot a gun. Con's: Everything else.
"I'm going to beat you until the laws of physics are violated!!" ! Maeve's Warcry

RIP -MaDaVentor-. You will be missed.
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2004-02-06, 6:47 PM #92
As Arkon went around the kingdom of elfs, telling all the hobits, massassians and elfs that they were to get in the castle of Minus Equilith, Myndwarf ran around the stables.

"King Arkon thinks he will be able to save his people... but i highly doubt that... SHADOWPHONE!!!" Corstar yelled as he spotted his horse. "I will ride to the rivendale... I'll take the boat from there to the eastern shores of Tacc and we might be able to get help... after all Tacc is next if We fall."

"I want to come with you." Zloc said as he looked for a horse to ride on.

"No I must ride with all speed and I cannot have ANY burden.... Good luck to you." Corstar said as he mounted Shadowphone.

"Come shadowphone, let us show them the meaning of speed dialing." Corstar said as they sped out of the stable through the fortress and into the mountians.

Riding through the mountians at high speed it soon becomes dusk and the three suns set...Coming to a stop, Myndwarf pauses and starts to take out his Insta-tent. Not knowing he was being watched by worse things than shadow-soldier.

Small attempt at humor... and i'm trying to keep the thread alive.
2004-02-07, 12:26 PM #93
And with a great post, happydud revives the thread. The reading of this post may achieve the greatest effect if some sort of dramatic song is played in the background.

"I summon thee, creatures of the Night! Aid your fellow undead in the slaughtering of this trio." the lead Zombie chants. Small pockets of dirt start moving, like something was coming up from beneath it. "Let.. no one.. survive.." It growled, it's eyes turning a bright, firey crimson red.

"I've got bad feeling about this, guys.." Pheonix murmurs, just as a hand bursts through the top layer of dirt. "Oh.. s**t." Three more hands pop through the ground, with at least 20 more mounds of dirt moving and sliding around. "I think our job just got a lot harder.." Phoenix says, as he narrows his eyes, and readies his weapon.

"CHAAARRRGE!!" Outlaw screams, as he holds his sword into the air, and rushes the Zombies. "There's only two ways to kill a zombie.. Chop off it's head, or burn it!" Outlaw yells. "So lets get to it you two!" Outlaw unsheaths a small dagger, and leaps into combat with the nearest Zombie.

"Quick, Happydud! Douse your sword in this insta-gasoline, and light it aflame in the camp fire!" Pheonix shouts to Happydud, hurrying to help Outlaw.

Our three heroes find themselves engaged in glorious, flaming combat. Outlaw Torn is weilding a flaming longsword in one hand, and a dagger in the other, furiously parrying, stabbing, and slashing at any Zombie that gets in his way.

Happydud, using his weapon of choice, a huge double sided battle axe which is set aflame by the instagas solution, leaps around the battlefield, leaving behind a firey trail of death and destruction.

Pheonix, grabbing his two 9mm pistols, switches to phosphorus bullets and dives into battle. "Happydud- Behind you!" Pheonix warns, as he unloads three phosphorus bullets into a Zombie who was sneaking up behind Happydud. The phosphorus bursts into flame as the bullets impact, spreading down the old, dry, rotted flesh, and rapidly covering the Zombie in fire.

"Thanks, Phe." Dud calls out, as he buries his axe into the neck of a zombie. "Keep going men, we're through about half of them! Outlaw, DOWN!" He shouts, panicing.

Outlaw ducks, just in time to see an arrow whiz by his head. "You sonnava..." he starts, and then dives and twists to the left, as he hears another volley of arrows thwang, and hit the tree behind him. Leaving a tail of fire behind him, he spins around in a frenzy, cutting, slicing, decapitating, and burning Zombies all around him.

The heroes were slaughtering the zombies scores at a time. "Die, Maggot brains." Pheonix sneered at a zombie, who was charging at him fulls speed, head lowerd. Pheonix leveled his 9mm and pulled the trigger. Click. "F***." Pheonix exclaimed. Click. Click. Click. "Aww. hell. Dead Man's Click..." Pheonix pouted, as he gazed at the oncoming Zombie, who's saliva was pouring out of his mouth.

"Die, Script Kiddie." The zombie stumbled, shuddered, and fell with a start. When Pheonix opened his eyes, he saw a flaming hand axe burrowed into the back of the Zombies head. "Looks like there was an error defragging his hard drive." Happydud grinned. "That's the last of them. Seems like they weren't too bright. One bit short of a byte, you could say." Happydud burst out laughing.

"Oh man.. I'm never going to live this down" Pheonix grumbled. He never needed help.. from anyone.

And so, our heroes were one step closer to delivering their message. Much closer than they thought.. But they still had to face one last opponent, the feared, the dreaded.. Lord Juz.

It seems like interest is waning in this story, if anyone else agrees, I think we should start wrapping it up, as opposed to letting it die. Try to keep to your own storylines though, if we do. Let Pheonix, Outlaw or I finish up this, ect.

