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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Patch for JK.exe::: No Thing Limit!
Patch for JK.exe::: No Thing Limit!
2004-12-14, 12:53 AM #161
In jed, if it's going too slow with all those things, try switching the wireframe mode to OpenGL. Tools->options->environment->wireframe view using OpenGL. This is a lot faster for me...had a test level with about 24000 things in it :)
Air Master 3D (my iPhone game)
My Programming Website
2004-12-14, 1:52 AM #162
I'm very interested in seeing if something can't be done about that visable adjoin limit and face limit... but thing limit is a step in the right direction!!
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2004-12-14, 3:52 AM #163
All this makes the baby jesus gurgle happily.

This rocks.
2004-12-14, 6:09 AM #164
eeeeess good!

1600 stormies... phwoar

hopefully no-one will tell that guy who is apparently working on Planet Sith 3...
2004-12-14, 6:42 AM #165
[too many windows, not enough concentration. Nothing to see here, move along]
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-14, 12:58 PM #166
Would it be possible to turn jk into a real time strategy game?
Why are girls in german "its"? -Wolfgang
Cause' the german god said so. - Fritz
2004-12-14, 1:19 PM #167
Would it ever!
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-14, 1:23 PM #168
methinks i will at least look into some of the cogging required to make jk into a rts
Why are girls in german "its"? -Wolfgang
Cause' the german god said so. - Fritz
2004-12-14, 4:34 PM #169
I just did a test using this patch. It consited of a level I made that had 2000 barrels that I was able to blow up. The game didn't chrash. I shot one in the middle, it blew up about 30 or so around it, and just spred through the whole wall. I was walking backwards after shooting the middle one (I was a ways away when I spawned) and as they blew, it froze for a second. and kept doing that untill there were only like 15 left in one corner. I just had the need to do this..I really don't know why, I just think it's cool. Tomorrow or so I may make a button and when I hit it it will shoot sticky-rails at the barrels in 5 diffrent spots.
All is fair in love and war.
2004-12-14, 8:15 PM #170
<3 Daft!!!!!!!!!!!

That is sooooo awesome! I laughed myself silly!
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-12-14, 8:28 PM #171
Originally posted by Jarkota
Daft, can you supply a copy of this mass carnage thingie of yours? I would love to see if my comp can handle 1600 objects at once (if it can, I would sooooo try my hardest to make some levels for JK that used the patch). Again, I only want this for testing purposes (and because I'm a slaughter freak).

Hereeeeeeee ya go. Stormie Slaughter like no other. :)

(forgive the random file name, I didn't realize I'd be releasing this level when I made it)
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2004-12-15, 3:10 PM #172
YAY! Can't wait to field test this baby. (Oh, and if you decide to finish it and release it, the name "Custer" might be appropriate, if you get what I mean.)
I can't work with JED or JKEdit, I can't make skins or 3DOs, and I know zilch about HTML coding and cogging. But I *CAN* build a quality computer for less than what Dell or Gateway charges. That counts for SOMEthing, right? Right?
2004-12-15, 5:38 PM #173
Hi guys.

Somehow I missed this thread and just saw the news post...

Good work! The hard limit to the number of things in JK was the on the biggest killer of Rbots. Anyone willing to ressurect it now? I can give anyone help if they need it.

Pagewizard_YKS: "making your own lightsaber doesn't make you a nerd... "
Raynar - the man with a 10.75" ePenis
2004-12-15, 6:18 PM #174
Actually, I really shouldn't get myself into this as I've already too much to do. AGHA sorry :(
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2004-12-16, 5:29 AM #175
Isn't this basically a memory leak?
2004-12-16, 5:46 AM #176
EULA's have never been tested in court anyway. Technically they might not stand up because they modify the agreement after purchase, and you usually can't bring back software...
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2004-12-16, 5:47 AM #177
Jon`C, what ever happened to JK2?
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2004-12-16, 5:49 AM #178
Yes, what did happen? :p
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-16, 9:26 AM #179
I did some experimenting last night, the thing limit still exists post-startup... I think its only around 250, did you already know the patch would just effect things placed in the JKL?

I don't know if I am misinterpreting the function of this patch, but in order to do all these things like advanced particle effects and what not, those would require the limit of dynamically created things to be broken, not the static things you put in a JKL.

But it's strange, because I ran the custard level myself and JK had no problem keeping track of 1600 enemies, and creating new things after that (concussion bullets, etc), so I'm confused.

Either way I'm sure theres a workaround... this is JK.
2004-12-16, 10:00 AM #180
The thing limit applies to every object in the game, created or static. What limit did you hit? (you said everything worked?) And what did you do to hit it?
Jedi Knight Enhanced
Freelance Illustrator
2004-12-16, 10:26 AM #181
See for yourself:

(attachment below)

It attempts to create 1600 objects when you activate the console (I put Bossk as the object to make) but it only makes around 200, and because this is the apparent limit, no more projectiles can be made afterwords, so they cant hurt you.

