Now before anybody jumps down my throat for being a troll, let me explain what a parody is.
n., pl. 1. a humourous imitation of a serious writing. A parody follows the form of the original, but changes it's sense to nonsense, thus making fun of the characteristics of the original.
2. any work of art that makes fun of another.
3. a poor imitation.
Now that site is not racist. It is mocking the misconceptions that many Caucasians have about people that are not Caucasian. It shows that people jump to conclusions, and try to force their own ways on others. It's about control.
In my opinion racism is a derivative of fear. People will always fear what they do not understand if they do not have an open mind.
Now saying; "They hate me because I'm black" is a racist thought, because, putting an opinion on someone that is different than you, is called “stereotyping”. And for all one would know they would hate one because one is a royal pain in the *** . Certainly there are those that are indeed of that persuasion, but many – if not most - are not.
On the other side of this spectrum is this, "They will hate me because I'm white, black people hate white people". That's an assumption based on nonsense. It's stereotyping. Placing an opinion on someone because of their skin colour is called "racial profiling". And "racial profiling" is just a fancy-smancy word the U.S. Government made up to replace "Racism" to have an excuse in the fight against terrorism. But let's not go there, ok?
Racism is based in fear and in lack of control. As long as there are humans about, there will be racism. Because fear and lack of understanding runs rampant. As long as fear and idiocy exist, you will get the final product of these ingredients.
[This message has been edited by Insipid (edited March 03, 2004).]