MadQuack on Military school: Pro's: I get to shoot a gun. Con's: Everything else.
"I'm going to beat you until the laws of physics are violated!!" ! Maeve's Warcry

RIP -MaDaVentor-. You will be missed.
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2004-02-10, 12:09 AM #94
Edward and Xizor arrived at Edward's house at the top of a mountain. The outside looked like a large cabin with a few unusual accessories and a door that looked wooden but was actually metal. The inside was cosy, filled with an assortment of interesting looking objects. One was a ball of water, another was a tank of jumping mushrooms. And then there was a bookcase of books, where only a few had names on their backs.
"Nice place you've got here..." said Xizor.
"Thanks. Make yourself at home." replied Edward as he sat down by one of his computers. Xizor saw 10 computers. 4 different PCs, different models and speed, Laptop 700, hightower HP, 2 Atari Falcons, 2 Atari STs, followed by a Synth.
Xizor sat down in a comfy armchair and looked at a black screen in the wall. He looked around for a remote, and found it was built in to the chair. He tried channel 1, and got to Swedish Televition 1, which was showing a Matiné. He pressed next channel and got to Swedish Televition 2, which was showing tomorrows programs. Then came Swedish 3 (Aliens), Swedish 4 (news), Swedish 5 (Big Brother), Swedish 6 (matiné), ZTV (swedish, showing music videos), Swedish 8 (matiné), ComHem (something swedish), A view of Gothenburg with some music in the background. Then at channel 11 came danish channels. He pressed a button called CHG. The screen then showed a list of channels. Every 10 channels had names he hadn't seen before. Öppna Kannalen (view of Gothenburg/Earth), Venda Channel (view of Naboo/Naboo (sorry if the town and planet has a different name, but I couldn't find it.)), Konga Givares (view of Gersk/Drazi Homeworld), Servalence (view of Massassi Temple/Yavin4), etc.
At every 11th channel started a channel 1 from a different language. Channel 21, American, channel 31, English, channel 41, German, channel 51, Spanish, etc...
"Good lord!" exclaimed Xizor. "How do you get so many channels?"
"Well, I just link up to a station or satilite, and through its regular transmission I pick up a channel from that planet and continue to its satilite or station to another planet, and so on." replied Edward as he starts typeing away furisly.
"So, how are we going to get beet this big army?"
"Well... With a lot of COGging!"
"And how is that going to help us?" Xizor asks as he gets up to see what Edward's doing.
"Well... What would you say to... one thermal detonator, per vertex, in a sector?"
"I'd say feeble." replied Xizor. "The Massassi grounds AND buildings were made in JA style. The Quake engine doesn't handle sectors. Just a lot of polys and primative objects put together like anything. I believe you've worked with 3Dmax..."
"Right... But every poly needs a vertex. And if they don't use sectors, I guess we could substitute the 'world', for one big sector!"
"Oh boy! That would mean... A million Detonators! But wait! Wouldn't that apply for the whole planet?"
"Ah yes... Hm... And so many explosions would wreck the temple... Hm..." Edward thought... "I know! Make it within an area! And instead of TDs, we shall have Bowcaster bolts, fixed on certain people. Now to tweak it so that 2 or more targets can be up at the same time!"
Edward chugged away at the keyboard and every now and then ran Jedi Knight through the Run option under the Start Menu. He did the same on another PC to see if it works in Multi player. After an hour, he started to make an exact replica of the temple in 3Dmax with small boxes that he lables Soldier/bad, and some other stuff. After another hour, he started programming something. This took seven hours. Xizor looked around the house and found stuff that seemed to have been taen from other games. A link book, some floating water, a Tri-bolt door with a symbol on it, and a roof on stands with a water gage, standing on crystal feet. But he was also helping Edward test his creation. It was an exact replica of the battle field and how the newly created JK mods would work in a JA engine.

This will take days. But I'll join the battle when it starts! Or I could start it. What ever!
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-02-10, 1:07 PM #95
Myndwarf stood at the fire in the middle of the massassian night. Glancing behind him he noticed two eyes.

"Hello?" Myndwarf said as he rose up and picked up his staff.

Myndwarf pointed the staff's end at the eyes and stood still as he noticed another pair... and then another pair. Suddenly there was a shout "ATTAAAAAAAAAAAACK". Dozens of tiny mountian folk charged myndwarf. One fired a dart at Myndwarf.

"Hmmm skilled little critters." Myndwarf said as he deflected the tiny arrow. Quickly learning how to play golf, Myndwarf got the upper hand and sent a few of the little people into a low orbit. "FOUR!!!" Myndwarf said as he hit four of the people in a row.

jumping back and pulling out a small double barreled shotgun from the side of the tied up shadowphone, Myndwarf aimed and blew two of the Folk to little peices.

"AMRASH, TWO DAY DELIVERY!!!" Myndwarf said as he raised his staff over his head, Using the power of the UPSians.

A bright light started to come out of the end of his staff and he held it out in front of him. "Fry you little buggers."

Suddenly lightning flashed from the end of his staff and zapped the small mountian people, going from person to person it quickly killed all of them.

Jumping on Shadowphone, Myndwarf holstered the Shotgun and staff on both sides of the saddle. leaving the tent and fire, Myndwarf said. "WITH HASTE, GO!"

Riding as fast as he could, Corstar reached the river city and rode quickly to the boat.

*back in the land of the elfs*

*on the top of the Minus Equilith walls*

"So... do you think they'll be able to get through?" Brian said as he tried to start up a conversation with Zloc.

"I think it is a high possiblity." Zloc said as he slid on a Kelvar Vest. Taking out his pride and joy, a 30.06 browning repeating rifle. [the weapons in this story are fake so don't say a word]

Reloading the rifle's twelve round clip as he sat down at a near by table, Zloc pulled out his 9mm berretta and started to clean it.

*at the Tacc castle, where a big bunch of baddys are dead [duh] and Myndwarf stands at the large door.*

Myndwarf slammed his staff into the door sending it falling down on the gate keeper trying to hold it closed.

Walking across the door through the small town into the keep of the fortress, Myndwarf slowly walks into the thrown room.

