Repeatedly killing shadow-soldiers, Corstar and Xizor start counting kills.
"Got one....34." Corstar said as he reloaded the repeating rifle.
"one...two...three, i got 29." Xizor said sighting in a headshot.
Corstar spun as he heard gunfire in the lobby.
"They came around behind us...THEY MADE IT INSIDE!" Corstar running to zloc. "come on get all your men to follow me."
Zloc, Corstar , xizor and the remaining soldiers that hadn't been hit ran down the stairs as fast as they could.
Reaching the bottom they saw two solders with a .50 cal machine gun trying vainly to hold off the shadow troops.
Not saying a word, Corstar grabed the other 2 foot sword out of the hand of the solder next to him and charged the shadow soldiers busting the door down.
*twenty minutes later*
Slicing through another soldier Corstar leaned up up against the bullet ridden piller.
"How many of these guys are there?" He said as Zloc backed into Corstar.
"Who knows... just kill em all." Zloc said as he shot a few soldiers close to him with his .45.
Spinning out into the shadow-soldiers, Corstar sent heads and arms flying everywhere.
"Please keep all hands and arms to your selfs gentle peoples" Corstar said as his sword colided with another persons sword. "Zloc?"
"You wissssssh.... prepaaaaaaair to die." Pugler said as he drew his second sword.
"Um... crud." Corstar said as he pulled out his nano machine pistol in one hand and his short sword in the other. "EAT THIS."
Corstar fired a dozen rounds at pugler but by the time they left the barrel pugler was right infront of Corstar.
"no using guns thats cheeeating." Pugler said as he cut the end off of Corstar's gun.
"Um... timeout?" Corstar said as he looked at the smoking ruins of the barrel.
Taking out his other short sword Zloc had given him, Corstar took the blade that he had gotten from the solder and stabbed at pugler. After 5 minutes of good sword stabbing and deflections the two were nearly exausted.
"Remind me to exercise more." Corstar said as he glanced at the large cut on his arm.
"You won't neeeed to in the after life." Pugler said with a hiss.
Zloc bounced around in the background slicing shadow-soldiers head's off and xizor lay on the ground in shock from a bullet to the thigh.
Corstar dropped to the ground and kicked out, kicking puglers legs out from under him. Quickly jumping up corstar spun his sword around and stabbed Pugler in the chest.
"See you in later." Corstar said as sheathed one of the swords.
Turning around with heroic music blaring, Corstar winced as a bullet went through his other arm.
"Um...ow." Corstar said as he fell to the ground. "medic?"
Corstar vainly fought as a shadow-soldier grabbed him and pulled him into a shadow transpertation hole with Xizor.
Zloc still fighting cut another solder in half then slowly gave ground up the stairs.
"Help would be good about now." Zloc said as a bullet went past his head. Dodging swords and random bullets, zloc dropped a grenade down the steps and ran like heck up towards brian's room.
Bursting into the room zloc grabbed brian despite his protests, ran at the window and broke through it falling down into the tree where Corstar had fallen earlyer in the thread.
"You son of a..." Brian started as Zloc stuck his hand over his mouth.
"Quiet...unless you have a few hundred rounds and a small M-60 in that suit of yours we'll be sitting here for a while."
*In a completely unknown place.*
Corstar slowly woke up in a large cell where around ten random massassians including Kedri and Xizor were lieing around or playing cards.
"Where the heck am I?" Corstar said as he leaned up. "Heaven?"
Kedri laid down a full house and took in the rocks that looked like pokerchips. "No... you're in the shadow dimention. A curious place on where most evil dwells when killed... Read em and weep boys."
Corstar stood up and looked around the cell, walking around the room he didn't notice a door.
"How... do we get out." Corstar said as he punched a wall.
"You don't ,son." A soldier said. "I've been in here since the first time they tried to take the massassi temple over, new guys just apear over night with a new bed... the room also seems to get larger."
Looking around Corstar saw the gameboy SP on his bunk and started messing with the wiring.
*in the massassi temple, brian's room.*
Sitting in Brian's chair, Exar Kun sighed. "Soon If all this works out right, and I get that mail back. I will be restored to my physical form...."
A shadow captain entered the room.
"Send out a few speeders worth of troops and catch this...mailman. I want the mail he has on him... and i want it undamaged." Exar said as he waved at the door. "Oh yes... and tell the warden to kill Corstar... He has been trouble long enough."
Exar slowly smoked a cigar and a beacon flamed up on the nearest mountian.
battle for helms deep done... do as you wish with anyone but, corstar,kedri,brian and zloc... you can make xizor kill him self or win poker, you can stage bad attempts THAT FAIL to retake the massassi temple [none shall win except phoenix
] and so on... Ohyeah and someone make pugler respawn or some thing be creative." [i/]
[This message has been edited by Lt_myn_skyhopper (edited January 31, 2004).]