Noble Outlaw woke up with the sound of sizzling, hobbit music, and the smell of food.
"Mmmm..." Noble growned sleepily. "Hobbit food?"
"Yes! It worked," Edward said. "Cooking some nice breakfast, playing some song he knows as ambient, just as the person wakes up and the 2 will mix in his head."
"Actually the first word that came into my head before waking up was Lambas Bread," said Noble, waking up.
"Well, you're not far off," replied Edward. "There's a varient in the oven."
Noble managed to open his eyes and looked around. The place had turned a shade of orange. By the looks of things, he'd say that the sun had just risen. He looked around a little more, and spotted where the music was coming from. It was a little drum on a stick. He then began to notice that the quallity of the music wasn't CD quallity, but more like music box filled with small instuments. Then he looked around and spotted Edward by a stove set. He was moving fryingpans around and stirring in pots, and whistling and humming to the music. He then moved down to the oven and took out the bread and put it on a side table. The tent was filling up with all kinds of good sents. Noble wasn't sure if he was still dreaming. Next sound that came was a hiss from liquid hitting something hot and a sniff from Edwrad.
"Sorry..." said Edward with a quiver in his voice. "It's the onion..."
"Can't you block that out?"
"Right... This song cracks me up a bit... 'specially when memories from RotK with Frodo... Leaving... *sniff*"
Just then, the music had stopped and a little 'klunk' from the music drum startled Noble.
"Anyway, breakfast is served!" exclaimed Edward, putting an object on the table. Noble didn't recognise it at first, but as he got up slowly, he saw it was a big plate with Bacon'n'Eggs and a side of fried sausages. Then he saw above that were 5 elevated plates of diferent sizes holding the following: a stack of 16 pancakes, a brick of butter, a stack of 8 pieces of toast, and 16 meatballs. Under the paltes were little cellars containing salt, pepper, and other spices.
On the sides of the table were an assortment of sandwidge food and a bottle of maple syrup. And to his right, a big machine that serves drinks. It contained freshly squeezed orange, apple, pair, strawberry, rawsberry, banana, mango, guava, lemon, lime, water melon, melon, peach, grape, and kiwi juice. How do we know it's freshly sqeezed? Because it says so on the machine. Then lastly, the Lembas bread came, ready sliced.
"You cooked all this?" Noble asked.
"Yes... I wasn't sure how hungry you were after last night's fight, so I cooked up a 5 course meal. Anything you leave, I can store away for a long time."
Noble looked at the eggs and said: "I usually have my eggs over easy."
"DONE!" Edward said, and picked up the eggs with a spatchula. He took them to a fryingpan and flipped them over and spann a nob on the stove. Noble heard sizzling and before his very eyes, the fryingpan turned red. 10 seconds later, Edward turned the nob and took the eggs back to the plate. The fryingpan turned black as quickly as it turned red, and Edward grabbed it to wash it off. Noble started eating, and taking a little of everything at the same time.
Edward looked at Noble, the enviroument, and thought back. The times with his friends.
[begin sentimental music here]
Hawk. A Finnish, trigger happy, gal chasing, car loving, maniac. Spent 10 nights in this tent. 100 nights in random bunkers. Had laughs, had beer, had nice speedy chases through the galexy.
Charlie. AKA, Loket. A big powerful man, known only for his reputation in mass slaughter. The times with him, being his practice dummy, and joins me and Hawk in fun adventures.
Danne. Our practice dummy. A nice little Swedish country boy that's always being sort of clumsy. Also joining in our fun with bruskies and laughs.
With that final thought, Edward was looking at a picture of the four of them cramped in a sofa the shape of the back of an old classic Cadillac.
"Friends of yours?" Noble asked.
"Yeah." replied Edward. "'Tis been a month now since I saw them last. I was going to, like, look after the Massassi Temple. Hawk," Edward said, pointing at a person wearing a jeans jacket and a small celtic sword around his neck, shoving off a small Red-neck looking guy wearing a black and yellow T-shirt, "was thinking of joining the place, but he was too busy. Always jumping off to some new adventure. I brought him over for visiting at some points. Showed him some fun pictures, some fun news, and he said he'd consider it."
"Hm... He sounds interesting. Could be fun to have another Finnish person in the community."
"Yeah... One problem though. You won't be able to understand him once he rambles in Finnish."
"I could learn it!"
"But you'll never catch it."
"You done?"
"Yeah. Can't eat any more."
Edward stepped over to the table, hovered his hand over the dishes, and they disappeared in a cloud of glitter.
"Shall we?" Edward asked, gestering to the exit.
Noble walked out and Edward followed. Noble takes a deep breath and looks around. They see that they did more damage to the trees than expected. All apart from what Boco and Boko did.
"So, where were you headed before this insident?" asked Nobel.
"I was heading for Minus Equilith to get some news from those parts," replied Edward, leaning on a tent pole.
"Minus Equilith? But that's where all the Massassians are at. And Brian."
"Really? Well, let's go join them." And with that last word completed, the tent folded up into his spine and he started walking and
OK... Something's happening. What shall happen while we walk to ME? Or, if anyone wishes, what happened while we were sleeping/watching a Bocko fight/having breakefast.