Well... phoenix, happydud, outlaw... my part is done.... until you guys make it to the fortress of DOOM i can't write any further. When you do all that, i'll write about everyone riding off to save minus equilith and then we can end the story when i give phoenix the postmasters hat of the Fedexians...
2004-02-10, 1:40 PM #96
Before you can end the story by giving Phoenix his hat and 'knight' him, we need to take back the Massassi Temple! Don't forget about that, now will you...
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-02-10, 3:15 PM #97
I've been tied down recently and burried in school work and Yearbook stuff. The later causing me to get home at 4:30 or later some nights (school lets out at 2:15). I'm drained of creativity by then. I assure you, however, that I WILL get something in here soon. I can't give you a date, but I'm not letting this thread die.

Frogblast the Vent Core!

--End of Line--
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-02-14, 12:56 AM #98
Edward cracked his nuckles, which sounded like someone crunching a Coke can, and heaved this topic out of the more-than-2-days-old gutter. []

Wha'? Just keeping this thing alive!

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-02-17, 11:08 AM #99
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-02-17, 2:36 PM #100
good lord what does it take for someone to post?

*at Minus Equilith*

Zloc glanced over at Brian as they both stood near eachother on the wall. Elfs, Hobits and Men all stood behind the battlements as the army of shadow walked through the forest. Glancing out with his microbinoculars Zloc could see Shadow soldiers setting flame to the forest and at the same time getting slaughtered by monsters.

"At least they'll be weakened by the forest." Brian said as he loaded his 5 shot enfield.

"No..." Zloc said. "No they won't be stopped... maybe 10% will be slowed down or wounded but.. not seriously."

*15 minutes later the army has stopped in front of minus equilith after burning many homes*

Loading his rifle the hobit next to Zloc grinned and sighted in a Shadow-Soldier.

"Ready?....Take Aim..." A commander on the corner of the wall yelled.

The hobit slipped as he cocked the rifle and pulled the trigger sending a round through the shadow soldier as the hobit fell to the ground.

"THEY GOT FRED!" a shadow soldier yelled.

"GET EM... CHAAAAARGE..." another shadow soldier said in the front.

"FIIIRE." The commander on the wall yelled as the shadow soldiers pulled out weapons and started firing.

Zloc fired repeatedly taking down random Shadow Soldiers.

"First one to 200 gets 300 credits..." Zloc said to brian as he shot a soldier in the foot.

"Done." Brian said as he started to reload.

Firing off a round Zloc glanced down at the shadow soldiers as they went for the gate.

"Come on." Zloc said as he pulled out his short sword and ran down the stairs with Brian.

[end part 1]
General part that should happen. 1. Myndwarf meets Juz and Phoenix at the tacc fortress. 2. Phoenix rallies an army with outlaw and happydud and pwns the heck out of the shadow soldiers at minus equilith.... and finally Phoenix, happydud, Outlaw, Myndwarf, Zloc, brian and a bunch of guys go out to the massassi temple and shoot the heck out of everything.

to make story longer, we could go into the depths of the shadow world and rescue everyone... i might do that in my post after Minus Equilith part II.
2004-02-22, 3:52 AM #101
Edward finished his MOD, went to Massassi, and blew the whole ground to pieces!!!! [] [] []
OK, maybe not...

Hay! What happened to alpha? *Looks under the virtual rubble he virtually made...*

Another mindless post made... Anything to keep this ontop and have people notice it once in a while...
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-02-25, 8:46 AM #102
Shall I start the war?
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-02-25, 1:24 PM #103
only Phoenix can do it and he seems to be sleeping
2004-02-25, 4:09 PM #104
Phoenix is entwined in that wonderous thing called life. In another week, I'll be quite free and have something up, I assure you. Trust me, I want to get something up here as much as you guys want me to. Unfortunately, things like preparation for my Senior Exit presentation next week, staying at school until 6ish in the evening for Yearbook deadlines, my social life, and various forms of homework are getting in the way. The first two will be over quite soon, then I have mounds of time.

To summarize. I haven't forgotten, I just keep getting tied down.


Frogblast the Vent Core!

--End of Line--
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-02-28, 11:36 PM #105
And we'll keep this book up for you!
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-03-01, 6:58 AM #106
after what seems to be an undefined long period of time. Yecti smiles to see that the story is at a standstill at the moment. The situation provides him solice as well as a segway to enter.

"Agh. Damned security lines. Getting back into this place is as bad as the airports."

Yecti waits in line...

-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-03-05, 1:47 PM #107
When he finally gets to the front of said line, a clerk approaches him.

"May I see your papers, sir?" he asks, to which he is promptly presented with identification. "Hmm... Mr. Wan? Are you carrying any weapons or anything that might be construed or used as such?"

"Not at all..." Yecti thought, whilst swirls of malicious glee traveled throughout his mind.

"Alright then, just head through this metal detector and you'll be on your way." The guard said, handing Yecti his papers.

Yecti walked through with an air of nonchalance, and nothing happened.

"Wait, what?" He tried walking through again to the same lack of results. "Oh crap, I forgot the bombs at home. Whoops."
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2004-03-05, 2:11 PM #108
After this unfortunate outburst, a large bouncer-looking man takes Yecti to a small windowless room with a single chair, to which he leads Yecti.

“So. Looking to bring bombs into this peaceful story?” The security guard questions Yecti. “Well, it doesn't look very peaceful. I mean with the armies and the flying arrows and all.” Yecti responds. “Yah, right. A real smart guy. Keep going and you'll loose some teeth. So, you know what I’m going to do with you, smart guy?”