The last successful thing # to be created is displayed at the top, which seems to be 200.
2004-12-16, 11:10 AM #182
Right, what the patcher does, is allow you to be able to set a higher limit for things in a level.jkl down there at World Things.
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-16, 11:11 AM #183
I'll see if my friend can have JK.exe ignore the level.jkl limit, and set a constant limit of 32,000 or so.
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-16, 12:31 PM #184
only 32000 :) Why not go all out. I mean, JK set a limit of 640 saying that no one would ever need more than that. Just think, in 10 more years, someone will ask why there's only 32000, then have to rehack it to make it bigger :p
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2004-12-16, 12:39 PM #185
I told him to make it some reasonably insane ammount, like the largest int or long limit, you know?
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-16, 12:41 PM #186
Yay for snowballs!
Hazard a company one process.
2004-12-16, 1:46 PM #187
Originally posted by Hell Raiser
I told him to make it some reasonably insane ammount, like the largest int or long limit, you know?
2004-12-16, 2:50 PM #188
By then anyone will easily be able to hack into jk and change whatever so I wouldn't worry :p
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-12-16, 3:52 PM #189
He was being sarcastic...
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-12-16, 4:25 PM #190
Originally posted by Warehouse
See for yourself:

(attachment below)

It attempts to create 1600 objects when you activate the console (I put Bossk as the object to make) but it only makes around 200, and because this is the apparent limit, no more projectiles can be made afterwords, so they cant hurt you.

The last successful thing # to be created is displayed at the top, which seems to be 200.
they die when they fall :(
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2004-12-16, 6:59 PM #191
Whoah, I didn't know these forums let guests post, until I saw Warehouse' post. I guess I learn something new about these forums every day. :eek:
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2004-12-16, 8:18 PM #192
This is Warehouse, I wasn't a guest, but since I registered here after the database backup deal, my 'Warehouse' account seems to be in limbo, and I guess has been demoted to guest.

Anyway, for the thing limit, it appears in JK things are addressed seperately as world and dynamic, but indexed together, for some reason... I guess I'll have some research to do, and perhaps will start a new topic later in the showcase, cause i can't wait to make some cool stuff with this.
2004-12-16, 8:49 PM #193
Don't know if it helps, but JK refers to them as "free objects" with a standard limit of 200, unless edited. You can see how many you have by looking at the ingame stats (dispstats if I remember right) and it is the number right before "fo" (free objects).
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2004-12-16, 9:56 PM #194
the reason why you could only create 200 is because by default jed will create the jkl to have room for 200 additional objects. If you open up the the .jkl file in a text editor and go to
Section: Things
World things 202
you can just change that number 202 to something higher to allow for room for more
The objects are all done together, jk doesn't care about dynamic/static
Air Master 3D (my iPhone game)
My Programming Website
2004-12-17, 5:04 PM #195
I'm little late in posting after you guys already started enjoying it, as well as I don't even have JK anymore, but just wanted to say couple things.

First thing, if having this patcher is against EULA, you shouldn't be doing it. We're not laywers, so we don't know 100% sure though.

But it just looks to me like, you guys are plain excited about your hobby and forgetting about the real world rules.

I suspect most of you are still teenagers(and I'm still 22) but if you think you can go with 'no one sees me', 'who gives crap' kind of attitude all your way, you'll surely be in big trouble when you're in business.

Look at all the patents out there. From really trivial ones to general kind of stuff. You can't just put some of those patents in your product and say 'wow, my product got so better' and forget about it.

I don't know why Massassi would even put this debatable stuff on top news.

I didn't even read the EULA myself, but if the JK anti-cheat program is against EULA, I'll be happy to take it down from my site.
2004-12-17, 5:06 PM #196
Originally posted by Hideki
I'm little late in posting after you guys already started enjoying it, as well as I don't even have JK anymore, but just wanted to say couple things.

First thing, if having this patcher is against EULA, you shouldn't be doing it. We're not laywers, so we don't know 100% sure though.

But it just looks to me like, you guys are plain excited about your hobby and forgetting about the real world rules.

I suspect most of you are still teenagers(and I'm still 22) but if you think you can go with 'no one sees me', 'who gives crap' kind of attitude all your way, you'll surely be in big trouble when you're in business.

Look at all the patents out there. From really trivial ones to general kind of stuff. You can't just put some of those patents in your product and say 'wow, my product got so better' and forget about it.

I don't know why Massassi would even put this debatable stuff on top news.

I didn't even read the EULA myself, but if the JK anti-cheat program is against EULA, I'll be happy to take it down from my site.

you care about the law waaaaaaay too much. LEC deserves to eat s*** if they give us trouble over this.
2004-12-17, 5:10 PM #197
As i've been saying since the beginning of this thread, patching the .exe directly violates the EULA however if we modified the memory locations while jk.exe is running it's not against the EULA.
2004-12-17, 5:49 PM #198
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS
you care about the law waaaaaaay too much. LEC deserves to eat s*** if they give us trouble over this.

I am proud of you, you will go far in life with that attitiude.

Actually, that comment displays the maturity of an 11 year old. Grow up.
2004-12-17, 6:11 PM #199
Originally posted by RN2804
I am proud of you, you will go far in life with that attitiude.

Actually, that comment displays the maturity of an 11 year old. Grow up.

I will indeed go far in the world.

Some people sure can be overly compliant with The Man. An EULA is merely a document written by lawyers... their lawyers... to f*** you over as hard and fast as they can. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time accepting that with good nature. The worst part is, once oyu open the software box, you can't take it back (at least not to the stores around here) , so they have you over a barrel if you don't agree to the EULA.
2004-12-17, 6:19 PM #200
I want a kebab.

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