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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Patch for JK.exe::: No Thing Limit!
Patch for JK.exe::: No Thing Limit!
2004-12-10, 1:42 PM #41
Originally posted by Freelancer
WTF? Why is this in the EULA?

I'm assuming they're talking about LEC games other than Jedi Knight?

I could be wrong, but I would assume it's a loop hole for them in case something like Flirbnic said with the scumm thing happens.
where their doing something that LEC doesn't like but isn't illegal they might be able to get them to stop based on something else.

don't know if that's true but it's my guess
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2004-12-10, 1:45 PM #42
Originally posted by Ford
If that were the case then why did they have no problems? if it were illegal, why would LEC leave that project alone, and not this one?

Say you break into my house and steal something. Do I have to prosecute you? No.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-12-10, 1:47 PM #43
good point
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2004-12-10, 1:49 PM #44
has anyone even tried throwning an email in LA's direction about this?
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2004-12-10, 1:51 PM #45
I tried but they don't give you the slightest bit of a useful email address on their website. :\

I did create this thread, though.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-12-10, 1:52 PM #46
Good idea. If someone wants to, I advise them to post it here for revision. You need something concise and informative that LEC corporate ********s can understand.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-12-10, 1:56 PM #47
Frankly I don't see the contraversy here. I tried to email them, but that was before seeing the reverse engineering clause in the EULA. Now, there's no point, since it is against the license agreement. What is there to debate?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-12-10, 1:57 PM #48
...whether or not they care anymore?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-12-10, 1:59 PM #49
Whether it should be posted on as far as I'm concerned.

[And whether I'll be banned from forums and whatnot for honnoring something illegal :p]
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-10, 2:02 PM #50
Fair enough Emon, but ask some corporate idiot who is disassociated with JK if you can break the EULA and you'll get a big fat no (and probably be threatened with legal action should you proceed).
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-12-10, 2:04 PM #51

So just release it and don't tell them. If they come knocking on your door, remove it.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-12-10, 2:05 PM #52
^^I'm with Stupid^^ :p
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-10, 2:07 PM #53
This is nowhere near as big as ScummVM, I doubt LEC would notice or even bother spending the money on legal action. Maybe they would because they're pricks like that, maybe they wouldn't. Just host the damn thing anyway.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-12-10, 2:10 PM #54
It's entirely possible that LEC's legal department just never learned of the XWA modification. Keep in mind, the legal (and marketing) departments of a big game developing company don't necessarily have the same principles as the people who actually make the games. They rarely want what's best for the customers.

If LEC's legal department has someone who isn't a sociopath, maybe you can get legal permission to do this.
I'm just a little boy.
2004-12-10, 2:10 PM #55
lol, only for you Emon :D

There. :p Let the flood of bandwith stolen from TDiR begin!
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-10, 2:17 PM #56
HR, what the hell are you doing lurking on this thread all day... now thats it's hosted, GET BACK TO TDiR!
The Gas Station
2004-12-10, 2:22 PM #57
Actually, I've already experimented with TDiR and this, and it's sweet. :D

I have to goto bed now, I have to be at work in 6 hours. I was just waiting for the next post after my last one. ;)
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-10, 2:24 PM #58
Haha, i've been *****ing about this for years.

Well, i mention the thing limit, and it's negative impact on the otherwise sweet idea for a mod. ;)

Sleep! _-_zzZZ
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-10, 2:25 PM #59
[Banned after one post. Nice going!]

2004-12-10, 2:27 PM #60
Someones on there way to banland.
2004-12-10, 2:35 PM #61
I like him.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-12-10, 2:36 PM #62
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-12-10, 2:40 PM #63
Not a problem for me -- for it didn't work. I'm betting that it's a memory protection issue in Windows Longhorn 4074.
"And lo, let us open up into the holy book of Proxy2..." -genk
His pot is blacker than his kettle!
2004-12-10, 2:41 PM #64
Is it just me or the new comers getting more stupid.
2004-12-10, 2:42 PM #65
Mirrored for support.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-12-10, 2:46 PM #66
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
[url="KIRBY'S HARD DRIVE LOL"]Mirrored[/url] for support.
2004-12-10, 3:22 PM #67
Because I just used the address bar as an FTP client and uploaded off of my HD, then when doing the [url=] I just ctrl+v the coppied location of the file.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2004-12-10, 3:44 PM #68
uh.. just one small point. I diddnt read page 2 but to freelancer: Kicker helper has to read/write to memory locations to do what it does (rename people).

This would be no different (provided we diddnt edit jk.exe). The author of jk kicker helper obviously had to disassemble jk.exe.

[/drunkenated rant[
2004-12-10, 3:47 PM #69
I'm with the drunk... you can't make one if you can't make the other.
2004-12-10, 3:47 PM #70
Okay.. that is still against the EULA though.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-12-10, 3:48 PM #71
Do I hear an "I" for never mentioning the EULA again? :p
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-10, 3:50 PM #72
Originally posted by Emon
To answer DeT's question, yes, you could up the (128?) adjoin limit, but it wouln't make anything render faster.

That shouldn't be a problem, whenever i've hit the adjoin limit it's been long before I would be experiencing bad framerates. I made a corkscrew using perfect-polygon techniques and the framerates were very good but the adjoin limit was being hit all the time.

As for the legality, you could argue that Hell Raiser's unnamed friend has done the illegal bit, having a copy of the hacked exe would also be illegal. But hosting/distributing a file that patches the exe would be fine, thereby removing the host's liability.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2004-12-10, 3:52 PM #73
Originally posted by Freelancer
Okay.. that is still against the EULA though.

I'm pretty sure no one cares quite frankly. The most they will do is tell us to stop, and then we will. But they will probably ignore it/never hear about it.
2004-12-10, 4:12 PM #74
Mirrored for support.


I find this all to be very exciting. I just wish that LEC would recognize the fact that many of us are bored with virtually every game released after JK/MotS. Also, send the file to JediNights, they have a bazillion files that break the EULA.
2004-12-10, 4:15 PM #75
Originally posted by Freelancer
...The RVTCS is more than enough to handle most needs...

While I appreciate the love, HR is right. My way sucks. His way rules.

I whole-heartedly support this. And if you worried about the legality of it, just make the patch not say *anything* about jk.exe, or even point to it on its own. Make the user do it... ;)
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2004-12-10, 4:19 PM #76
Another mirror, not that its really needed... ;)
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2004-12-10, 4:23 PM #77
I love this thread
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2004-12-10, 4:31 PM #78
Technically illegal, but THIS long after release? Go for it.
2004-12-10, 5:04 PM #79
I don't understand. Wasn't the point of using a "patcher" program to get around the obvious illegality of distributing a modified .EXE? If no one seems to care anymore about the EULA or anything, why not just edit everything we want into the jk.EXE and distribute that? Is one method more of a violation of the EULA than the other?

I'm probably missing something, here.
2004-12-10, 5:10 PM #80
Distributing jk.exe is definetly worse than a patcher.
Not sure why
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.

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