Yecti Sits quietly, contemplating his future.

“I'm going to tell you to get back home and get those bombs! This is a war, if you haven't noticed! Now get back through there and don’t come back until you're packed to the gills with armaments!”

Yecti scurries back through the door and back through the checkpoint to get suitably armed for the coming battle. Meanwhile, back in the room…

“Heh. Its amazing how easy it is to get into these places when you just act like you’re supposed to be there.”

He walks back out the door and onto the battlefield, looking for a good place to wait for the battle to really get started.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"

[This message has been edited by Noble Outlaw (edited March 05, 2004).]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-03-06, 5:41 AM #109
In the distance a small, meek figure is seen. Yecti comes running at full speed towards the temple. He is dressed in full Rambo attire. He drags his minigun, which is too heavy for him to hold horizontally, behind him. Chains of bullets drag some 20 feet behind him, and towards the end, a round fires as it strikes a rock. Luckilly, the accident causes a clone of Pugler to be shot through the forehead.

Yecti:God dammit... I really really hate lines... *thinks* OOOOH!

With that, Yecti starts to dig a little into the ground near the base of the security checkpoint... He burries a thermal detonator on remote. Afterwords, he runs to the back of the line and triggers the charge. The checkpoint falls. Yecti points to another Pugler clone poking its head around the corner of the building. The MBS removes this rogue. Yecti walks into the temple uninterupted.

Yecti: By the way, what the hell is up with all these clones?

-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
OSC Returns!!
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2004-03-10, 11:30 AM #110
Edward comes to the edge of the Massassi grounds, looks in, finds no Phoenix, then returns home. [] []
Phoenix should really starts the battle, and all joins, and all hell breaks loose. I'm getting tired of this story being every now and then forgotten!

Edward returns to his writing of a book, and Xizor was free to go.

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-03-12, 12:46 PM #111
Kakdamn... why didn't someone yell!! Ech... I'll get something written up.

The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot stay in the cradle forever.
-- Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, The Father of Rocketry
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-03-12, 2:28 PM #112
I've finally got the time freed up to do this. I'll have something by Sunday night.

Frogblast the Vent Core!

--End of Line--
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-03-12, 2:43 PM #113
Ah. good stuff. i've been waiting to get in on this.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-03-13, 4:05 AM #114
Meanwhile, in the Shadow Prison thing...

Tony came to. He scratched the bandage on his head, and realising that one of the beds was no longer there due to Corstar's disappearance. He fell and hit the floor with a thud. "Ahh... kakdamn..."

"A-HA!!" Kedri yelled out. "I have... a cunning plan."
"Is it as cunning as a fox promoted to Professor of Cunning Plans at Cunning University, and now gone on to seek greater cunning things?" someone adds.
"Uh..." Kedri stalls. As he is about to tell one and all about the Cunning Plan, Tony leaps up and shouts "I GOT IT!"
"Then put it back", says a tired Massassian towards the back.
"Uh... anyway, all we have to do is go out where I came in!" Tony replies.
"Through a wall? I don't think so."
"We can do it! All we have to do is spawn an X-Wing, line up and have it force us through the wall!"
"Hmm... it's worth a shot". Kedri pondered and using his powers managed to summon an X-Wing into the chamber. He climbed in and told everyone to line up against the wall, which they did so.
"Three, two, one..." was all that was heard as the X-Wing pushed forward. The engines roared as one by one the Massassians were forced into the wide world of HOM. A second later, the X-Wing folded in and went through too.

Some time later, Kedri popped in to the room, badly burned. One after another, each Massassian reappeared, while the X-wing barred off the entrance to the cell, now noticeably larger. Ked crawled up to Tony and punched him in the face. That would teach him for being smart.

The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot stay in the cradle forever.
-- Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, The Father of Rocketry
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-03-14, 2:52 PM #115
After a much-extended hiatus and hold up of the story, one that I deeply regret and am sorry to have caused, I present my post. I was going to tell you what I was going to happen, but that spoils the fun. Happy reading. It's only 8 pages in Word. []

The undead were, once again, dead. Only this time they were in a more dead state of death. The three heroes stopped for a breather and decided to make camp for the night.

"So what is this now? Two I owe you?" Phoenix inquired slightly embarrassed.

"Don't let it bother you." Happydud began, "If its any consolation, you really only owe me one. RBot 2. The help with the undead I suspect was simply because you were drained from the last battle."

"Works for me." Phoenix replied.

Outlaw lit a fire and moved closer to the group. "What's the next move?"

"Well," Phoenix began, "Who currently has the package?"

Outlaw removed the package from his mail sack. "Me."

"Here's what we do. We pray to God we don't get held up anymore, deliver that package, read up on the current state of events, and head back to Massassi." Phoenix said.

"Sounds good on paper." Happydud said.

"Indeed." Outlaw agreed.

"You know, this would be a lot easier if we had taken the land speeder RBot 2 came in." Phoenix remarked.

Happydud and Outlaw sat in silence.

"I can't believe you didn't remind me to take it." Happydud said to Outlaw.

"Me! Back the truck up, you never said ANYTHING about taking a land speeder." Outlaw replied.

"Lies...." Happydud spat through his teeth.

"Alright, break it up, it's only a land speeder. It probably had a tracking device on it anyway." Phoenix said.

"ONLY a land speeder?!" Outlaw said.

"I said. DROP. IT." Phoenix said sternly. "There are more important things to think about than land speeders. Get some rest. We have a long day ahead."


Far away from the trio's camp site, in Darth Juz's command center, a lone Massassi Spy was collecting intelligence and relaying it back to Brian at the Temple.

"I'm approaching what appears to be a laboratory," the Spy whispered, "It's pretty busy in there."

"What are its coordinates?" Brain asked.

"Three-Two-Zero by Six-Eight-Two-Seven mark Three-Five-Nine." The Spy replied.

"Location noted for future reference," Brian said, "Do you think you can get in closer and see what exactly is going one without being caught?"

"I believe so." said the Spy.

"To be safe, set all your equipment to self-destruct should your vitals flat-line." Brian ordered.

Silenced beeps and clicks could be heard in the background as the

Spy complied.

"Done." the Spy said, "I'm moving in."

The channel was silent for 2 minutes.

"Ok, I'm in position." the Spy said, "Looks like they're designing

something. Holo-blueprints and schematics are everywhere. I can't make them out. I'm moving in closer to get a better angle." the Spy reported.

Thirty seconds pass.

"There's a body on an operating table. There are, what appear to be, thirty or so coggers hardwired into the central mainframe creating code. There are also several techs doing various things.

I can see the holo-blueprints and schematics clearly now. They're building a..." the Spy faded out.

Brian waited a few seconds, "Building what?"

He waited a few more seconds, "Building what Spy-327? Report. Now."

The Spy came back over the comm with fear in his voice, "Juztyn is creating a more powerful RBot. Version 3.0. I just got a glimpse of the armaments and capabilities. It's nearly indestructible."

A shiver went up Brian's spine and his hands went cold, "Get out of there. You've done your job."

"Copy that," the Spy said, "I'm pulling out."

"When you return to the Temple, check in with me immediately."

Brian ordered.

"Yes sir." the Spy said, "Wait, something is moving. Oh my God! The RBot is gone!"

"Spy, pull out! Now!" Brian shouted.

"I can't find my extraction point! Oh s**t!" the Spy whispered in terror.

Suddenly a voice, hollow, mechanical, mono-toned, and completely menacing, came over the comm.

"Prepare to be eliminated."

The spy screamed.

"He's behind me! Oh God no! Please... no...! Help m...."

The cry for help ended in a hideous blood curling scream and a heavy metallic thud.

Brian winced, it was no doubt the spy's body hitting the floor. Other voices filtered through the comm, still active. It was laughter.

"I guess it works!" one voice said. "Juz will be most happy." said another.

Then, the beginning of an explosion was heard, but immediately cut off as the comm connection was severed. Brian prayed that the explosion took out the techs involved and either completely destroyed or severely damaged the new RBot.

The future was looking very, very black. All hope now rested on the three mailmen. Phoenix, Happydud, Outlaw.

Brian did the only thing left to do. He picked up his heavy blaster, shoved a new power pack in, and went down stairs to help out as best he could.


Outlaw woke up and looked around. The sky was red-orange around the rising sun. Phoenix was already up and standing on the edge of a cliff. Outlaw shook Happydud to wake him and the two approached Phoenix.

"Good morning guys." Phoenix said, his back still facing the two.

"What's up?" Happydud inquired.

"Nothing new from yesterday." Phoenix replied, "However, I do feel as though we must hurry. I can't place the feeling, but I think something horrible is happening."

Phoenix turned to face Happydud and Outlaw.

"I went looking around the campsite about 2 hours ago." Phoenix began, "We aren't the first to come through here. There were weapons everywhere, about half of which have sufficient ammo to warrant taking with us."

"What all did you find?" Outlaw asked.

"Everything from light arms to explosives. I found 2 fresh rocket launchers with about 6 rounds apiece, a set of Uzi’s with about 50 clips, 3 Desert Eagles with 6 clips each, and quite a few

grenades. There were, as I said, other weapons, but these are the ones which will suit us best and have enough ammo." Phoenix said,

"I suggest you stock up, then we move out."

Outlaw and Happydud didn't need to be told twice. Happydud picked up 2 of the Desert Eagles, 6 grenades, and one of the rocket launchers. Outlaw grabbed the Uzi’s, the last Desert Eagle, 5 grenades, and the remaining rocket launcher.

After suiting up, Outlaw slowly walked over to Phoenix.

"Here," he said handing Phoenix the package, "I think it best you take this."

Phoenix looked at the package and then back at Outlaw. How strange it was that the need to deliver this package was the source of all the battles they'd been through. Phoenix took the package.

"Thanks." He said.

Phoenix looked around one last time and took a deep breath.

"We ready to go?" He asked.

Happydud slipped a fresh clip into each of his Desert Eagles.

"Absolutely." He replied.

"Then lets move out!" Phoenix yelled.

The three began a steady run away from the campsite.

"How much farther do you think it is to TACC territory?" Happydud asked.

"I judge us to be about to the edge of the Lands of Juz, if we keep up our present pace, 4 hours tops." Phoenix said.


Four hours later...


The three heroes slowed to a walk as the fortress of TACC came into view. Aside from the Massassi Temple, it was one of the most impressive structures they had ever seen.

"About time we got here." Outlaw said.

"Agreed." Phoenix said, "Ok guys, hard part one is done, we've passed through the Lands of Juz. Hard part 2 is just getting started."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up." Outlaw said, "You never told ME anything about another hard part."

Phoenix ignored Outlaw and kept going.

"It's very likely that we will not be welcomed. By that, I mean it's very likely that they'll try to kill us. I'm telling you now that I want no fatalities. Shoot to knock out. Hit 'em in the arm, hit 'em in the leg, anything to put them out of the battle, but NO

DEATHS. You get me?" Phoenix finished.

Happydud cocked both of his Desert Eagles.

"I get you." He said.

"What about you Outlaw?" Phoenix asked.

"Lets roll." He replied

Phoenix loaded his Glocks.

"Remember, NO FATALITIES, don't shoot until they do." He said.

With that, they ran towards TACC's main gates.


20 minutes later...


Phoenix arrived at the gate and was greeted by a gatekeeper droid. Outlaw and Happydud stood directly on either side of him.

"Who goes there?" said the harsh metallic voice of the droid.

"Three mailmen sent by Brian from the Massassi Temple. We have a package addressed to your leader, Ryan." Phoenix replied.

"Access granted." the droid said, "Proceed to the Inner Gate."

"Inner Gate?" Outlaw said, "Interesting."

They proceeded to the Inner Gate where a human gatekeeper greeted them. There were walls all around them, too steep to climb. At the top were emplacements for troops to fire onto the people below should they not be wanted. The Outer Gate closed and they were boxed in.

"Mailmen from Massassi eh?" The human said, "Ye sure don't look like mailmen with all them guns. Why are thee armed so?"

"Geeze," Happydud whispered, "What's with the accent?"

"We've had to travel through the Lands of Juz, it being the most direct route to the TACC. That said, we have fought many battles

one the way here. All we ask of you is to permit entrance so that we have deliver this package to Ryan, gain knowledge of recent events, and leave." Phoenix said to the human.

"Aye," the human said, "I give ye entrance to TACC."

The gates opened and Phoenix, Outlaw, and Happydud began to walk

through... Only to be immediately halted by a barrage of gunfire from the other side.

"HIT THE DECK!" Happydud screamed.

Happydud threw himself on the ground near the right door. Phoenix grabbed Outlaw, dropped to the ground and rolled to the left side where there was now minimal protection from the completely opened gates.

Happydud pulled a grenade and prepared to prime it.

"HAPPYDUD! NO! NO DEATHS!" Phoenix screamed.

Happydud nodded and put the grenade up and pulled his Desert Eagles instead. Phoenix pulled his Glocks and Outlaw pulled his Uzi’s.

"HAPPYDUD! MAKE 'EM DANCE!" Outlaw yelled above the rain of bullets with their names on them.

Happydud nodded again and began shooting at the ground from the right side and working his way towards the center. Outlaw shot the

ground from the left side and worked his way in. Phoenix took the opportunity to run out into the center and cover the middle.

In seconds, the fierce gunfight was over. When the dust cleared, the area in front of the gates was filled with TACCers cradling their feet.

The three began to move slowly out when more TACCers began coming out of the doors straight ahead.

Right as the trio was preparing to fire again, a blinding flash of white light enveloped the battle scene and Myndwarf materialized between the two sides.

"Hold your fire!" Myndwarf yelled loudly but firmly.

Instantly both sides dropped their arms.

Myndwarf walked over to Phoenix and smiled.

"It's about time you arrived." he said, "I've been expecting you."

"Myndwarf?" Phoenix asked clearly surprised, "How?... Why?..."

"None of it is important my old friend." Myndwarf said, "What is important is that your package be delivered... Then I have news to give you." Myndwarf's face fell as he said those last words.

Phoenix nodded and Myndwarf began to walk off, but Phoenix stood still.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"If you've been expecting us, why did you let them shoot at us?"

Phoenix said as he pointed towards the poor TACCers.

"It was necessary. I had to be sure the three of you really were, the three of you. A combat test was easiest." Myndwarf replied.

Phoenix shook his head and looked towards the gatekeeper.

"Make sure they get the best medical treatment available." he said.

"Aye. We'll do that." The gatekeeper said.

Then to the TACCers Phoenix said, "My apologies to all of you, we only did what was necessary to protect ourselves."

With that, the trio followed Myndwarf deeper into the TACC.


I was going to write ALOT more, and I still plan to. However, I think it would be interesting to see the TACCers reaction up to this point, and if Myn wants, perhaps a private conversation between himself and Phoenix. I'll leave that up to you guys. The rest will be up tomorrow evening. I SWEAR. Nothing will hold me back this time. Just don't continue anything I've written.

Frogblast the Vent Core!

--End of Line--
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-03-14, 5:01 PM #116
After scouting around the massassi temple, Noble Outlaw decides that there is not too much to be done there, for the time being. He finds a random Shadow soldier that had been walking too far from the temple and grabs him, hauling him behind a tree, and puts a knife to its throat.

"Where are the massassians? Where is Brian?" He hissed. "I'll never help you, whatever you are" the shadow responds

Noble then twisted its arm behind its back, eliciting a small scream from the soldier.

"Ready to talk now? Just tell me where they are and the pain will be gone."
"They're at Minus Equilith. Just make this stop!"
"Very well."

Noble then slits it's throat and dropped it to the ground, and looks in the direction of the fortress

"Hmm... If they have abandoned the temple then they will surely need some help. Finally, a chance to test my skills."

He then starts to smile as he begins to run. He picks up speed, and soon is a blur over the ground, heading in the direction of Minus Equilith

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-03-15, 10:10 AM #117
Oh, forgot to mention... When I released Xizor I gave him some upgrades through all kinds of codes. He can now spawn stuff he needs. All he has to do is believe that an item is there and it appears, wheather he wants it in his hands or if he wants a person to be infront of him (if they are connected). And, he can also have himself teleported to a place, if only he can believe in it enough.
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-03-15, 2:40 PM #118
IM BACK EVERYONE! thanx for the e-mail edward

Xizor came out of edwards nice house. Hmm i should have taken a few of the twinkies he had stashed away in that cabinet before i left Xizor thought. Oh well. Wait a minute! The upgrade i almost forgot. Xizor thought about two wonderful twinkies laying in his hands. *POOF* Wow it worked he thought. Interesting.

He kept walking along. He could really use a companion he thought. He could use some of those new upgrades to get a person connected to the network right in front of him but he didnt feel the need to inconvenience someone yet.

What should he do? He decided on another swoop bike to get him somewhere. He rode off into the sunset...

...Later he found himself in a great marsh that looked a lot like yavin but it wasnt near the massassi temple. hhhhhmmmmm he thought. watch me find some new strange companion and just before he finished thinking that he heard a noise before him.

MESA JAR JAR BINKS a voice said. jar jar started chasing him.


Xizor continued to fire round after round into jar jar but he had probably 10,000 health. he had his own attacks to like the idiot who no one likes attack that made xizor come out of control of himself.
IVE GOT TO MAKE THIS STOP he thought. what NOW...

Madquack and Firbnic have a signature.
Remnant Temple Part A beta test.
Light And Darkness
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2004-03-15, 3:39 PM #119
I told you I'd finish it today, and I have. Below is probably the grimmest part of the story. We'll see.

Phoenix, Happydud and Outlaw walked down a long corridor with vaulted ceilings lead by Myndwarf. The entire way Myndwarf talked of nothing but the TACCian culture. For the most part, the trio tuned him out. After three minutes of walking down the long corridor, they were lead into an enormous glass lobby.

Outlaw's jaw dropped, "Oh man... Just think how cool a gun fight would be in here."

Phoenix stopped and turned to Outlaw, "Give me your gun."

"Why?" Outlaw whined.

"Just give it to me." Phoenix persisted.

Outlaw handed over his gun and Phoenix promptly removed the clip and handed it back to him.

"What the hell..." Outlaw moaned.

Phoenix smiled and waved the clip in front of Outlaw, "Just to make sure we don't have an 'accident'." The smile faded. "You can have it back when we leave."

Outlaw sighed and Happydud laughed. Myndwarf merely rolled his eyes.

"Shall we?" Myndwarf asked as he gestured towards a large glass elevator.

The four walked towards the elevator and got inside. Myndwarf pressed the glass button labeled "56", and the elevator ascended.

"Ok, I just have to ask." Happydud began, "Why is this entire place made of glass?"

"Why not?" Myndwarf replied.

Happydud slanted his eyes and returned his gaze to the glass lobby below.

About a minute later the elevator halted and the doors opened at level 56, which, thankfully, was not made of glass, but rather marble. This made the level more comforting and familiar to the trio as it resembled Massassi. They turned a corner and went down a hall. At the end of the hall was a set of very large marble and glass doors.

"Those doors lead to Ryan's office." Myndwarf spoke to Phoenix,

"You must deliver the package to him, alone. No one but yourself will be permitted. We shall await your return out here."

Myndwarf stopped and put a restraining hand on Happydud and Outlaw to hold them back.

Phoenix took a deep breath, sighed, and removed the package from his mailbag.

The once solid and pristine brown cardboard box was now stained from rain, covered in patches of dirt, and had several dents in it. The corners were tattered and rounded off, and there was a cut in one side where it had been dragged along a rock.

Phoenix collected himself once more, and proceeded through the doors, which thudded shut behind him.

"And now," Myndwarf began, "we wait..."


Phoenix found himself in a vast office. On the far end a large curved window showed the quiet TACC territories. In front of the window there was a large marble desk and a leather chair behind that. In front of the desk were 3 more leather chairs arranged in a semi-circle so they all faced the chair behind the desk. The floor was carpeted in a thick red velvety material. Aside from the few items mentioned, there was nothing else in the huge room.

Phoenix walked towards the desk. A man was sitting at it, presumably Ryan. It took Phoenix 30 seconds to cross the distance from the door to the desk. When he arrived, the man no attention to him. Phoenix stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before coughing. This finally gained the man's attention.

"Yes?" Inquired the man.

"My name is Phoenix. I'm a mailman from the Massassi Temple. I was sent by Brian to bring this package to Ryan of TACC." Phoenix showed him the beaten package.

The man stretched out his arms and took the package. "I am Ryan. It's a pleasure to meet you. Please, sit down and refresh yourself." Ryan gestured towards a chair.

"Have you any idea what's in here?" Ryan asked Phoenix while showing him the box.

"None at all." Phoenix admitted. "Do you?"

"No..." Ryan said, "That's why I asked you. So I could save myself the trouble of opening it. I've never particularly enjoyed opening packages..."

Phoenix gave a simple nod as if this all made perfect sense.

"Well, I suppose I'd better open it eh?" Ryan said.

"That would be the normal course of action." Phoenix replied.


And now, all shall be revealed. I had to tie this back into the beginning, so it won't be as dumb as many probably hoped.


Ryan tore into the box with a mad fury. Phoenix instinctively walked back a few steps, it's not everyday you see a man tear into a box with a mad fury.

Suddenly, Ryan stopped. The remains of the box lay all around him. Ryan's face went from startled, to inquisitive, to one of deep understanding in seconds. Phoenix quietly walked towards Ryan to look over his shoulder at the thing he'd been delivering.

Ryan held it up for him to see.

"It's... a gold Uzi..." Phoenix managed to get out.

"Not just any gold Uzi. THE gold Uzi." Ryan replied, "Long ago, probably before you came to work at Massassi, there was a great troll battle. One in which the TACC was called on to help with. On the very last day of that battle, Brian and myself came across two of these Uzis. Together, we fought and lead our peoples to a most glorious victory. When all was over, I handed him my Uzi and told him should my services and the services of my people ever be needed again, to send this Uzi back to me. I would respond promptly and bring all my men to his disposal."

Phoenix stood there silently for several minutes before speaking.

"Oh. So I take it this means Massassi is in deep s**t?" Phoenix asked.

"In a manner of speaking, yes." Ryan replied, "I'll tell you what I know."

Ryan settled back into his desk and dimmed the lights of the room. He pressed a button on his desk, which split the floor and raised a very large holo-projector.

"Well... That explains SOME of the space." Phoenix said.

Ryan pressed another button and several aisles of rack mounted weapons and ammo raised from the floor.

Phoenix was stunned.

"I suppose that, uhm... explains the rest..." He managed to get out.

Ryan loaded up several intelligence reports and displayed them on the holo-projector.

"Several weeks ago," He began, "Probably one week after you left on your journey, the spirit of one Exar Kun was reanimated and began a slow take over of the lands surrounding the Temple. Within a few short days, he had mobilized an army of shadow-soldiers and had a strong perimeter setup. As if Kun wasn't enough already, The Lord Juztyn has decided to pick this moment to strike as well. His troops are still mobilizing but are already moving towards Minas Equalith, a halfway point between the Massassi Temple and TACC, if you don't cut through the Lands of Juz, as you did. Once Minas Equalith falls, all hell will rain down upon Massassi. So far, they have a good defense holding up against Kun and his shadow soldiers. But they're pinned in there, and can't last forever. This is the up swing of an earlier battle in which Kun's shadow-soldiers nearly did take the Temple. Brain was forced to flee with the help of another Massassian, Zloc Vergo, but later received word that the Temple was back in complete possession of the Massassians and returned under cover of night."

Ryan paused for a moment to let the news sink in.

"Now, it is rumored," He continued, "That Kun is attacking with the sole purpose of killing you. He doesn't know you aren't there. This could all change if you aren't careful. Lord Juztyn is attacking purely because he can. The RBots you and your group have run into are of his doing. If you thought RBot 2 in his 2.0 state of was bad, you really won't want to hear this."

Ryan paused again, collected himself, and moved on.

"Not but three days ago, Brian was in contact with a Spy inside Juztyn's domain. He reported being near a laboratory, and further reported that the contents and people working inside, thirty of whom were skilled coggers plugged directly into Juztyn's mainframe, were developing a new RBot. Version 3.0. HE reported it as being more heavily armed than any walking soldier he'd ever come across, and nearly indestructible. Shortly after, he was told to pull out, but, as is understandable, became terrified and lost his extraction point. At some point during this, the RBot 3.0 was released and killed the Spy. His gear self-destructed. The current status of the project is unknown, but should still be considered in progress. After Brian got this information, he relayed it to me on a tight-band signal."

Ryan switched off the holo-projector and lowered it back into the floor while raising the lights. Phoenix stood staring straight ahead where the projector stood moments before. His hands were fists, his jaw set. He had the look of a man who has finally been pushed to the very edge and is trying as hard as he can to hold back from killing everything in sight.

Phoenix turned around.

"What's the game plan?" He inquired in a very steady low voice.

Ryan nodded.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll round up as many soldiers and men as I can and we move out towards Minas Equalith. We'll deal with Juztyn first. He is the most immediate threat. Massassi can hold out on Kun and his shadow-soldiers for that much longer. From there, we round up what remaining men we have left, and rally the people of Minas Equalith to come to our aid as well. We should have more than enough man power then to push Kun back... and, with luck, destroy him."

Ryan looked up towards Phoenix. He'd seen than same look before on too many faces during the Troll wars. For some, it was a sign of imminent mental breakdown. For others it was shear determination. Ryan felt sure Phoenix was the latter.

Phoenix said quietly to himself, "Part 2 is over... Part 3, begins now."

"I suggest you get some rest," Ryan said, "I know it'll be hard, but do what you can to relax."

Phoenix turned to walk out of the room.

"Oh," Ryan began again, "One more thing. Brief your men. I know it's a hard thing to tell them, but it needs to be done. You're the man to do it."

"Yes sir." Phoenix said, "I thank you for telling me. I am quite sure your help in this matter will not go unpaid."

"Pay, Phoenix, is the last thing on my mind. Get some rest." Ryan said.

Phoenix opened the large doors and walked out a different man. Myndwarf immediately knew how Phoenix felt. He himself had heard the news not 2 days before. Happydud and Outlaw, however, hadn't a clue. Phoenix walked straight up to Myndwarf, Outlaw and Happydud had the sense to not bother Phoenix. Anything that troubled him they'd find out in due time.

"Where are our rooms?" Phoenix asked.

"Down three floors," Myndwarf said, "Section 38 Alpha, Rooms 32-35."

The group walked to the elevator and proceeded to their rooms.

The final battle, was gearing up.


I leave it in the hands of Myn to get us to Minas Equalith. From there we battle. I'm thinking Helms Deep and Battle of Gondor here. And, I think I'll throw in a little surprise. Something no one will expect.

Frogblast the Vent Core!

--End of Line--
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-03-15, 4:23 PM #120
NSP (not sure if you use them here, but oh, well): It seems i came in close to the end of this, unless you decide to make anoutehr storyline, in which case i will join in more fully. however, as for now, i don't want to mess the story up, so jsut use me at the battle at Minus Equilith. I wan't him to be a fast and strong warrior with a preferance for knives, but not so good that i'll end up messing up the battle. i'll write for the battle once it starts if you guys are alright with that.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis


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